Thriller Killer: Michael Jackson Game Comes With Glove You Can't Use

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Thriller Killer: Michael Jackson Game Comes With Glove You Can't Use

Receiving freebies with a "special edition" of a game is nothing new, but a Michael Jackson game that can't be enjoyed with the bundled, bedazzled glove is just crazy.

According to [user]Susan Arendt[/user] who got to cut a rug to Smooth Criminal when she played Michael Jackson The Experience (MJE) at E3 this year, the game is actually pretty fun. You dance to Micheal Jackson songs while holding the Wii Remote, and while it's not exactly as intuitive as Kinect's Dance Central, the game benefits from the King of Pop's amazingly catchy oeuvre. Putting a shiny glove into every box was a stroke of genius, the image of Micheal Jackson as the Gloved One is how most of us remember him. But cracking open the box, you immediately see a glaring warning label shouting at you to not have fun with the included glove.

"Important: Glove is not to be used during gameplay," the warning reads in large friendly letters.


You might as well put a sign in the box that says, "Do not enjoy this product." What possible other application is there for a single white glove covered in silver rhinestones? Dancing around, pretending to be Michael Jackson while not playing his branded game?

I get it. Putting on the glove and holding a Wii Remote, I could see how there may be some safety issues. Holding a piece of plastic with a glove covered in small plastic gems doesn't exactly give you a kung fu grip. There could be some slippage, and an expensive TV could get busted or your cousin Tony could get a Wii Remote in the face.

But still, I question the wisdom of bundling a fancy prop in your game box with such a huge killjoy warning label on it. It could have at least been worded in a much more entertaining manner. "This is not Michael Jackson's actual glove." Or maybe, "Be sure to remove glove before going into public." That at least would be practical advice.

Meh, I went ahead and played the game while wearing it anyway.



Fluttershy has a mean K:DR
May 19, 2009
Greg Tito said:
Meh, I went ahead and played the game while wearing it anyway.

But what about Health and Safety!?

OT: Companies covering their behinds incase someone does do something to afore mentioned Tony or TV :p


New member
May 25, 2008
Of course everyone's going to wear it while playing the game. Or maybe use it as a halloween prop for when they dress up as zombie Michael Jackson next year.

Point is, what the hell are you supposed to do with it otherwise? Wear it while you mas- wait, no I shouldn't go there >.>


New member
May 22, 2009
9_6 said:
It's a disclaimer because some asshole will sue nintendo over slippery gloves just like some asshole sued mcdonalds over finding out that their coffee is actually hot.

They're just covering themselves should some money-greedy moron hurt themselves while wearing the glove.

Physics Engine

New member
Aug 18, 2010
I came to this thread hoping that the glove was like the Halo 3 helmet: big enough for your cat...

Now my cat will be angry that the glove won't fit him.

Poor kitty.

Still funny though.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
It's too bad this didn't come out while Mikey was still alive. Would have rocked to see him promote the game.
As it is anything marketed on MJ gives me ulcers when I know who it is doing all the licensing and getting the money.

And Greg, I tip my hat to your method of sticking it to the Man.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
What you do with any of the extras that come in video game boxes is a topic of some debate. Some are quite cool, but ultimatly impractical. I chalk the MJ glove up there with those. I also tend to agree that the warning was probably a bit much.

That said, I'm still disturbed that there is a market for this game. I understand MJ had a lot of fans, but at the same time this is a guy who dangled a baby out the window, and settled on multiple child molestation charges for so much money that any innocent person would logically have been fighting if they were really innocent. Not to mention that during investigations they found that the guy really did have a pervo-throne room set up behind a secret door, security cameras outside his bed room, and other things.

I have nothing against his music (especially the early stuff), but when it comes to people wearing his glove, and acting out being him in a video game... I dunno, to me that strikes me as being just plain wrong given the things we know. It seems like his death has erased all of the things that were catching up with him, and somehow restored his image.

Opinions vary, but I'll be honest in saying that while I was once a fan, right now MJ is one of those celebrities that I think should stay comfortably buried (so to speak).


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Chrono212 said:
Greg Tito said:
Meh, I went ahead and played the game while wearing it anyway.

But what about Health and Safety!?

OT: Companies covering their behinds incase someone does do something to afore mentioned Tony or TV :p
Oh yes compaines saying retarded things is new oh be careful coffee is hot.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
You know it's just to cover their asses in the event someone does play the game with the glove on and sends a Wii Remote or 2 through a TV and then decides to call their lawyer. And you just know someone would.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Shame it supposedly won't come with the Kinect version, as it would be perfectly safe and might even improve the tracking :D
Apr 28, 2008
9_6 said:
It's a disclaimer because some asshole will sue nintendo over slippery gloves just like some asshole sued mcdonalds over finding out that their coffee is actually hot.
In that McDonalds case, the coffee was hotter then what was actually safe. When spilled, the person required intensive surgery and skin grafts. Yes coffee is hot, but it should not be so hot that it causes scalding burns that require surgery.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
I heard that the glove is going to be compatible with the Wii games "TSA Terrorist Checker" and "Applying for a clergy position in the Catholic Church".

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Mako SOLDIER said:
Shame it supposedly won't come with the Kinect version, as it would be perfectly safe and might even improve the tracking :D
Dance Central: Michael Jackson edition.

Besides, use the wrist strap on your Wiimote. See? I solved the problem. Well, you might still club your friend if he's too close, but that'll teach him for trying to upstage you.

9_6 said:
It's a disclaimer because some asshole will sue nintendo over slippery gloves just like some asshole sued mcdonalds over finding out that their coffee is actually hot.
A shame that's not what actually happened.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Man, stupid warning labels are fun. Saw one today on a can of compressed air for cleaning a computer: "DO NOT USE ON EARS." Did someone really stick a long red tube in their ear and discharge a blast of high-pressure air?

And HP prints sheets of warning labels for use by technicians who have to replace parts that originally had warning labels. The sheets are in 18 different languages (if you count Traditional & Simplified Chinese as separate, and the two different dialects of English legalese as separate), and are warning that if you use their products, the resulting carpal tunnel isn't their fault. (It doesn't say exactly that, but it warns against "improper ergonomic use" or something. One of the English ones specifically disclaims liability.)


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Why are they ruining the fun? There is no way that people are not going to where that when they play.