Capcom Makes New Mario Game For Japan


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Capcom Makes New Mario Game For Japan

Japanese gamers are getting a new Mario Bros. game, but it's only coming to arcades.

There's a new Super Mario Bros. Wii game in Japan, though there's a reason you probably haven't heard about it before this. First of all, the game is an arcade cabinet that has yet to be announced for any other markets. Second, Nintendo licensed the game out to Capcom for development.

The game, New Super Mario Bros. Wii Coin World is a four player game where players compete in mini-games to earn medals. Based on the trailer, platforming doesn't seem like a big part of the title, but there are minigames that seem like <a href=>Memory and something that looks like a cross between a boss battle from the original Nintendo game and Wheel of Fortune.

This might seem like an April Fools' story, but it actually seems pretty legit. Capcom's Japanese site has a full-fledged trailer that you can watch and judge for yourself. What will be interesting to see is if this arcade cabinet eventually makes it overseas to appear here in Western markets.

Source: <a href=>Eurogamer


Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
If it's legit, that's fine with me.

I'd argue their Zelda games for the GBC and GBA were better than ALL of the Nintendo titles, including the 3D ones.

But since this is a mini-game collection, it will probably be shit.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
I went to an arcade in Japan. It was suprisingly lively, though my friend and I were the only females there. We need to recitfy this!
'Scapist girls, Hooooo!

[small]I need to stop making female war crys based on the ThunderCats motto, don't I?[/small]


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
What? No. Stop that. Nintendo, make your own damn Mario games. Capcom, stop working on other people's IPs and go un-cancel and finish Mega Man Universe.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
mjc0961 said:
What? No. Stop that. Nintendo, make your own damn Mario games. Capcom, stop working on other people's IPs and go finish Mega Man Universe.
How can they finish a game they just canceled?



YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
mjc0961 said:
What? No. Stop that. Nintendo, make your own damn Mario games. Capcom, stop working on other people's IPs and go finish Mega Man Universe.
How can they finish a game they just canceled?

Well that's what I meant. Go un-cancel and finish Mega Man Universe. Left out part of my thought there, whoops.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
will1182 said:
Guys, NEVER believe something announced on April Fools is real.
But this could very easily be legit, as Capcom and Nintendo frequently team up.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
A...Japan exclusive, made for arcades only Mario mini-game collection developed by Capcom.

Announced on April 1st

Please tell me no one took this seriously. All those comments have to be some strange april fools jokes themselves, right?


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
A Mario game made by Capcom?

Its either going to be the most sensible game that Capcom's turned out for the last decade, the most stupid awesome Mario game of all time, or a very elaborate April fools joke.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
... Mario isn't Capcom's IP, and I don't think Nintendo's licensed ANYONE to develop the franchise since the disaster that was the CD-I. This is BS.

Erana said:
'Scapist girls, Hooooo!

[small]I need to stop making female war crys based on the ThunderCats motto, don't I?[/small]
Might be a good idea.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
mew4ever23 said:
... Mario isn't Capcom's IP, and I don't think Nintendo's licensed ANYONE to develop the franchise since the disaster that was the CD-I. This is BS.
Well, to be fair, Namco developed Mario Kart games for the arcade. (Where you can play as PAC MAN!)
I really do think this is legit, since I don't think Japan has the same vigor for April First America does. Besides, it's an arcade game, not like we'll ever see it stateside anyway.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
will1182 said:
Which is good, Minish Cap was fantastic. But surely a company would have enough foresight to pick one of the other 364 days of the year to announce something? Logically, it doesn't make sense.
Eh, you'd think. But some companies are just stupid. I remember a couple years back where they announced Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier on April 1st. Thought it was fake; why would they make another game for PSP and not go for the PS3? But yet, here we are and the game was real, came out, and was actually pretty good. So yeah, sometimes companies will put out real news today. Maybe their "prank" is seeing how many people they can trick into thinking it's fake.

mew4ever23 said:
... Mario isn't Capcom's IP, and I don't think Nintendo's licensed ANYONE to develop the franchise since the disaster that was the CD-I. This is BS.
Well, Nintendo still let Capcom make Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, and Minish Cap for the Zelda series after the awful games Zelda got on the CD-i. So still not out of the realm of possibility that Nintendo would trust Capcom to do something like this.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
will1182 said:
Guys, NEVER believe something announced on April Fools is real.
Japan only has a vague idea that April Fool's Day even exists. I'm pretty sure this is a real announcement, as 1. People in Japan are PROBABLY not in a mood to joke around right now and 2. Last year an April Fool's joke about Dragon Quest did NOT go over well.

This isn't the first time Nintendo has licensed off Mario to other companies, nor is this the first time they've licensed off big franchises to other companies. Capcom has worked on Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Minish Cap, and the Link to the Past port with Four Swords. Namco developed Star Fox Assault and the Mario Kart port for arcades. Most of the Mario sport spinoffs are handled by external studios.