A setting for a game which has not been over used.

electric discordian

New member
Apr 27, 2008
I would like to see two settings used.

One Cromwellian England using the setting of the Tom Holland books, a historically realistic setting with the occult thrown in Puritans vs Witches etc. Obviously there would be magic, horror action and if you wanted to join in in the political machinations of the Royalists attempting to overthrow Cromwell you are welcome too. I would picture it as a Sandbox game like Red Dead or indeed Oblivion. With either the central Character as a witch hunter or with multiple characters classes.

The other setting would be the first colonisation of the Americas, Last of the Mohican's style. or perhaps a touch later and have a setup like the film Ravenous which is what I am watching at the moment!

If you know of any games set in these periods I would be eager to hear about them.

The main talking point is do you reckon these are good ideas, if not do you have any better!

Discuss my gaming brothers!


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Think about it this way. They haven't been used because the fighting wouldn't be that great. It's too late to have just swords and the like, but its too early for guns to be all that effective (spending 20 seconds between each shot reloading isn't all that exciting). If it was a sandbox game, once again, the combat would be really boring, unless you use magic or something, in which case it doesn't really matter what time period it's in.


Sep 22, 2009
Pre-colonisation South America. That shit would be awesome in a game. Let me play as the Aztecs or something. Or take me to the Pacific Islands or Hawaii or something. Those are some fierce warriors with an untapped mythology.

Plenty if places in the ancient world could use more love too. I need more Khans and Mongol warlords in my video games.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I can't think of any games with those settings probably for Irishstormtroopers above mentioned reason. If you were to have guns people don't want to spend forever reloading them. But maybe, if the game leaned more heavily on sword fighting, or close quarters combat, the gun could act as a sort of "power up" that you could save to use strategically. Or make reloading times a little shorter, making them less realistic, but making them long enough that you'd have to find a break/pause in combat in order to reload, adding another bit of timing and strategy to combat.

I think the setting itself would be really cool. Though to make it work, it should probably be something other than an Shooter styled game. I bet there's a bunch of stories you could do with very little to no combat.

I'm thinkin, a game about the colonization of the Americas with a mass effect/alpha protocol style dialogue thing going on, where you can choose how you colonize the areas; Being peaceful or warlike, through trade or treachery. You'd really only have a ton of fighting if that's the method you picked for taking over. Maybe could have some alternate endings to the colonization.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Why don't they use cruise boats more often? I mean, its a big setting with all the shops and people you could dream of, along with reasonable barriers for the player's environment. If they really needed a new location, they could just shove the protagonist to another ship.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
electric discordian said:
I would like to see two settings used.

One Cromwellian England using the setting of the Tom Holland books, a historically realistic setting with the occult thrown in Puritans vs Witches etc. Obviously there would be magic, horror action and if you wanted to join in in the political machinations of the Royalists attempting to overthrow Cromwell you are welcome too. I would picture it as a Sandbox game like Red Dead or indeed Oblivion. With either the central Character as a witch hunter or with multiple characters classes.

The other setting would be the first colonisation of the Americas, Last of the Mohican's style. or perhaps a touch later and have a setup like the film Ravenous which is what I am watching at the moment!

If you know of any games set in these periods I would be eager to hear about them.

The main talking point is do you reckon these are good ideas, if not do you have any better!

Discuss my gaming brothers!
Overthrowing cromwell.
Fable 3 anyone? i mean its not EXACLY like this but very very similar. Fable is absically this but with different characters...

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
Well Assassin's creed 2 handed it up to me on a silver platter; The renaissance is a brilliant setting. Pity all that animus nonsense gets in the way. I'd like an option to replay the game but get rid of all that contrived balls.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
Pre-Chaucerian poverty. No advanced weapons, no beautiful people, no magical kingdoms. Just mud, sticks, fear and misery. Set it up like an Elder Scrolls style RPG, but the best you could ever hope to do is to not die like a pig in a hole. Conflict could arise with the introduction of some kind of raiding band that you have no chance of fending off, but might be able to hide and survive.
If all else fails it would provide the natural denouement for the industry's love of the brown and grey palettes.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
The whole Victorian Era seems to be lacking in general. The Fable series has touched upon it, and seems to be really hitting it with 3, but overall, there aren't many games set in this time period.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
You play an Iraqi set in the middle east in 2003. The first half of the game plays like the sims, where you make friends and keep a family safe, and build a dream house while keeping everyone happy. Then an unknown military steam in and bomb most of your friends and family and home to the point it looks like Fallout 3's wasteland.

In the second half of the game you go on covert missions bombing passing patrol trucks belonging to this military force because you're quite pissed off. Bonus points of kidnapping and beheading.

It would at least be more emotionally aligning than most other war-set games.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Most recently, and on this website, how about a world made of yarn? Kirby's epic yarn is a setting that isn't over used...but it probably will be in the future.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I'd kinda like to see a Zulu War FPS. I've always wanted to play as an English soldier at the last stand at Rorke's Drift.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Europe in the lead up to WW2, playground politics/Phoenix Wright style.

Edit: Cookie if you can provide some funny dialogue.