8 Apple Products That Were DOA


New member
Apr 10, 2008
8 Apple Products That Were DOA

With the announcement of Apple's iPhone 6, the iPhone 6 Plus, and the iWatch yesterday we are giving you eight products from Apple that didn't turn out as expected. These eight items may look like they should have been a success, but unfortunately Apple usually priced themselves out of the competition. So let's all band together and enjoy some collective schadenfreude at Apple's expense.

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Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Apple have a history of being dicks towards their customers. The difference nowadays is that after the success of the iPhone, they can get away with grossly over-charging their customers in exchange for an incremental increase in performance.

Macs are way too over-priced, and are useful mainly for their software and editing capabilities, and practically nothing else and all iPhones past 3G have just been stagnating things, whilst asking for a ridiculous price.

I also don't get tablets at all, but it doesn't seem like Apple have fucked them up yet.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Sigmund Av Volsung said:
Apple have a history of being dicks towards their customers. The difference nowadays is that after the success of the iPhone, they can get away with grossly over-charging their customers in exchange for an incremental increase in performance.

Macs are way too over-priced, and are useful mainly for their software and editing capabilities, and practically nothing else and all iPhones past 3G have just been stagnating things, whilst asking for a ridiculous price.

I also don't get tablets at all, but it doesn't seem like Apple have fucked them up yet.
It's always fun to find someone else who doesn't like Apple stuff. :)

As for tablets, I had trouble getting the point of them too. But when I renewed my phone contract they had a freebie tablet that came with a "new" contract so I let the clerk give it to me expecting to not really use it much. And that is true, I don't use it much. But it is good for reading digital comic books. That's really kind of all I use it for at this point though.

I figure the tablet device is just a product that doesn't fit my needs. I have my laptop for most of my "computing" and anything else my Galaxy 5 can handle with aplomb.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
ZZoMBiE13 said:
Sigmund Av Volsung said:
Apple have a history of being dicks towards their customers. The difference nowadays is that after the success of the iPhone, they can get away with grossly over-charging their customers in exchange for an incremental increase in performance.

Macs are way too over-priced, and are useful mainly for their software and editing capabilities, and practically nothing else and all iPhones past 3G have just been stagnating things, whilst asking for a ridiculous price.

I also don't get tablets at all, but it doesn't seem like Apple have fucked them up yet.
It's always fun to find someone else who doesn't like Apple stuff. :)

As for tablets, I had trouble getting the point of them too. But when I renewed my phone contract they had a freebie tablet that came with a "new" contract so I let the clerk give it to me expecting to not really use it much. And that is true, I don't use it much. But it is good for reading digital comic books. That's really kind of all I use it for at this point though.

I figure the tablet device is just a product that doesn't fit my needs. I have my laptop for most of my "computing" and anything else my Galaxy 5 can handle with aplomb.
Maybe we should start a club out here. Me, I have nothing but contempt for Apple. Overpriced, incompatible with everything but other Apple crap and just plain needless. Why buy an iPhone when a Samsung phone can do all that and then some for a lower price? Why buy a Mac that has barely any games? Who in the world needs an iPad instead of cheapo Android tablets?


New member
Sep 10, 2009
I wasn't going to comment on this, but then the Newton came up... with TIMES NEW ROMAN as the font.
Oh, so many bad memories of seeing and using that ugly ass shit EVERY bloody where...

"Me, I have nothing but contempt for Apple. Overpriced, incompatible with everything but other Apple crap and just plain needless. Why buy an iPhone when a Samsung phone can do all that and then some for a lower price? Why buy a Mac that has barely any games? Who in the world needs an iPad instead of cheapo Android tablets?"

Amen to all of that!

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
You could add the G4 cube to this list. Intended to fill the niche between the iMacs and the Powermac towers, it was $200 more than the cheapest Powermac G4 at the time. The cube, with extremely limited upgrade options and a high price point, was only bought by those that thought it looked cool, not enough to meet Apples expectations. They discontinued it a year later. I guess this, the U2 ipod, the Lisa, and the Pippin showed Apple they couldn't just jack up the price on anything and expect their drones to buy it. The cube did look cool though, so if you see one cheap in thrift shop/garage sale, grab it. Even if it's a dud, you make into an aquarium or other neat things I've seen them become online.

Wasn't the Apple III the one Job's didn't want fans or vents on? Yep,it was. They made it so that it relied on the aluminum case to dissipate heat. The problem was thermal expansion from turning on and off over the course of a few weeks made memory modules and expansion cards creep out of their sockets. Tech support's first step was to have you drop the beast to see if the cards would re-seat. I guess some melted their floppy discs, too. Once again they had to go with pretty (for the time) and quiet over functional. It came back to bite them that time, at least.


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2008
RealRT said:
Why buy a Mac that has barely any games?
Believe it or not, there are actually people out there that own and use computers for all sorts of things, and never play games on them.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
My god that anniversary Mac looked horrible. I've seen weird and warped computer aesthetics before but that's got to be the worst designed computer I've seen in a long time.

