8 of the Most Annoying Movie Characters Ever


Eternally Lurking
Feb 28, 2014
8 of the Most Annoying Movie Characters Ever

Who's that movie character that made you hate them just by being there?

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New member
Jan 26, 2009
You sure about Samwell? 'Cause as I remember it Frodo, the useless little fuck, wouldn't have made it ten steps on his journey if it hadn't been for Sam carrying his ass through the entire trip. Then again, I only watched the movies once (and didn't particularly like 'em) so there's a chance I remember it wrong. Then again once more, a friend of mine who liked the movies and also had read the books said the same thing about both Frodo and Sam, though she used a lot more profanity to describe Frodo.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Trucken said:
You sure about Samwell? 'Cause as I remember it Frodo, the useless little fuck, wouldn't have made it ten steps on his journey if it hadn't been for Sam carrying his ass through the entire trip. Then again, I only watched the movies once (and didn't particularly like 'em) so there's a chance I remember it wrong. Then again once more, a friend of mine who liked the movies and also had read the books said the same thing about both Frodo and Sam, though she used a lot more profanity to describe Frodo.
I wouldn't be too hard on Frodo, imagine walking across some of the most inhospitable landscapes imaginable, while being hunted by Satan's army, all while injecting yourself with heroine every 2-3 days. It would be a rough trip for anyone. That being said, Sam did save his ass and the whole quest would have failed multiple times with out him, so yeah, don't know why anyone would say he's annoying.

I'd also argue against Geoffrey, yeah he's pretty bad, but he is intentionally written to be so which negates the annoyingness for me.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
You must be not in your right mind to have Sam on this list. Yeah, he's focusing on mundane things because, well, someone's got to. He saw through Gollum's lies, saved Frodo from Shelob and the orcs and then carried him to the Mount Doom on his back. The guy earned his right to nag - he's strong and loyal and while Frodo is the designated protagonist, Sam is the real hero in the end.

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
Two that come to mind - in the same film, no less - are Sam Rockwell's Hammer and Mickey Rourke's Vanko in Iron Man 2. The last time I watched it I skipped through every scene that didn't include Stark, and enjoyed it far more without their mugging.

RealRT said:
You must be not in your right mind to have Sam on this list. Yeah, he's focusing on mundane things because, well, someone's got to. He saw through Gollum's lies, saved Frodo from Shelob and the orcs and then carried him to the Mount Doom on his back. The guy earned his right to nag - he's strong and loyal and while Frodo is the designated protagonist, Sam is the real hero in the end.
Samwise is one of the [many] reasons I find that trilogy so hard to watch these days, so yeah, for me he deserves to be on that list. His dodgy country bumpkin accent really doesn't help, either.

dohnut king

New member
Sep 22, 2014

First, as already mentioned, Samwise Gamgee is perhaps the foremost hero of the Lord of the Rings. The least of the Fellowship, he nonetheless is always true to the ultimate goal, one which could not be attained without his help.

Also, any list of most annoying movie characters on a gaming website that does not include the Snails character from the Dungeon and Dragons movie is objectively wrong.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
"But how could I not include one of the most hated and despicable characters ever devised?"

By sticking to the parameters YOU YOURSELF created and laid out! Ugh, shit like this is why I hate listicles.

In your defense, i went through the list just because I saw Joffrey and my righteous indignation required sating. So you got your dirty, pilfered clicks. And really, you're bearing the brunt of all my hatred of flawed listicles, so thanks for that.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
I call foul on Joffrey. Movie criteria notwithstanding, much like Dolores Umbridge he's detestable rather than annoying.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
A few notes: Ruby Rhod was supposed to be annoying. A self-important, high-speed diva personality put into a small-scale war situation, is it any wonder the dude was screaming his head off? Most civilians in general would have at least comparable reactions to suddenly being shot at, nearly blown up and then given responsibility for activating a portion of a device to stop the end of the world...

Joffrey was Joffrey and not at all likeable, hence why he was who he was.

Carrey's Riddler was over the top, and yeah very much a departure from the previous two films' tones, but I personally see Forever and the sequel as more Silver Age Batman than Dark Knight era Batman... so it wasn't bad from that perspective. Hell IIRC the Adam West versions were comparable in terms of over-the-top antics. However, I feel had they gone more Dark Knight with that film, I think Jim Carrey has the range to pull off a more serious Riddler, he just gets pigeonholed into comedy characters because of his career.

Samwise, no... not really annoying but I do feel the way Fellowship and most of Two Towers followed the books so close (with a few liberties taken with characters like Arwen and other important characters) that when Jackson decided to hugely depart from the end of Two Towers and all was more annoying than any character in those movies could be. Samwise was pretty much the character from the books though and in my view that couldn't be annoying at all.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Samwise is not annoying. He's one of the most heroic characters in the whole series.
Also Joffry is not annoying either, he's detestable.