Analysts say Battlefield 5 may put EA's financial guidance at risk.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
undeadsuitor said:
It's funny, if there wasn't women in the game we would be (rightly) laying the poor sales on EA's despicable business practices and an oversaturation of war time first person shooters that battlefield has been remaking for decades now

I guess Women are worse than EA
I would say it's more because of the very poor marketing and releasing the game between the new Call of Duty and RDR2, but yeah, EA's track-record probably has a hand in it as well.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
undeadsuitor said:
It's funny, if there wasn't women in the game we would be (rightly) laying the poor sales on EA's despicable business practices and an oversaturation of war time first person shooters that battlefield has been remaking for decades now

I guess Women are worse than EA
It could be an over-saturation of war time shooters IS the reason for poor sales, and the ladies in game are a simple and easy excuse for EA. In the wake of Star Wars, lootboxes and the fucking fuck they've made of the FIFA series, its not that gamers in general are sick of EA, it's that they're sexist and can't stand women in games.

What's that, Mass Effect? Never heard of it! Gamers hate women!

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Captain Marvelous said:
I think Hawki is more concerned about the potential decline in diversity in games because of the possibility of EA's failure after taking a stand for the inclusion of female avatars in BF5.
I know what he was getting at. But that won't happen. So far only EA has been so fuckin' terrible at implementing diversity in their games. They keep forcing it and making it obnoxious, like that's the entire point of the game. Diversity should be a natural thing that makes the game feel more immersive, not something that's being shoved in your face for no rational reason. Like that transgender NPC in Mass Effect Andromeda. There are better ways to implement those ideas that doesn't make it look like you're preaching to your customers. The way that EA does it is tasteless and just plain old moronic.

The bigger picture here is that maybe if BF5 fails, just maybe gamers will finally see how much power over these corporations they truly have and that boycott works.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
Silentpony said:
undeadsuitor said:
It's funny, if there wasn't women in the game we would be (rightly) laying the poor sales on EA's despicable business practices and an oversaturation of war time first person shooters that battlefield has been remaking for decades now

I guess Women are worse than EA
It could be an over-saturation of war time shooters IS the reason for poor sales, and the ladies in game are a simple and easy excuse for EA. In the wake of Star Wars, lootboxes and the fucking fuck they've made of the FIFA series, its not that gamers in general are sick of EA, it's that they're sexist and can't stand women in games.

What's that, Mass Effect? Never heard of it! Gamers hate women!
I think your right, but there are gamers/'anti sjw' who WANT the narrative about this to be 'women in the game and EA's defence thereof are the reason SUCK IT SJW'S AND AND DIVERSITY.'

Heck, Angry Joe is getting pilloried for a video where he suggests women aren't the cause here.


New member
Jan 20, 2012
Electronic Arts has been abusing their customers and consumers with unfair business practices such as microtransactions, season passes and pre-order bonuses.

Add to that the loot box controversy from Star Wars: Battlefront as well as the (justified) poor reception of Mass Effect: Andromeda, it is no surprise that customers are fed up with EA's mistreatment and hesitating to buy the new game.

However you feel about race and gender and representation, implementing poor business practices will only serve to drive your customers away.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
undeadsuitor said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
undeadsuitor said:
It's funny, if there wasn't women in the game we would be (rightly) laying the poor sales on EA's despicable business practices and an oversaturation of war time first person shooters that battlefield has been remaking for decades now

I guess Women are worse than EA
I would say it's more because of the very poor marketing and releasing the game between the new Call of Duty and RDR2, but yeah, EA's track-record probably has a hand in it as well.
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
It's almost like the developers told their audience that they are uneducated/on the wrong side of history and should not buy it if they didn't like what they saw. Looks like they got exactly what they wanted, congrats EA/DICE!

Jokes aside the more EA hurts the better, I thought us gamers had agreed on that a long time ago.
Heh, the first comment was a bit tounge in cheek.

