Reading this makes me think Russ never played a 90s era PC CD-ROM game. That's not exactly the standard a locked-down console title should be compared too, which is of course the fuel for the article. But, still, I can't think of a console game, even back to the PS1, that didn't have some freeze issue or crash or even just lock up. Not one. Let's not even get started on PC releases since THE BEGINNING OF MAGNETIC MEDIA.
I'm not saying Russ is wrong or that F3:NV didn't deserve some ribbing for meeting content expectations so well while still dropping the ball on completeness in the "smooth ride" area. I'm saying that, compared to Arkham Asylum (which flat melted one of my PS3s), or GTAIV, or RDR, or even Fallout 3 itself, F3:NV only seemed marginally buggier than the _current_ norm. Given the size of the studio, which everyone acknowledges, couldn't they get a lot more slack considering the quality that does exist and the fact that they have come through and delivered in a way that many companies never did or ever will? They weren't guilty, to my knowledge, of the kind of hubris that regularly spurts from, say, Valve or Epic or the like.
For that, crashes and all, I give 'em a big pass. I hope they get to do another Fallout. I'm pretty much positive it will still kick ass on the substantials. I'm also sure that many will find a way to locally calibrate and discover a metric that proves it's shit.
C'est la vie, ceci est guerre, telle est amour, rien est juste.