An end to racism and discrimination?


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I've been thinking about this for a long time now and just wanted to see what others thought about it.

Steps towards ending racism and discrimination:
1. erase all nation and international borders and create a single nation.
2. (this would have to be implanted into the infants) - by having erased all nations and creating a single nation, eventually, separate cultures would merge together, forming a single culture, which would lead to an end of culutral discrimination.
3. also by merging all peoples, a singular language would need to be created and accents would disappear, thus an end to language discrimination.
4. Over time, as we continue to procreate, eventually all races would merge into a singular race, thus an end to racism.
5. If all those infants were taught the same morals of law and justice, then there would be no hate, or theft, or murder. (sort of like communism without a government)

With everybody being of one race, one culture, one language, and one nation, nobody would be over another and there would be no need of racism or discrimination (unless of course some persons experienced deformities or disabilities at birth or at any point in their lives).

With that, I'd like to leave you with a message which I titled "A simple but powerful prayer for friends"
Grant me the courage to protect those most precious to me, the ability to carry their sorrows, and the happiness to know that they lived better lives through me.

Okay, so I was wrong, it's human nature to hate each other and think of ourselves as superior over one another. But don't you think that it is possible that with time, we could evolve and overcome our petty differences, and ultimately there would be no need to discriminate against each other. I want the world to be better, a place where there would be no wars over race, language, culture, government, or religion. Where everybody is free to choose so long as their choices do not harm mentally or physically anybody else.
There, is that better?


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Good luck with that. Me, I'll stick with not being a racist, and that should be enough for me.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
This would never work... (nor do I want it to) but I bet you already knew that.

Actually, I really don't like the idea. What your saying is that we must make everyone exactly the same so that there is nothing to discriminate against. In reality, we must accept people for their differences.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
So the only way to end the intolerance of differences get rid of differences?

I'm not feeling it.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
maximilian said:
Hail Hitler.
Hitler sought to destroy those he thought inferior, what I seek is to make those that believe themselves to be inferior and those that believe that they are superior equals.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Soxfan1016 said:
This would never work... (nor do I want it to) but I bet you already knew that.

Actually, I really don't like the idea. What your saying is that we must make everyone exactly the same so that there is nothing to discriminate against. In reality, we must accept people for their differences.
I know it would never work, but by bringing ourselves closer to this, then there would be no need of wars or hate against your fellow man if they and you are equals
Though I believe we must accept others for their differences, not all people believe in this

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
leontyrone said:
Xan Krieger said:
Can we still at least have wars?
What would be the need?
Good question and I do believe I have a few answers for that.
1. Distract people from something like a failing economy
2. In a hundred years we'll have made so many video games about the wars of the past that it'll be impossible to come up with new ideas. There would even be games about the war of 1812 and WW1. Endless renditions of old wars. We'd need new ones for new video games to be based off.
3. it helps advance human technology.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
I would say that sounds like a good idea, however we truly cannot trust communism, it sounds good but the closest we have ever had was a dictatorship of the prolatariet.

And you idea on ending racism and discrimination SUX!!!

In facts its actaully a better idea!! To create world peace!!!

Plus, do you mean end, as in to find a mean to supress it to death or to get rid of it completely, this isn't solving it, its just ending it.
Also this isn't solving it its just destroying it, its always about making racism not exist, its like ending war, by killing all people! Its overly redudant, its over the top way to end racism, its more like a war-less world thread.

Also, Imo, racism needs to exist to show people that those that use racism are terrible people, its needed to show character...thats good enough for me to keep it.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
leontyrone said:
maximilian said:
Hail Hitler.
Hitler sought to destroy those he thought inferior, what I seek is to make those that believe themselves to be inferior and those that believe that they are superior equals.
You can't control what people think, sorry. What happens when people still feel inferior or superior? What happens when people disagree with your methods?

You'd never get people to agree unless you found someway to take away their free will and emotions. Just watch the movie Equilibrium or V for Vendetta or Aeon Flux or a dozen others; this plan is one of a pretentious upper high school/lower college student. I'm sure every intelligent person posting on these forums had the same idea at one point or another, myself included. Then you grow out of it.

This just wouldn't work man, be realistic.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
leontyrone said:
Xan Krieger said:
Can we still at least have wars?
What would be the need?
EDIT: Ninja'd big time. New video game material, we really need a WW3 so we can get some new ideas in FPSs.

Also your idea sucks, everyone is not equal, except that we are all human, why force conformity when acceptance is so much better. Recognize and accept people are different rather than force them to conform to some arbitrary standard.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Multiculturalism is still very young. There are still people alive from the time when racism was a way of life, after all.

As years and generations go by, racism will disappear on its own.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Then people would just be racist about eye colour or something stupid.
Its human nature to classify and categorize.

If you managed to implement this we would essentially be a race of Neutrals.
"If i die, tell my wife i said Hello"


New member
Dec 25, 2008
As great as it would be to end racism and discrimination, it will never be possible! A lot of discrimination comes from things that will exsist regardless national borders or lack thereof. As much as it sucks there will always be racist people, just try really hard not to be one . . . thats the best answer.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Erasing National Borders wouldn't end racism. Look at Africa, different tribes in the same country still want to kill each other. It's not always a matter of nationality. To merge all cultures, the infants would have to be separated from their parents to not identify with their parent's culture. I doubt many parents would be up for that.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Here's the main issue with your plan.

You will never, ever, ever convince people to completely throw away their culture and nationhood. It's too deeply implanted in our minds that the nation is an important part of any life.

You also will never get a perfect fusion race. There will always be differences. It's impossible to have a complete set of similar genetics, except through destroying humanity except for one person and infinitely cloning their genes.