Yeah I guess, what I don't like is the hate-EA circlejerk that's going on like, YEAH I GET IT, EA IS VERY BAD.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Captain Marvelous said:
Even if EA fails, the successes of Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier Automata, Hellblade, Uncharted Lost Legacy, and Tomb Raider speak for themselves. Hell, The Last of Us 2 is one of the most anticipated games coming out 2019 and Overwatch is one of the most popular and diverse games out right now. No matter how much anyone wants to shout about how pandering to sjws will lead to failure, they'll be unmistakably wrong.
That didn't stop both the Uncharted: The Lost Legacy trailer and the recent Last of Us 2 trailer to suffer from an extreme amount of initial hate. It might've mellowed out now, but those first few days after that E3 gay kiss trailer shit was really ugly in the comments section.. like, way, way, WAY more than usual.

There's a fucking nasty kneejerk reaction among those who see SJW boogymen everywhere concerning anything that is pushing even the slightest bit of diversity nowadays.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Windknight said:
Oh I'm sure there are some fuckwads out there going 'No wamans in mah games!' and while being vocal, they're a super duper small minority compared to the normal gamers who are going 'Uggh, another fucking war shooter? And EA at that? Pass.'

I maintain the game could work if they went hard on the alternate reality take, make it all steam-punk or retro-punk WW2. Using a Microwave gun on Nazi mechs is a new level of fun.
If I remember correctly, someone said the British tanks shown in the trailer were never deployed to the European theater, and were meant solely for the defense of Britain. So go that route! Make it the Nazi mech ground invasion of Britain and you play a cyber-girl with a spiked bat and a steam-punk Samurai partner.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
undeadsuitor said:
It's funny, if there wasn't women in the game we would be (rightly) laying the poor sales on EA's despicable business practices and an oversaturation of war time first person shooters that battlefield has been remaking for decades now
This is the thing that bugs me about it. Anyone with an ounce of common sense could see that failure of this game coming for miles regardless of the gender of in-game characters and yet the GG crowd seems to have decided that it was all their doing standing up to "them thar SJWs".


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Silentpony said:
Windknight said:
Oh I'm sure there are some fuckwads out there going 'No wamans in mah games!' and while being vocal, they're a super duper small minority compared to the normal gamers who are going 'Uggh, another fucking war shooter? And EA at that? Pass.'

I maintain the game could work if they went hard on the alternate reality take, make it all steam-punk or retro-punk WW2. Using a Microwave gun on Nazi mechs is a new level of fun.
If I remember correctly, someone said the British tanks shown in the trailer were never deployed to the European theater, and were meant solely for the defense of Britain. So go that route! Make it the Nazi mech ground invasion of Britain and you play a cyber-girl with a spiked bat and a steam-punk Samurai partner.
That would be far too creative for the likes of EA these days. They just chase market trends at this point rather than trying to actually create something unique.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Gordon_4 said:
If the stupid bastards had just said ?What you?re seeing here is the multiplayer where we thought customisation should be king so you can make your player character who or whatever you like and make the whole thing play like a pulp adventure story. A little later we?ll demo some of the single player which has a more realistic and historically plausible campaign? then they?d be fine.
I mean, it was a multiplayer trailer where the woman with the hook had dies twice and the blow up a plane by throwing a grenade into the air and shooting it.

I figure that was implied.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
jademunky said:
undeadsuitor said:
It's funny, if there wasn't women in the game we would be (rightly) laying the poor sales on EA's despicable business practices and an oversaturation of war time first person shooters that battlefield has been remaking for decades now
This is the thing that bugs me about it. Anyone with an ounce of common sense could see that failure of this game coming for miles regardless of the gender of in-game characters and yet the GG crowd seems to have decided that it was all their doing standing up to "them thar SJWs".
Have to agree with this.

I mean, after the absolute debacle that was Battlefront 2, EA sports games and micro transactions in general, the rolling dumpster fire that is anything connected to Anthem, and EA's general history of fuckery...I'm supposed to believe that Battlefield 5's woes are due to that one lady in the reveal trailer?


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Captain Marvelous said:
I think Hawki is more concerned about the potential decline in diversity in games because of the possibility of EA's failure after taking a stand for the inclusion of female avatars in BF5.
No, that's not it.

