A review of the Trump Presidency


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
A review of the Trump Presidency

While the 2020 election is not over, I believe Donald Trump will ultimately lose. I wish him to prevail in our courts. We’ll see. In the meantime…

Donald Trump won election is 2016 promising to be a President who would make the wellbeing of the USA his primary concern. This was refreshing news after at least a generation of leadership for which the wellbeing of the USA was so much an afterthought that Jeanne Kirkpatrick labeled the thinking as, “blame America first.”

At a minimum he would say the right things. Example:

You can stop watching after about 3:50 at which time, Michael Moore then makes a number of laughingly incorrect predictions.

It is one thing to see growth in an economy when you are at that nation’s nadir. Trump inherited an economy that was doing OK. Where was there to go from there? His predecessor stated it would take a magic wand to get the kind of numbers and growth Trump promised in his campaign. And yet it happened.

Wages rose for the first time in a generation. Employment numbers hit a record high.

Trump engaged in outreach to demographic minorities. While improving wage and employment numbers across the board, the also championed a “Platinum Plan”.

He further lead bi-partisan prison and criminal justice reforms:


Trump also promised to defend the US southern border with a wall, much as Mexico itself does with their southern wall. In the 1980s US citizens were told to show compassion to those who had criminally entered this nation. Pass an Amnesty for those already here, and then the government will really get serious about our porous border through which rapists, murders, child prostitution sex trafficers, drugs and more are flooding. The US had been betrayed. 10s of millions more have criminally penetrated this nation since that time. The establishment’s solution? Pass another Amnesty. Trump promised (with Mexico’s $, which was hyperbolic) to build a wall. Cut illegal immigration. It is argued he has had some success: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuart...by-half-and-hes-not-done-yet/?sh=2b5bc27a6168

Conservatives have bristled under a judiciary that is seen to have grown arrogant, lawless , elitist, socially destructive and unbound by anything resembling law. They appear to believe that the law is whatever they hallucinate it to be. The Left, that has looked to the courts to impose their most unpopular or controversial positions appear to be terrified that those same courts will no longer hallucinate their desires into law. That’s a good thing. We’re supposed to be a self-governing people and we need to take our power back.

For decades, Trump has stated the US has wasted trillions in foreign wars. I fault him for asking aloud why rich Mid East nations are not picking up the tab for this. I don’t want them picking the tab up for this, but that we stop using our military as if they are mercenaries for foreign interests: bring them home. To his credit, he has resisted new wars, particularly in Syria. We were lied to by a bi-partisan pro war movement and their obedient legacy media. They wanted all out war. Trump did not give it to them.

On foreign policy, Trump removed us from stupid agreements, such as the Paris Climate accords, which would have done less than nothing to improve the global climate, but would have helped hollow out the US economy in favor of China, which would not be shouldering the expense of attempted compliance.

And speaking of China, Trump promised to improve our trade deals. Funny, but as he began that work with regards to China, COVID happened. Originating in China.

If Trump loses this election, COVID will weigh strongly in why he did so. Some claim Trump did not do enough. I argue he did too much. That Sweden, which did not have our lockdown and its disastrous economic and social impact, is doing better than, say, New York.


Regardless, because of Trump’s efforts on our economy, we have not had COVID destroy our economy yet.

If Trump does not prevail in our courts, he will not serve a 2nd term as our POTUS. I hope, regardless of who our next POTUS is, I hope they have at least a fraction of Trump’s successes. He has been, in a word, great.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Out of interest, when each of these points is thoroughly debunked (by someone with more patience than me, thanks in advance, not trying to guilt you), are you going to change your views on Trump?

(I'll give him not starting any boots on the ground wars, but so did lots of presidents. He was keener on bombings than his predecessors, though.)


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
Trump was pretty funny, and I enjoyed much of his presidency.
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Bad Hombre
Aug 20, 2020
On top of your sister
Republic of Texas
The only real thing that he and Republicans have accomplished is successfully gaslighting the public into thinking that they are the party of the working class and the common person.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
The only real thing that he and Republicans have accomplished is successfully gaslighting the public into thinking that they are the party of the working class and the common person.
I do not think rank and file elite Republicans want this. The Democrats pretend to want this but have become the party of the top 1%. To his credit, I think Trump is trying to cause a realignment. He wants the Republicans to become the party of the working class. The America First/MAGA agenda is about trying to make that happen. And the establishment is really resisting.


Bad Hombre
Aug 20, 2020
On top of your sister
Republic of Texas
The guy is nothing more than a bad joke who came in at the perfect time when people were looking for an outsider. Even though he is part of the establishment and knows nothing on how to run things properly. He's just a big schemer who knows how to undermine and swindle people. His presence just made everyone more stupid regardless of their political affiliation.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
The guy is nothing more than a bad joke who came in at the perfect time when people were looking for an outsider. Even though he is part of the establishment and knows nothing on how to run things properly. He's just a big schemer who knows how to undermine and swindle people. His presence just made everyone more stupid regardless of their political affiliation.
Would it be a good thing for the Republican party to realign and truly become a people's party, a populist party, offering alternatives to the Democrat party platform? I think it would be.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
The only real thing that he and Republicans have accomplished is successfully gaslighting the public into thinking that they are the party of the working class and the common person.
you're using gaslighting wrong. The term is when you get gang-stalked and convinced that what you believe happened never did. Imagine if you woke up one day and everyone around you pretended Trump never won, all of the news about him were scrubbed from the web and that you're going insane thinking you somehow imagined the past 4 years. That's gaslighting.
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Bad Hombre
Aug 20, 2020
On top of your sister
Republic of Texas
I do wonder whats going to happen to him once he's been kicked out. Are they just going to pardon him so that there's no embarrassment against the government?
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Would it be a good thing for the Republican party to realign and truly become a people's party, a populist party, offering alternatives to the Democrat party platform? I think it would be.
Yes, obviously. That's exactly not what Trump has done (or was ever likely to do), or the Republicans are remotely likely to do after losing.

