Xbox 360 Dashboard Update Delayed

Earnest Cavalli

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Xbox 360 Dashboard Update Delayed

Did you wake up today, eager to explore the new Xbox 360 Dashboard? Too bad. It's been delayed.

Like many of you, I too fired up my Microsoft-branded console, only to be met with disappointment on seeing the drab Dashboard that we've all come to know and love over the past year. That Update that the company has been promising us for the past month? The one that we twice []) just yesterday? It seems to have hit some unexpected snags.

Originally scheduled for deployment at 7AM PST, the Update is still nowhere to be found. Xbox 360 PR guru Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb has been diplomatically doling out word on the situation via Twitter for the last four hours, but either he loves playing coy or his corporate taskmasters simply won't allow him to appraise us of the full situation.

Have a look:

FYI: The timing for Xbox 360 dashboard update has been slightly delayed. I'll have a status update later today

That tweet came at 6AM PST. Two hours later it was followed by:

I'll share additional details when I have more to share. Until then, thanks for you patience.

Most recently Hryb wrote:

We are still working to get the release out. Stay tuned, we'll have an update this afternoon (PT) on when it will begin rolling out.

That was around 9:30AM PST.

So, what do we know? Absolutely nothing. The Dashboard Update has been delayed indefinitely, but at least in theory, should be appearing later today once the bugs have been ironed out. If you want up-to-the minute gladhanding on the situation, I'd recommend following Major Nelson's Twitter feed [!/majornelson]. What it lacks in solid details, it more than makes up for in accessible geniality.

(And apparently, in-jokes about LBJ-era sitcoms. Did you realize his name was an I Dream Of Jeannie reference? Neither did I! Mind: blown.)



New member
Jan 19, 2011
Thank god, now I can enjoy a few more hours of this bloated, spam-filled dashboard before it becomes even more bloated and spam-filled. There seriously needs to be an option to use a simplified dashboard if users so desire, something like the original dashboard 360's where first shipped with.


New member
Dec 25, 2009
Johnny Wishbone said:
I wonder how many consoles they bricked with this craptacular update before pulling the plug on it today?
What part of "the dashboard update wasn't released yet" did you not comprehend? I'm in the beta, and it's extremely solid.


New member
Dec 25, 2009
xPixelatedx said:
Thank god, now I can enjoy a few more hours of this bloated, spam-filled dashboard before it becomes even more bloated and spam-filled. There seriously needs to be an option to use a simplified dashboard if users so desire, something like the original dashboard 360's where first shipped with.
It's not nearly a bloated as you think. Just saying. It's cleaner and makes more sense than the older style dashboard, not to mention "Start Game" is finally the first selected item when you turn the Xbox on, rather than the spotlight channel.

Cynics will be cynics though, I suppose.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
LiquidSolstice said:
xPixelatedx said:
Thank god, now I can enjoy a few more hours of this bloated, spam-filled dashboard before it becomes even more bloated and spam-filled. There seriously needs to be an option to use a simplified dashboard if users so desire, something like the original dashboard 360's where first shipped with.
It's not nearly a bloated as you think. Just saying. It's cleaner and makes more sense than the older style dashboard, not to mention "Start Game" is finally the first selected item when you turn the Xbox on, rather than the spotlight channel.

Cynics will be cynics though, I suppose.
I still prefer the original style dash board :p lol


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Still wish I didn't have to put up will all this. I don't have Gold so I can't use it, and even when I did have Gold I never used any of this stuff


New member
Jan 19, 2011
LiquidSolstice said:
xPixelatedx said:
Thank god, now I can enjoy a few more hours of this bloated, spam-filled dashboard before it becomes even more bloated and spam-filled. There seriously needs to be an option to use a simplified dashboard if users so desire, something like the original dashboard 360's where first shipped with.
It's not nearly a bloated as you think. Just saying. It's cleaner and makes more sense than the older style dashboard, not to mention "Start Game" is finally the first selected item when you turn the Xbox on, rather than the spotlight channel.

Cynics will be cynics though, I suppose.
I thought it was getting a bunch of crap added, not subtracted? Like that Tv stuff... because apparently it's ludicrous to think people might actually just turn their xbox off to watch Tv?

And while I try not to be a cynic, can you honestly blame me when it comes to xbox dashboard updates? I got ad-ware on my old XP machine throwing fewer advertisements in my face then the xbox currently does when I have the nerve to turn it on.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Earnest Cavalli said:
Did you wake up today, eager to explore the new Xbox 360 Dashboard? Too bad. It's been delayed.
Wow, people were actually excited about something like this?

I kid, I kid! I only use my Xbox 360 for games and don't bother with the other features so I don't even know what will happen to my precious console when the change occurs.

I don't like all this constant integration at any rate. My PC is right next to the Xbox, it contains the internets and all I need is available there. Besides, half these features tend to only ever be avialable in America and not Europe. So stop bloating up my console Microsoft!


Mr Propellerhead
Jun 15, 2010
Earnest Cavalli said:
(And apparently, in-jokes about LBJ-era sitcoms. Did you realize his name was an I Dream Of Jeannie reference? Neither did I! Mind: blown.)
Wait, you never got that?

I feel old.



Everybody's dead, Dave.
Nov 19, 2007
Earnest Cavalli said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
You have to be joking about the Major Nelson bit. Seriously?
Sir, I never joke about sitcoms from the 1960s.
Funny thing is in the article you said "his name" and I'm thinking Larry Hryb.. no, I don't get it. Major Nelson, I knew about that due to me.. knowing someone old enough to have watched the show back when.

So yeah.. brain fart, but totally not due to ME being an old coot.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
I wanted to watch I Dream of Jeannie after seeing the picture in the OP. Sadly, Netflix doesn't have it available for instant viewing.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The update doesn't really look that awesome to me. It looks like it just focuses on films and games and stuff you bought through the marketplace, and I never buy films or games on the marketplace. So I can wait. Very, very patiently.

Kevin Fuller

New member
Dec 6, 2011
Forget the update it's a scam to pull in more interest to a dying console xbox and ps3 are on the way out. Just bring us info on new systems ftw


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Kevin Fuller said:
Forget the update it's a scam to pull in more interest to a dying console xbox and ps3 are on the way out. Just bring us info on new systems ftw
Good sir, do you know what a scam is?
'Cause an update is most definitely not a scam.

OT: I just realised I haven't touched my Xbox in 6 months. However, this new update makes me glad i tio't have an internet connection. :>