

Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
I would argue that Delver is more useful. It's seen a lot of play in Legacy in RUG tempo decks.

As for your question, however, I normally don't play Aggro. The only thing close to it that I play is Black beatdown with the long-game in mind, as opposed to throwing 4 lightning bolts at someone.


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
So what's your favorite Aggro build? Do you play Red for Goblins, mono-Blue Illusions, or something more unique like Angry Kitties a la Loading Ready Run? Do you like mono-colored builds, or do you prefer multiple colors in your Aggro?
Honestly... I don't even know what types my decks are; Aggro, Control or Combo. Each of them (W, B and BR) take a while to build up to a decent force and are quickly outmaneuvered. No specific win conditions or anything like that: I'm pretty sure the two I use most often (W and B) are pretty badly built. Might revamp them both now, while I think about it.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
CounterAttack said:
So what's your favorite Aggro build? Do you play Red for Goblins, mono-Blue Illusions, or something more unique like Angry Kitties a la Loading Ready Run? Do you like mono-colored builds, or do you prefer multiple colors in your Aggro?
Honestly... I don't even know what types my decks are; Aggro, Control or Combo. Each of them (W, B and BR) take a while to build up to a decent force and are quickly outmaneuvered. No specific win conditions or anything like that: I'm pretty sure the two I use most often (W and B) are pretty badly built. Might revamp them both now, while I think about it.
sounds like the worst type: Unfocused.

Aggro, control and combo all trump unfocused


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
Seeing as I don't play to win, but I play to win hilariously, no I don't think you could call any of my decks aggro. The closest to aggro that I've ever had was probably my red deck before I decided that mirrorworks and caged suns make a fireball so much more fun to use. The fact that I only play casually with friends who couldn't build a deck to save their lives probably helps with this. I guess my favorite aggro would be mono-color, probably blue illusions as they have always impressed me, but have never seemed like as much fun as making five copies of my opponent's favorite creature. I love copy cards, so much fun.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I totally dig the 'Angry Kitties' style of deckbuilding... I have one called 'March of the Black Queen' that completely avoids card art depicting males... all objects or females. (I have to say females since they aren't all human.) It's proven to be a lot more effective against my friends than I would have expected, given the flavor-over-form construction.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some cards to go research... this article gives me ideas...


New member
May 18, 2010
I am a controlling aggro with a few combos. My Zombie deck, aka my "I hate you and your damn creatures" deck, features lots of creature based control. But, it also has some efficiently casted zombies, Cemetery reaper, Phyrexian crusader and DIregaf Ghoul, and can be a beatdown deck in desperate situations. And then I have my ZendiGoblins which can ONLY be described as an aggro deck. It's goblins, what do you expect?

On the subject of colour, screw multicoloured. I have seen, and experienced, enough "Hands of blue, but all swamps" to stay away from multicolour. If I'm playing green, then I might do a bit of splashing, because I will have a tonne of mana fixing. But, if I'm playing any other colour, than no. Monocoloured FTW!


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Encaen said:

Get there fastest with the mostest.

Read Full Article
Well I've got a G/W humans build (You left out Mirran Crusader the most aggro friendly turn 2/3 drop there is :( )

And of course the typical RDW that throws shrines/shocks/gutshots/bolts at people for massive damage.

Nothing has come close to my still sleeved up Onlsaught block Goblin deck for sheer funtime aggro when you want to play casually and just "turn guys sideways".

TheAweDude said:
On the subject of colour, screw multicoloured. I have seen, and experienced, enough "Hands of blue, but all swamps" to stay away from multicolour. If I'm playing green, then I might do a bit of splashing, because I will have a tonne of mana fixing. But, if I'm playing any other colour, than no. Monocoloured FTW!
This is probably due to your ratios of lands to spells of the colour you need. In standard you can easily have 16 sources of each colour in a typical 24 land two allied-colour deck without much thought thanks to M12 and Scars duals. If you don't have them though It can be a slight problem but sometimes it's as simple as taking out 1 Island for another Swamp and seeing your manabase go from unstable to decent.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Please keep doing this article. That being said I should probably wait until the summer before trying to crack Magic: The Gathering


New member
May 6, 2005
SL33TBL1ND said:
I would argue that Delver is more useful. It's seen a lot of play in Legacy in RUG tempo decks.

