A Challenge to Pro-#GamerGaters and Anti-#Gamergaters

William Henry

New member
Nov 27, 2012
Well I've been lurking in the forums for ages and been growing frustrated listening at the arguments on both sides, so a nice introductory thread like this should be a good place to start.
I am Anti - GG

My Name is William, online I usually go by "Ori" an old Alias I picked up in WoW way back when. I am a student Living in Lethbridge, Canada. I work part time at a Tip Top Tailors at the local Mall selling suits. I found myself playing video games for most of my childhood and never saw a reason to kick the habit. Nowadays I don't play a huge variety, mostly RTS titles and RPG's. I also have been Playing and DMing Tabletop RPG's for nearly a Decade. I have a difficult position in Nerd culture in that I really don't look like a Nerd most of the time. One day late in high school I stopped wearing glasses and people just assumed I was "Cool" then. In the past few years I seem to have "Grown up" in my appearance I'm told. Since working as a Formal wear Salesperson my sense of Fashion has also radically improved. As result I no longer dress the part of the community I feel I belong to. I am unfortunately not Nerdy looking enough to be approachable by many people who would want anything to do with me, yet likewise to shy to approach anyone else. (Yay.)

Now for my bit

I don't consider myself a Feminist, I consider it a sad world where I'm the one who has to repackage and redistribute Feminist Ideals in ways that make sense and don't offend the people who need to hear them. (Also as a friendly offer if you find something a "SJW" says to not make a ton of sense please message it to me and I would be more than happy to clarify what they mean, or to denounce them if they are just an idiot)

My issue with Gamer gate is that it was largely caused by people not wanting to hear out what Ethics movements have to say. No one is trying to destroy gaming, no one is trying to make you stop liking your favorite things. They are trying to more or less "bring them up to code". If Gamer gate were just about Journalism Integrity then I would have no problem with it, however Gamer Gates mission statement seems to be more about removing social and ethical theories from Games journalism.

The Irony to me is that the movement wants to enforce Journalism Ethics - by ensuring that journalists don't talk about ethics.

on the flip side I get tired of anti- gamergate advocates assuming you are bad people. I apologize that you are branded misogynists as a group. Frankly this whole thing would be easier if you were. A few years ago I thought the same way as the rest of the internet, but frequent debates with Feminists led me to understand where they are coming from (it took years of kicking and screaming) I am deeply sorry that theorists and advocates for new morality theories have utterly failed to engage you in discussion and debate and instead have branded you as villains.

I believe words can do damn near anything if we all keep an open mind


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
Yeah, as neutral stances also write their position, maybe I can do too.

I'm a 23 year old student of history (and philosophy). I played PC games all my life. Had a Gameboy once. My teenage years were pretty much Warcraft 3 -> WoW. Gaming was not really accepted as a hobby in my parents house, pretty much because of official media bullshit. So I feel pretty strongly if someone accuses me of something because I'm a gamer. (I could not watch AS videos. It literally triggered me. Quite funny that is.) And I am left-leaning, with strong feeling AGAINST SJWs. (Bullshit they did in germany: They bullied an university professor because he said that they should read Immanuel Kant. Because Immanuel Kant apparently is such a racist.)
I read about GG since the second Escapist megathread. Didn't care about anything ZQ involved (although, interesting enough, she doesn't look like the victim in hindsight).

Why am I not pro-GG? Well, to be fair, in some cases I am. But too much bullshit flies with it. Like literal conspiracy theories. Too fast, not exact judgements (I just leave this one here: Greg Tito asked for advice in the GJP list. Never he was pressured. (At least not in the email exchange)). Sometimes GG goes too far for me. Sometimes I don't know what they even want.
Anyways, I know that GG is neither a right-wing movement nor a mysoginist harassment movement. There are right-wingers involved, but could you blame someone of going to them instead to people who would rather side with "SJWs" because their name sounds like something they would stand for themselves?
And it really doesn't matter to me. Germany never started with the "narrative" reviews. If the sites I frequent like a game but it doesn't fit in the score, they will give it a <3-rating. We have a site that survives on "fair" (sometimes overly harsh) reviews, in which no review copies are accepted. Every game will be bought.

Why am I not anti-GG? Well, because there is much more bullshit involved. These should be professionals. Instead they literally act like TROLLs. Not even the niveau of the average GGer. Much lower than that. And that says something. I don't really care about all the "journalists" involved, because apart from RPS I didn't read their sites (Why would I even read the tabloid paper Kotaku anyways?).
I say this to Anti-GG: Quit acting like children who don't even look at the enemy before decrying them as something they aren't. Damion Schubert is the ONLY anti-GGer I take serious. That's really weird.