Korten12 said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Why would you even bother?
B/c you get all the DLC free forver (and they even said Elites get multiple DLC a month so it pays for it self.
For ALL CoD Games?
And I get that, and Beta access, on TF2 for free.
Are you seriously defending Activision doing this given
Really? Are you perfectly sure that you are happy to give Activision money for stuff that everyone else gives out free?
Even if you adore CoD, you are still paying $110 for a years worth of gaming.
Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Everquest 2 could cover that entire Multiplayer experience - including keeping your clan together - without any of the hatespeech - for Free.
You are laying down the defence for Activision to keep charging whatever they like, to ignore any potential reviewers - like Yahtzee - because all the Elites will be defending their map choices - and producing a group of people who are paying to spawncamp.
You're specifically defending the idea that it's perfectly acceptable to charge players based on their need, rather than the quality of your game?
Are you REALLY sure that all that is worth $50 a year ON TOP OF the price?