8 Diablo-like Alternatives


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May 6, 2005
8 Diablo-like Alternatives

Diablo isn't the only hack-n-slash game with an isometric view. Check out these great alternatives!

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Devin Barker

New member
Aug 10, 2012
Bastion is too much fun, I have replayed it several times. Think I might need to give Fate a try now.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
For the record, Torchlight seems so similar to Fate because the main designer of the two games was the same guy.

I also think this thread needs a mention for Grim Dawn, which is basically the successor to Titan Quest (different studio, some of/mostly the same people) but set in a world that's definitely closer to the overall tone and aesthetic of Diablo. Basically if you don't like the fact that Path of Exile is always online, check out Grim Dawn.

While we're on the subject, I'd love to see an isometric ARPG set in a sci-fi setting. Like Space Siege, but good.

EDIT: I've long since given up trying to actually argue with anyone about this, but I guess I'll be the odd voice out and say that I think Diablo III is way better than Torchlight II. TII has never been able to hold my interest for more than about ten hours, while I've put nearly 200 into DIII. I think it mostly comes down to the art style and the fact that I find the abilities in TII to just be less interesting to use.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Man, I was all ready to complain about your list but you have a good list. The only things I see missing on it are games I haven't played so I cant speak of their quality.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
A great list. Titan's Quest is one of my favorite games. See that crocodile-man in the pic? I love those things- they just look sooo brutal and cool.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
n0e said:
Also, while I'm sure this is debatable, my personal opinion is Torchlight 2 is still a better game than Diablo 3.
Because it is.

I mean, it just is. Better, more robust game mechanics. More build options. More skill variety. Better loot system. Better chances of getting rare and legendary gear. Specing and respecing. And, most of all, offline/LAN play and mod support.[footnote]And pets![/footnote]

Diablo 3 has seen more post-launch support than Torchlight 2 has, but that's only because it needed that support to bring it up to a level even remotely comparable to TL2.

All that, and Torchlight 2 is still usually cheaper to buy than Diablo 3. <.<

I think it's safe to claim that it is objectively better.[footnote]Personally, I feel the music is better in TL2 as well.[/footnote]


New member
Mar 30, 2011
How the heck did they not mention "Grim Dawn"? It's basically "Titan Quest" meets "Bloodborne". I've sunk about 80 hours into it and I absolutely love it. It also features the awesome "create a class" system of Titan Quest, which leads to an insane level of variety.

"...my personal opinion is Torchlight 2 is still a better game than Diablo 3."
Agree wholeheartedly. I thought Torchlight 2 was what Diablo 3 should have been.

Sacred (and Sacred 2) were those games that seemed like an absolutely amazing idea...on paper. An open-world Diablo style game with interesting character classes, much more in-depth character development, horses and other mounts, and separate good and evil campaigns? Sign me up! But then when I tried them, something about them just never really clicked. I tried like 3 times to pick up Sacred 2 again, but I always found myself losing any desire to play after a little while.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Of course Fate didn't shamelessly rip off Torchlight... Torchlight shamelessly ripped off Fate, down to the jewel icons! xD


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Wow...an '8 List' that doesn't make me groan.

It's so...amazing!

Like, I actually LIKE every game on that list.
Except for Fate, because I've never heard of it till now!

Or Steam, if I have to...ONLY if I HAVE to...


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Only played Path of Exile on this list. I can personally attest that it's a game that I don't want to go back to under any circumstances.

Enjoyed Torchlight though, even if I haven't played Torchlight II.

Still, Diablo III remains my favorite in the genre so far.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
What about Depths of Peril?

It has a strange mechanic in that other AI heroes will go out and try to beat you to your own quests and occasionally start feuds with you back in town. It's not a terribly great game - the unfair randomly generated bosses and bag micromanagement, among other things, prevent that - but it does bring something to the table I haven't seen before.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
...man, why do diablo-like games all look terrible? Like, probably fun games, but fuck they're ugly.

Hell, I was thinking that back when D2 was the hip new thing. 'Why's this game look like it's made out of clay?' was the first thing I ever said about it.

shrekfan246 said:
EDIT: I've long since given up trying to actually argue with anyone about this, but I guess I'll be the odd voice out and say that I think Diablo III is way better than Torchlight II. TII has never been able to hold my interest for more than about ten hours, while I've put nearly 200 into DIII. I think it mostly comes down to the art style and the fact that I find the abilities in TII to just be less interesting to use.
I tried TII out a while ago. It... yeah, didn't work for me. It's a nice looking game, but it's far too slow for me and the abilities were a mess. Much prefer D3.


