Jack Thompson Soldiers On, Calls Names

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Jack Thompson Soldiers On, Calls Names

As his formal disbarment nears, Jack Thompson has decided to appeal to the mercy and compassion of the courts by hurling personal insults at a judge.

Thompson was recently guilty of 27 counts [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/84304] of professional misconduct, including knowingly making false statements, engaging in conduct involving dishonesty and "using means that have no purpose other than to embarrass, delay or burden a third person." Thompson has battled the proceedings, accusing the judge who made the disbarment recommendation of falsifying an oath of loyalty and filing federal lawsuits against the Florida Supreme Court, but none of his efforts thus far have had any effect on his fate.

Sticking with the tactics that have brought him this far, then, Thompson has now written a letter to the Judicial Qualifications Commission in Florida in which he insults Judge Dava Tunis, who presided over his case, and filed a separate motion to have her findings struck down, which he also uses as a vehicle to insult her.

In the letter to the Judicial Qualifications Commission, Thompson questions many of Tunis' actions during the proceedings against him, accusing her of incompetence and claiming, "She is just making this stuff up as she goes, and she is too sloppy to keep track of what she is making up."

"But, hey, it's only my 31-year law career that is at stake here, and her Republican buddy Jeb Bush who put her on the bench has his buddies' Bar complaints in front of her, so you can't really expect her to rise above her entanglements and act like a real judge," he continued. "Finally, maybe there is another explanation here: Maybe Dava Tunis is mentally impaired."

Pointing out that he has undergone psychiatric evaluation in the past in connection with his courtroom foibles, Thompson suggests Tunis should undergo a "battery of psychiatric and psychological tests" to determine her fitness as a judge. "The raving wild woman I saw in the last minutes of our trial in December 2007 in which she stood up behind her bench and was shouting and waving her arms was someone who had become unhinged," he wrote. "Is she still unhinged?"

In a second document, filed with the Florida Supreme Court, Thompson again attacks Judge Tunis, calling her "hopelessly befuddled" and claiming she "couldn't care less if she makes a fool of herself in her headlong pursuit of Thompson as if she were a prosecutor." He even manages to work in an "Earth to Tunis" crack before making a vague threat about her judicial future.

"This Referee, this oathless Tunis, is so out of her judisprudential [sic] mind that she can't even keep her fabrications straight," he wrote. "Welcome to Dava in Wonderland."

Despite this fine display of inspired legal maneuvering, Judge Tunis' final report recommending Thompson's disbarment is still scheduled to go before the Florida Supreme Court in September.

Source: Kotaku [http://kotaku.com/5022949/thompson-calls-judge-raving-wild-woman-unhinged]



New member
Feb 12, 2008
Wow, this guy sure knows how to make friends an influence people. Next thing you know a bunch of loonies will give him a Freedom Award or something...


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Oh c'mon Jack Thompson! Your honor, i object to this kind of behavior. Furthermore, i would like to issue a recess of at least 15 minutes so the people in this court may discuss how fucked up Mr. Thompson is without worry of the words spoken being used against anyone in this court.

All in favor?


Really J.T., how far are you willing to go? This is beggining to get sad if it hasn't allready.

EDIT: After further evaluation, we have concluded that Mr. Thompson is quite possibly a pedophille using games such as Grand Theft Auto 4 to lure kids into his van. We would like to investigate this further and if possible put Mr. thompson on trial for this possibility (Ungh, even i find that in slight bad taste)


New member
Apr 11, 2008
I think that the Escapist, and everyone on here, should put together some kind of on-line signing list for 30 days and put all of our signatures on a "Thank You" letter to the Florida Barr and Judge Tunis. How about it, Escapist. Feel up to it?

the protaginist

New member
Jul 4, 2008
Jhereg42 said:
I think that the Escapist, and everyone on here, should put together some kind of on-line signing list for 30 days and put all of our signatures on a "Thank You" letter to the Florida Barr and Judge Tunis. How about it, Escapist. Feel up to it?
thats a wonderful idea.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
i wonder if he's purposely doing this so that he can plead for insanity later...


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Pebsy said:
i wonder if he's purposely doing this so that he can plead for insanity later...
That would seem to make sense, until you read his letters that continually proclaim that he is perfectly sane.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Random argument man said:
Poor Jack, you were in denial, now you're going in the anger phase. Just wish he hits acceptance already...
Won't that phase be the "Jack Thompson found dead in alleyway, well used copy of GTA IV in hand" phase?

Hey Joe

New member
Dec 23, 2007
It's like watching a celebrity hit the skids, but only I don't feel guilty about it.

fat american

New member
Apr 2, 2008
If I knew how to link to things I would link to a CAD strip that explains why Jack hates Grand Theft Auto so much. It includes alleyways and Grand Theft Auto Pong.

That mental evaluation he took must have been a long time ago because he is definitely not sane anymore! This ranks right up there with Britney's skiing trip down Career Suicide Mountain. Black diamond FTW!


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Biggest sore loser in the history of ever.

If only this was like the Unforgotten Realms episode, eh?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Hey Joe said:
It's like watching a celebrity hit the skids, but only I don't feel guilty about it.
Indeed - I at least felt alittle sorry for Britney, but with Jack, well, pity is about the nearest I get. He's so warped and, if not insane, then malicously angry at the world. And Jack, seriously, you really think -anyone- is going to take your word on who's insane? Really? Although like the old saying 'takes one to know one'

the protaginist said:
Jhereg42 said:
I think that the Escapist, and everyone on here, should put together some kind of on-line signing list for 30 days and put all of our signatures on a "Thank You" letter to the Florida Barr and Judge Tunis. How about it, Escapist. Feel up to it?
thats a wonderful idea.
Indeed, good idea. Seems the USA justice system does actually work.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
You know, that's actually a really good point I never thought of. Jack Thompson or not, a lawyer is getting disbarred for being *dishonest*... kinda warms the heart, no?