Rumor: Windows 8 Will Play Xbox 360 Games

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Rumor: Windows 8 Will Play Xbox 360 Games

Sadly, cross-platform play will apparently not be a feature.

If you want to play Xbox 360 games on your PC at the moment, then you have to jump through all kinds of hoops involving emulators and such, and that's not exactly an ideal solution. But according to insider sources, when the new version of Windows arrives, all that will change.

According to the rumors, Windows 8 will be able to run Xbox 360 games without the need to mess around with emulators. There is the suggestion that anyone actually wanting to make use of this feature would have to pay a subscription fee, although it's possible that that just refers to playing online, as is the case with Xbox Live. People playing on a PC apparently won't be able to play with their console brethren either, as multiplayer will use the Windows Live service, rather than Xbox Live.

If this rumor turns out to be true, it would be an interesting move on Microsoft's part. Hundreds of millions of people use Windows, and while obviously not every Windows 8 user will want to play Xbox 360 games - or indeed, be able to - it has the potential to massively increase the install base for 360 games. Interestingly, Microsoft has recently folded its Games for Windows Live site into, which might mean nothing, or it might be a sign that this rumor has something to it.

Microsoft has yet to confirm when Windows 8 is coming out, but most rumors point to an October 2012 release.

Source: Insideris [] via Dvice []

Feb 13, 2008
So Xbox games on GWFL? You're not selling me anything here Microsoft. Especially with that extra online charge. And the console games cost. And the need to get a pad. And having to buy W8 as well.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
So, wait, does this mean that I'll be able to play any 360 game of the past on my computer? Or just future games have a specific piece of code in the software or something?

Cool beans though. Fantastic marketing move.


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Oh, fuck yes. If this is true, they just sold Windows 8 to me right there. My XBox 360 is crying right now. It doesn't get much use as it is.


Dec 16, 2008
If it means ALL xbox360 content, this is good.
If it means microsoft is trying to cash-in on people by charging money to use a part of the OS?

Not so good.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
It's actually a pretty cool rumor. Sadly, it lost me at "subscription fee" as well as "won't ba able to play with their console brethern."

RoseArch said:
So, wait, does this mean that I'll be able to play any 360 game of the past on my computer? Or just future games have a specific piece of code in the software or something?
I was wondering that too. I guess we'll have to see as it develops.

William Dickbringer

New member
Feb 16, 2010
I would be impressed but you have to go making it exclusive to the computer meaning I still have to have a 360 just to play with my friends and if you're just gonna do this microsoft then why bother with 360s now? it seems your just phasing them out at this point


New member
Sep 2, 2007
I was thinking why would they want to do that. Then I started wondering why they wouldn't want to do that. A closed platform for games? One that extends to PC games. Well, I guess consoles really could overtake and eliminate pc games.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
While its a nice idea, I can garentee if they decide to add charges to this function, I'll make a point of switching to Mac.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
If this means I can play games that were previously console exclusive then I'm all in! I don't care about multiplayer anyway so that's not a big loss for me.

Exciting news :D


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Interesting rumour. I wonder how much extra work would be required for the emulator to work with wide range of set-ups PC's can get up to (Which is both the strength and weakness over consoles). Small point of issue at the controller though; although something like this would tempt me greatly into buying one for me PC.

Not to mention that if it doesn't effect the development cycle at all; can you imagine how much more attractive it would be to release on the x-box 360? Two damn markets for one release (And for us, shudder at the thought of "Everything is now designed for consoles and PC's don't even get thought for now.")


New member
May 11, 2009
Littleman64 said:
Am I the only one who is feeling comfy with Windows 7 right now? It has only been two years since Windows 7 released. Isn't there usually a 4-5 year gap?
Nope, you're definitely not the only one. But Microsoft learned their lesson from letting everyone get to used to XP. They'll be crapping out a new OS every few years now just so they don't miss their chance to make money.

This doesn't really appeal to me at all. I haven't played my 360 in forever, I let XBL lapse, and pretty much all I use it for is streaming video from my computer to my TV. Plus, that tile-based interface looks like a pointless change for the sake of change.

EDIT: I wonder, how will they guarantee that each PC is powerful enough to play 360 games? Or will they just let your system chug along at 5 fps if you don't have a good enough graphics card?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I think it might be nice but the subscription fee turns me off. a lot.
The "can't play with xbox people" isn't that interesting for me.

But it is nice for people without an xbox which want to play an xbox exclusive.
I still prefer my ps3 though.

Princess Rose

New member
Jul 10, 2011
Logan Westbrook said:
According to the rumors, Windows 8 will be able to run Xbox 360 games without the need to mess around with emulators. There is the suggestion that anyone actually wanting to make use of this feature would have to pay a subscription fee, although it's possible that that just refers to playing it online, as is the case with Xbox Live. People playing on a PC apparently won't be able to play with their console brethren either, as multiplayer will use the Windows Live service, rather than Xbox Live.
Oh, that would be so neat!

I don't own an X-Box (PS3 user) but I do enjoy Windows 7. If this actually happens, then after I get my next (likely Windows 8) computer, I will finally be able to play the Fable games (which I have sort of wanted to for some time now).

Oh, and Saint's Row 1.

... I think that's about it for X-Box exclusives I actually want to play. But still, Fable! ^^

Seventh Actuality

New member
Apr 23, 2010
Hoooly shit.

I realise there probably aren't that many people like me who have a PC and no access to a console at all, but this would be kind of a big deal. I miss out on quite a lot of "core" games right now.

I also realise that this is fucking Microsoft we're talking about, so I expect to lose interest once the actual details and inevitable nickel-and-diming see the light of day, but hey, it could be cool.