New member
May 25, 2010
While I liked the list, I found Bastion's entry on it to be a bit odd. Sure, it has the slightly top down isometric style view, and the combat is more or less the same but but with different weapons to switch to, but I dont think it has the right "feel" so to speak. Might be just my own personal tastes, but when I hear "Diablo-like" I think of an top down slightly isometric game that has several classes to choose from, and focus on grinding lots of monsters to get loot(and then to grind more monsters to get better look in harder difficulties. Repeat ad infinitum).

While I dont mean to be "that guy who complains that a specific game is not on the list", I found the lack of Grim Dawn to be a bit odd. Maybe the list maker never heard of the game, or maybe just didnt play it. It really has a Diablo 2 feel, but with it's own sort of way. I havent finished it yet, but I plan on doing so. My time with the game has been quite nice though, definitely a worthy entry into the genre by spades.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
You could also add the complete version of 'The Incredible Adventures of Van Hellsing', 'Victor Vran' and 'Grim Dawn'. Not better or worse than the games on the list, just a nice addition with more or less the same tone as the Diablos.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
American Fox said:
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance.
One of my favorites from Gen 6. I played it on Gamecube. I did coop with my son and played it non-stop in 2008 to win as every class.

the December King said:
A great list. Titan's Quest is one of my favorite games. See that crocodile-man in the pic? I love those things- they just look sooo brutal and cool.
*shame faced* I must have got it in a Humble Bundle. Never even loaded it. Time to correct that error.

Can't recall if it was Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege 2 that ends in a church and I'm fighting bad guys that, once they are dead, I did not know what to do next. I was reasonably certain I was in the final part. Anyone know what was supposed to happen next?


New member
Mar 2, 2009
While I think it is a great game, I don't consider Bastion to be a Diablo-like game. Other than the isometric view, it has almost nothing in common with Diablo or other loot-based RPG. It has almost no loot, very limited equippment and combat is closer to a beat'em up. It would be the equivalent of saying Contra is Mario-like because of the perspective. I would even put Borderlands closer to Diablo than Bastion...

Also, as other people pointed out, this thread needs more Grim Dawn. It is like Titan Quest but a lot smoother...


New member
Aug 21, 2014
I have fond memories of Titan Quest (and Immortal Throne). While Grim Dawn uses all the good gameplay ideas from TQIT, the theme just doesn't resonate with me as well as the whole epic mythology quest did. And it allowed them to have a lot of monster variety which was really cool. I haven't played much of Grim Dawn, but it was a really good successor to TQIT, even if it didn't really stick for me (I blame DS3 on that though).

Never understood the hype for Torchlight 2. It's not nearly as fun as its predecessor. I thought it tried too hard to have original classes, but in the end fell short in that departement. So no, I don't feel Torchlight 2 is better. It's actually one of those purchases I wish I could undo.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
Sacred 1&2
No more needs be said. Great games. Hope for a modern version

Fate 1,2,3&4
Quite good as time wasters but lack that certain flair and could use a better and easier to use UI.

Don't belong in this list..
Besides, the narrator drove me to madness. I want focus on the game and action when I'm in the field, not trying, and failing, to listen to some story at the same time.

Don't belong in this list..
I'm also not a fan of this one.

Dungeon Siege 1&2
Great games. Done them again and again. At least once a year.

Titan Quest Immortal Throne
Superb game. If only that next to last boss wasn't such a *****..Seriously!!

Path of Exile ( & Grim Dawn)
Haven't tried them. I think they both require being online, right?

Torchlight 1&2
Lighthearted fun that's easy to get into and TL2's Modding makes it a step above the others.

Van Hellsing
Sort of ok. Good, but didn't really catch my attention.

Victor Vran
I'm debating on whether or not this belongs in this list. I'm leaning towards no.



Very hard to get working on today's OS's but if you happen to have XP somewhere, give a try.
Somewhat short, but very sweet. A Sci-Fi take on Hack'n'Slash which there are way too few of.