I do wonder whats going to happen to him once he's been kicked out. Are they just going to pardon him so that there's no embarrassment against the government?
More likely forget everything his done than pardon him as such, I daresay.


Regular Member
Apr 26, 2020
United Kingdom
He was good for the stock market, I'll give him that. Wouldn't mind a bit of a stability now, though, so the cheap shares I picked up in the China trade wars / Covid crash can appreciate some more.
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Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
He wasn't as disastrous as Bush, i'll give him that.

OTOH, for all his, uhh, "criticism" of Obama's policies he decided to expand on those most atrocious: Cages and Drones. Wonder, why is that...

Overall, he was a snake-oil salesman, and it's good that he's gone. Just not optimistic about the incumbent.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Still incredible how many people believe that a rich man's son who literally shits in a golden toilet and brags about the people he's swindled is somehow a man of the people. That was perhaps the greatest con he ever pulled, and it wouldn't have been possible without The Apprentice creating this fictitious mythology around him.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
He likely won't be rated as the worst president in US history because Buchanan exists. Its likely however that Trump will forever bungle in the bottom 5 of most presidential rankings.
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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
First and foremost, I must state something that I think a lot of people forget.

America is not a business. America is a country. It's the same way that either though that China's GDP has been crushing our own for years, our pundits will always smack talk China because of their human rights violations. In short, it's not the profit that matters, it what the country does.

With that in mind, I will go on.


Chicken Famers and how Trump hurt the American family Chicken farmers but substantially helped Big Corporations like Tyson.

Soybean farmers have suffered in the trade war with China set up by Trump for Two years in a row

And with a Farming infrastructure hurt by Trump's Trade War, Trump took bail out money meant for the American worker and gave it to a Brazil meat company.

Trump has steadily rolled back more Civil Rights and Environmental Protections than I care to think about.

Trump has said many times he won't touch Medicare and Medicaid. But he constantly tries to set up Budgets that will reduce spending in the social programs

I won't take the truth away from Trump. Yes, he has a profound affect in the economy. Did he Build it? Almost every Economist says he Inherited and ran with it.

Here's the thing. You don't get it both ways. You don't get to say "Doesn't matter about the recession, Obama. You're the president so this is under your purview. Fix it" and then go "Trump is so unlucky. There's nothing anyone could do during this time of Covid. Forgive him for it and overlook it".

Trump did not have to have his administration artificially Limit PPE by Giving 18 tons of our own supply to China

And then having States bid on reserves.

All the while not pushing for the testing necessary to know who to quarantine, and who's at risk

In short, most of the things that Republicans try to praise Trump for has come at the cost of Americans that Trump once pretended to care about; Americans who voted for him.

While shorting them might have been good a short term windfall, it has HARMED Americans.

But if I was going to Sum up the Trump's legacy. It would be one word.


From his Twitter, To his very fine people, to calling out Russia for help by name, to telling the Proud boys to Stand Back and Stand By, To telling his cult to hurt people and he will pay for it, to insulting our allies, belittling the press, Threatening to Jail Reporters, sh*thole countries, telling duly elected and nationalized citizens to go back where they came from, Mocking our politicians, Being the most Partisan President I have ever seen in my life time, Egging on the Trump Trains that surrounded and threatened his political allies, to firing and firing and firing people until he found a bottom feeder sycophant to agree with anything he said (God knows the only reason Fauci is still there because he polls better than Biden and Trump possibly combined), attempts on DACA, ICE raids and splitting families, calling for armed citizens to 'protect their elections', immediately calling the election rigged without a shred of evidences, bringing up court cases that state that Republicans aren't present where his lawyers immediately admit that they are, his rheotic about the protests and in the midst of WorldWide protests of Police brutality and the treatment of the minorities in this country... he gives carte blanche to the police to do whatever they want to get control.

Not to mention his own signals for Civil war if he is removed.

I literally don't have the stamina to continue to look up and cite things he's done. He saps my core. A decent economy is not worth the wreckage America has become under his watch. I've packed food for my family because the Trump Trains are running around here in Florida (*sigh*) nonstop. And Trump doesn't condemn. He celebrates. Sempai noticed them, so they'll do more to get that praise.

This is America now. Something I'm ashamed to see. A few points on an economy scale does not erase my worry I have for my family here and around this nation. For my transgendered siblings. For anyone that the cult deems against their acceptance. No unemployment level means anything to me if I have a job and I'm in a hostile but permitted environment.

Does that make sense? Can you see why turning a blind eye to all of that and calling this President 'Great' is like spitting in the faces of all of us who are not safe in this new Trump America?
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