And that's just talking about the software!



New member
Feb 28, 2014
J.McMillen said:
RealRT said:
Why buy a Mac that has barely any games?
Believe it or not, there are actually people out there that own and use computers for all sorts of things, and never play games on them.
Since it's a primarily gaming forum, that was a legit question. Even if we take games out of the equation (why would we, it's still a drawback), does Mac really have the same amount of software, commercial and freeware, as Windows or Linux?


New member
Sep 10, 2014
RealRT said:
Why buy an iPhone when a Samsung phone can do all that and then some for a lower price?
Bought a iPhone 4 a year and a half ago. Unlike a Samsung (in the same price range) it might actually last me half a decade. Certainly, it might not have comparable specifications, but it does have build quality. The only concern I have is that the battery may not last that long, but honestly, that's an issue with every smartphone.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Forrestfield said:
RealRT said:
Why buy an iPhone when a Samsung phone can do all that and then some for a lower price?
Bought a iPhone 4 a year and a half ago. Unlike a Samsung (in the same price range) it might actually last me half a decade. Certainly, it might not have comparable specifications, but it does have build quality. The only concern I have is that the battery may not last that long, but honestly, that's an issue with every smartphone.
I got the Sony Xperia Z1 and it's build quality is astounding, love the device. I'm not a fan of Apple more because of the pricing and the lies the company often propagates, they keep claiming credit for innovations that they had nothing to do with, just copied. It's the attitude more than anything.


New member
Sep 10, 2014
RicoADF said:
I got the Sony Xperia Z1 and it's build quality is astounding, love the device. I'm not a fan of Apple more because of the pricing and the lies the company often propagates, they keep claiming credit for innovations that they had nothing to do with, just copied. It's the attitude more than anything.
Oh, rub it in. I would've bought that phone if it came out a little earlier here. Sadly, I have no short term plans to replace my current phone since it does what I need it to do, but when I do: Sony is certainly worth a consideration.

I've heard that before, while they are probably a bit to eager on that front... it's also just marketing. The whole Apple bashing that Samsung does is similarly silly. That said, I don't really follow the whole mobile market that closely. I have a feeling that that is the best choice for my personal sanity. At the end of the day, I see my phone as nothing more than a tool.


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2008
RealRT said:
Since it's a primarily gaming forum, that was a legit question. Even if we take games out of the equation (why would we, it's still a drawback), does Mac really have the same amount of software, commercial and freeware, as Windows or Linux?
Maybe not, but you can usually find a program that will do whatever it is you need your Mac to do. The only real issue Mac's have is when your machine can't upgrade to the latest version of OSX, meaning some newer programs might now work.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
J.McMillen said:
RealRT said:
Since it's a primarily gaming forum, that was a legit question. Even if we take games out of the equation (why would we, it's still a drawback), does Mac really have the same amount of software, commercial and freeware, as Windows or Linux?
Maybe not, but you can usually find a program that will do whatever it is you need your Mac to do. The only real issue Mac's have is when your machine can't upgrade to the latest version of OSX, meaning some newer programs might now work.
Thanks for mentioning the upgrading, that's another big one for Windows machines.


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
RealRT said:
J.McMillen said:
RealRT said:
Thanks for mentioning the upgrading, that's another big one for Windows machines.
Lemme burst your bubble on that one. It's the same with Windows. Programs designed for Win8/Win7 won't work on XP, you know. :p

Love bein' Devil's Advocate. ^.^

Sigmund Av Volsung said:

Macs are way too over-priced, and are useful mainly for their software and editing capabilities, and practically nothing else and all iPhones past 3G have just been stagnating things, whilst asking for a ridiculous price.

I also don't get tablets at all, but it doesn't seem like Apple have fucked them up yet.

Even then, when it comes to editing software and processing, Mac still falls behind. It's about the hardware, and availability. Sure OSX just hands you over a pretty decent piece of software on the platter, but if you've got the processing power to compile, and a little bit of Google-Fu, I can either find the same program, or a better one.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
BeerTent said:
RealRT said:
J.McMillen said:
RealRT said:
Thanks for mentioning the upgrading, that's another big one for Windows machines.
Lemme burst your bubble on that one. It's the same with Windows. Programs designed for Win8/Win7 won't work on XP, you know. :p

Love bein' Devil's Advocate. ^.^
Devil would want his money back and a better advocate, for neither his statement nor his answer had anything to do with your analogy. What did the guy above say, which you conveniently omitted? "When your machine can't upgrade to the latest version of OSX", but Windows doesn't have any upgrade restrictions. You can upgrade your OS and your hardware when you feel like it. You don't have to buy a completely new PC.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Oy, the Newton. On The Simpsons, one of the bullies writes a note to himself to beat up Martin and it turns into "Eat up Martha". Then they just throw it at Martin.