Am I the Only One Sick of Vampires?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
hey if any girls read this,whats the appeal of vampires?

they're dead guys who wants to do it with a dead guy.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Maybe I'm just jaded because of how old and tired vampires are becoming, but I agree wholeheartedly.

Also, what kind of crappy creature can only digest one type of animal blood for sustainence. This seems illogical and retarded, anyone wish to explain this?

While you're at it, explain the sunlight thing. Seems all they need is a bit of a tan. Another stupid de/evolution, how does it help them to be like this. It is simply inane, no creature would evolve to burn in sunlight... God damn vampires are a stupid concept.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Vampires are a bit overly hyped at the moment, but I've enjoyed vampire stories since I was little and will likely still enjoy them after the hype dies and vampires are no longer considered to be awesome by the general populace.

The Ycrad

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Vampires are a bit overdone, but that was alright. What realy bothers me about a few more recent vampire stories (mostly twilight) is that they're basically humans with superpowers. The orginal model for a vampire had reasons for not wanting to be one (insatiable hunger for blood, inablilty to stand in sunlight without becoming incredibly weak/combusting, being under the control of the vampire that bit you, garlic, holy water, crisifixes, wooden stakes etc.) Come on Edward, you're an immortal superman, why are you complaining, you dont even suffer from automaitc alignment change.


New member
May 20, 2009
I really am, and the sad bit is, I rather like them. I wish I could work with them in stories and not feel dirty and cliched, no matter how hard I try. I'm walking a thin line with one race that are 'essentially vampires.' Maybe that's just me.


New member
May 24, 2008
I'll agree with a number of people in this thread in that the White Wolf Vampire: The Masquerade setting is about the only one I've had any real interest in. Mostly, it's because you can dick around in it if you're into tabletop gaming (I've not had any interest in actually doing a vampire LARP). The main thing seems to be that it's a great setting for exploring various psychological derangements, being a psychotic monster, or the like. Mainly, it gives you an excuse to be an immortal (sort of) jackass with superpowers.

I'm not saying other settings are necessarily bad, just less interesting. Often much less interesting.