Good luck reacting to a thrown grenade or projectile in time, i usually only know about them when the vague indicator tells me i need to run from the beepy thing. Though i did find out that trick the hard way, as an attempt to throw a grenade towards a minigun wielding super-mutant ended up exploding instantly in my freshly roasted face.
Did you know there is a "sort" button on every list that sorts between, errm...i am guessing weight, power and value, maybe another probably. It isn't as helpful as it likes to think it is though.
One list addition...well, two perhaps, seeing as today is carebear day;
Did you know you can take off mods from found weapons you can't build yourself? All you do is go to a workbench with any weapon you need a mod from and build or install a weaker (preferably the weakest) mod, so the better mod you are unable to build goes in your inventory and can be placed on another weapon of your choice, at the expense of no added experience. Handy, no? How much do i get paid for th...ooh, one more;
The dog does not yet count as a companion for the lone wanderer perk, so you can have your canine storage cake and eat it too! Not...literally. Though he does look splendid in his dog armour that would probably make a fashion critic die inside (and mostly outside too, if dogmeat takes it personally again.) I gotta get paid now, surely? I take all forms of freshwater fish, some mainstrean (lol) salt-water fish and most ice-cream.