Activision Sponsors Wolverine Program at Edinburgh Zoo

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Activision Sponsors Wolverine Program at Edinburgh Zoo

To mark today's launch of Edinburgh Zoo [], where the lead male has "voluntarily" changed his name to Logan.

Designed and released in concert with the new Activision [] sponsorship of the wolverine enclosure ensures that the Edinburgh Zoo, which has the only wolverines in the U.K., will be able to continue its breeding program into 2010.

"What better way is there to pay homage to the mighty Wolverine [than] by making sure his real life cousins are cared for during the next year?" said Activision's Senior Brand Manager Aruna Sinha. "With wolverines an endangered species, we see Wolverine having a major role in helping people become more aware of these wonderful creatures and ensuring their survival for many years to come."

Real-life wolverines are actually members of the weasel family and like most weasels their viciousness and power are belied by their relatively small stature. Wolverines are native to northern areas of Russia, China, Mongolia, Scandinavia and other regions, but most of their numbers can be found in Canada. They do not actually possess retractable claws or adamantium skeletons.

"It's fantastic that X-Men Origins: Wolverine is sponsoring our very own wolverines here at Edinburgh Zoo," added Cristina Pouso, the zoo's corporate development manager. "As a charity we rely on our fund raising to further our work and sponsorship is an excellent way for us raise essential funds, not just for the day to day care of our animals, but for our conservation projects across the globe."

Source: MCV []



New member
Nov 1, 2008
That's pretty cool, seeing a big company supporting wildlife help schemes like that.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
That's nice of them. Now, if only they would sponsor the creation of the superhero.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Malygris said:
They do not actually possess retractable claws or adamantium skeletons.
Well I guess that solves the issue of how to spend the money.

Seriously though, Wolverines are hella cool.