As for your question, however, I normally don't play Aggro. The only thing close to it that I play is Black beatdown with the long-game in mind, as opposed to throwing 4 lightning bolts at someone.
Reading back on that... I didn't mean to make it sound like Delver was a poorer choice, just that as far as "potential" goes it can never be more than a 3/2 flier, whereas Champion and Stromkirk can both get more out of hand. You're absolutely right, though, in the grand scheme of things, the almost-guaranteed 3/2 flier is generally superior to the unrealized potential of either Stromkirk or Champion!

TheAweDude said:
I am a controlling aggro with a few combos. My Zombie deck, aka my "I hate you and your damn creatures" deck, features lots of creature based control. But, it also has some efficiently casted zombies, Cemetery reaper, Phyrexian crusader and DIregaf Ghoul, and can be a beatdown deck in desperate situations. And then I have my ZendiGoblins which can ONLY be described as an aggro deck. It's goblins, what do you expect?

On the subject of colour, screw multicoloured. I have seen, and experienced, enough "Hands of blue, but all swamps" to stay away from multicolour. If I'm playing green, then I might do a bit of splashing, because I will have a tonne of mana fixing. But, if I'm playing any other colour, than no. Monocoloured FTW!
I love to see a good zombie deck in action. [user]Kross[/user] had a really nasty zombie/unearth deck that was incredibly resilient. It took a few turns to get going, but if he got it started it was nigh impossible to stop. He disassembled it for a Balthor the Defiled [] EDH deck that has filled the table with zombies on many occasion.


World Breaker
Sep 27, 2004
Encaen said:
I love to see a good zombie deck in action.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
Bloody hell, MTG has come a long, long ass way since I was last playing with some friends down the pub.

Back then, it was all Fireball/Lightning and Library of Leng...

Now you've got cards levelling up, cards that affect the entire game in one go. Cards that spawn other counters, and ones that remove counters..

*head asplodes*

Does no one play down the pub any more, with the table having an equal share of cards, and pint glasses? You know, the fun, having a laugh mode.

Or has the MTG game lost its sense of fun?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010

This is where is say "they don't make shows like that anymore"...though I seem to have forgotten how worrying that thing looks


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Another good point for Shrine of Burning Rage is that it "stores" the damage, meaning cards that would normally be really good against aggro (Timely Reinforcements for example) simply don't do anything, as the damage hasn't actually been done yet.

That card gets scary very fast in mono red :X


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Encaen said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
I would argue that Delver is more useful. It's seen a lot of play in Legacy in RUG tempo decks.

As for your question, however, I normally don't play Aggro. The only thing close to it that I play is Black beatdown with the long-game in mind, as opposed to throwing 4 lightning bolts at someone.
Reading back on that... I didn't mean to make it sound like Delver was a poorer choice, just that as far as "potential" goes it can never be more than a 3/2 flier, whereas Champion and Stromkirk can both get more out of hand. You're absolutely right, though, in the grand scheme of things, the almost-guaranteed 3/2 flier is generally superior to the unrealized potential of either Stromkirk or Champion!
No problem, buddy. Also, loving the column. Haven't had something on this site that I enjoy reading this much for a while.
Jun 13, 2010
I'm not much of an aggro player myself, but I did try out a UW Illusions deck last week that I liked a lot. It was my friends though, so I'll be back to Wolf Run Ramp for awhile.

Just a few thoughts on your vampire deck... I would argue that Vampire Nocturnus is a much better choice than Captivating Vampire. Not only does he boost your vampires more, but he also gives them evasion. If you control 5 vampires in an aggro deck, you should probably already be winning. I don't think Guul Draaz Assassin really fits in an aggro deck very well either. Repeated removal is nice, but he seems a little too slow in a deck that wants to be curving out with a creature every turn as well. Other than that, it looks a lot like a deck I used to play back when those cards were still standard legal.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Normally I play control, but when I decide to play aggro, It's legacy big dumb green.