Amazon Prime Gaming


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Who knew if you are a Amazon Prime member there are PC games one can play and own available each month.
I got Prime as before becoming a member, I had to pay shipping on any purchase under $25. Next thing I know, they came out with a bunch of other benefits that are a bonus to me as I'd remain a member anyway. (Kindle books including comics, Prime Video).

They have their own PC desktop application which typically has indie, shovelware type of titles. Once in a while you get something pretty good. Someone at this site recommended the $25 game, "Metamorphosis" which is now in my library and is pretty fun, though I'm stuck kinda early in.

Another thing they do is have you link accounts to other apps such as GoG. This month, having done so, I got The Evil Within 2. If you can withstand yet another invasion of your privacy that's a good deal.

EDIT: You also get to play about 4 games for a month on Luna if you have good Internet.
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