Is this an ad for DDI subscriptions?
Seriously, creating a 4th Ed character is a snap. The book DOES tell you what you need to do, and you just look over your character sheet and fill in all the blank honestly can't miss anything. And if you're only using core books, then the choices for the character's abilities are a breeze, you only have like 3 choices for your at-will and maybe a handful more for the encounter and dailies.
I can understand confusion on HOW to apply your character's abilities ingame, since they muddle things up with the different defenses and what modifier YOU apply compared to what defense THEY defend with. As for everything else....have you played 3rd Edition? Creating a character is a couple of hours unless you are a veteran dice-jockey or just making a quick-n-dirty fighter without planning his progression. The author complained about missing what modifiers to add with skills and the like(which is ON THE CHARACTER SHEET), but that is nothing compared to 3rd's synergies and all the random crap that adds to skills. In 4th, skills are pretty pointless because there is no specialization and the only difference between 2 characters is one may have a higher modifier to add to his skill. Most characters will have the same skill modifier, unless they are untrained, then they have 5 less.......that is all.
4th is simple, if you need to pay the additional subscription fee to what is basically a non-online rpg just to make're doing it wrong.