Agoraphobe Brings the Ruckus to Bill Gates

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
WHAT?? Is this guy fucking NUTS? Oh wait, I think we've already established that he's fucking nuts, this just proves it. I seriously think this guy belongs in a padded cell, not a courtroom. Which brings me to another thought, if he's agoraphobic, so agoraphobic in fact that the only social interaction he gets is through PSN etc., how is it he's able to stand being in a courtroom full of people for several hours? Does he make his court appearances via webcam?


New member
May 28, 2009
I feel for the guy. He is, quite evidently, a lunatic.

He ought to be humoured and told he's going to "court" and that the guys in white jackets are all "judges" of sanity

Seriously, he's a nutjob.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Chipperz said:
Yeah... This is definitely seeming like Dante's Inferno advertising now. It's too... Stupid... To be real.
If this turns out to be yet ANOTHER stunt by EA to promote their stupid game, I'm going to buy 500 hard-cover copies of The Divine Comedy, and drop them on John Riccitiello's thick skull from a helicopter that has the sentence, "Remember Thrill Kill!" painted on it.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
He can sue Chuck Norris because Chuck Norris jokes no longer make him laugh....

He can sue The Escapist for all of us laughing at him...

He can Guitar Hero for being...fuck...

He needs to kill himself


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
dalek sec said:
Hopefully Gates can order some kind of hit team to get rid of this guy.
Actually, that's pretty much what I'm counting on at this point. Sueing companies left and right, sure, no problem, just makes gamers look like asses... but personally stepping on the toes of the big man himself while yelling at him and reaching for his wallet? Yeah, that's the kind of thing people with power usually send people without power to sleep with the fishes for.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
i like waiting to see what he sues next man i really want to watch this guy be retarded


New member
Sep 2, 2008
And the chances of this kid suddenly and mysteriously disappearing skyrocket.

The chances of anyone caring, however, have plummeted to the depths of the sea.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Amnestic said:
and he also wants to know how many people have been banned from Xbox Live for piracy in the past year
The hell does that have to do with anything? :s
I was wondering that as well. I mean, with his case against Nintendo, he was going after them for their newest firmware blocking the homebrew channel, where he was getting copies of game saves to unlock characters in MarioKart (which he only could have otherwise unlocked if he bought Super Mario Galaxy, which he thinks is totally unfair), which might be considered a form of piracy.
But you're right, why does he want to know about pirate-bans from XBox Live? Is he trying to out them on moderators' potential double-standards? Trying to see just how many pirates are still allowed on Live despite their activities? I'm not sure what he's after, but I stopped admiring this loser (harsh word, I know, that's why I use it) for his tenacity and boldness about two lawsuits ago. He's upset because companies want his money and don't care about any other aspects of his life? Welcome to the world around you. I know you're afraid of it, but lashing out at it isn't going to endear anyone in it to open their arms to you.
I have a shut-in roommate on disability for an anxiety disorder who plays WoW 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, and even she thinks this guy's bat-guano bonkers.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Wait, Bill Gates isn't even part of Microsoft, last time i checked he stepped down

If i'm wrong please inform me, thanks

Guitar Gamer

New member
Apr 12, 2009
good to see someone tenacious enough to go all the way with how pissed they are.
I hope he sues the devil next or next or maybe even irony for being wrongly defined by people


New member
May 15, 2008
Estavillo, I am disappoint. Shouldn't Bill Gates have US$75,000 in pocket change? I think he should wave it in Estavillo's face and scream "Nyeh nyeh!" since that's about as close to the payload he'll ever get.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Always bugs me when people bring Gates into it.

The dude is doing other shit now. Stop blaming him for everything Microsoft does :p.

Blanks said:
Wait, Bill Gates isn't even part of Microsoft, last time i checked he stepped down

If i'm wrong please inform me, thanks
Nope you are one of the 50 people who actually has been paying attention to the events of the last 5 years.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
hahaha... oh man, everytime I hear this guy's name it makes me smile.

It's also very unlikely EA would even secretly sanction lawsuits like this for marketing.

Could you imagine if it came out? EA would be absolutely ruined, not only in liability for the costs of these lawsuits, but they'll never make a game for another console again.

They'd be literally biting the hand that feeds them, in order to sell some tastey lady finger cookies.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
theultimateend said:
Always bugs me when people bring Gates into it.

The dude is doing other shit now. Stop blaming him for everything Microsoft does :p.

Blanks said:
Wait, Bill Gates isn't even part of Microsoft, last time i checked he stepped down

If i'm wrong please inform me, thanks
Nope you are one of the 50 people who actually has been paying attention to the events of the last 5 years.
Apparently you guys weren't paying that much attention:

Gates remains Microsoft's largest single shareholder and chairman of company's board of directors.
Source []. He doesn't own Microsoft anymore and he did step down from his high-position but he's still a non-executive chairman. It's not as if he has no connection to the company anymore.