The reason it puts me ill at ease is because sexism is never pleasant. The whole "historically accurate" argument is bogus because people have always been willing to give the series a pass on its historical liberties, including Battlefield V itself (there's a tank being used in the game that only had 35 or so models made, V1/V2 rockets are being used against infantry, British forces are replacing Dutch/Norwegian forces, there's a fixed gun emplacement that never even saw combat, the usual game mechanics that include revival by needle, etc.) yet apparently the option (again, the OPTION) to play as females is the one that breaks the camel's back...with a one tonne crate apparently, because no-one apparently cared about the proverbial straws up to this point (except for Battlefield 1, but the ethnic mixup took far more flak than stuff like the prevalance of automatic weapons, or the reduction of the French and Russians to DLC). I don't think Battlefield gets credit for putting in females, but the whole "they ruined Battlefield!" argument isn't one that holds up to scrutiny. And while Battlefield isn't a big hill (as stated), it's indicative of an ugliness within society (or at least gamer culture) that I wish didn't exist.

and Overwatch is one of the most popular and diverse games out right now. No matter how much anyone wants to shout about how pandering to sjws will lead to failure, they'll be unmistakably wrong.
It's funny that you mention Overwatch because when it came out, I remember...not exactly a furore, but certainly a running theme that Blizzard was carving into SJWs. I had really no idea why. Is it because the heroes are of various nationalities? Is it because its 'face' (Tracer) is female? Is it because it isn't the sausage fest that TF2 was? Is it that Tracer is gay (no-one cares in-universe, why should we)? Apart from that last question, no-one ever provided me with an answer, said answer being Blizzard "pushing the gay agenda." Even when I pointed out that you could change "Emily" for "Emile" and you wouldn't have to change a line of dialogue in the comic in which they interact, people were still upset...even though Tracer was already shipped with Widowmaker in more fanfiction than I care for (though they're probably not the same people).

So maybe Overwatch is an example of "catering to SJWs." Same with Last of Us 2 (the whole "Naughty Dog is pushing the gay agenda because it shows Ellie kissing a girl" thing). Maybe you can point to them as "get woke, don't go broke," but neither of strike me as being "woke," they just strike me as games. Battlefield V would as well, since the presence of women are entirely optional, but nup, options are tyranny or something.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Hawki said:
It's funny that you mention Overwatch because when it came out, I remember...not exactly a furore, but certainly a running theme that Blizzard was carving into skeletons. I had really no idea why. Is it because the heroes are of various nationalities? Is it because its 'face' (Tracer) is female? Is it because it isn't the sausage fest that TF2 was? Is it that Tracer is gay (no-one cares in-universe, why should we)? Apart from that last question, no-one ever provided me with an answer, said answer being Blizzard "pushing the gay agenda." Even when I pointed out that you could change "Emily" for "Emile" and you wouldn't have to change a line of dialogue in the comic in which they interact, people were still upset...even though Tracer was already shipped with Widowmaker in more fanfiction than I care for (though they're probably not the same people).
If I remember correctly it's because Blizzard changed a victory animation/pose for Tracer in which she shows off her ass because of a fan complaint. That was pretty much it as far as I can remember.
Nov 9, 2015
It's probably just because the game doesn't look interesting and the trailer and that one gameplay demo failed to generate any hype.

Half of their marketing is on cosmetics and customization, which screams Fortnite cashgrab. I know there are people who like that kind of stuff, but that's not supposed to be a selling point of a game.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Zeraki said:
If I remember correctly it's because Blizzard changed a victory animation/pose for Tracer in which she shows off her ass because of a fan complaint. That was pretty much it as far as I can remember.
Oh god, "Tracergate."

Thing is, Blizzard was already going to remove the pose (apparently). But even then, it was someone who did play Overwatch (as in, not one of those "SJWs who don't play games") who raise the issue, and Blizzard listened to a fan. Oh horror.

So, basically, "listen to the fans, except when they disagree with me, because they're not real fans, they're SJWs."



Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Zeraki said:
Hawki said:
It's funny that you mention Overwatch because when it came out, I remember...not exactly a furore, but certainly a running theme that Blizzard was carving into skeletons. I had really no idea why. Is it because the heroes are of various nationalities? Is it because its 'face' (Tracer) is female? Is it because it isn't the sausage fest that TF2 was? Is it that Tracer is gay (no-one cares in-universe, why should we)? Apart from that last question, no-one ever provided me with an answer, said answer being Blizzard "pushing the gay agenda." Even when I pointed out that you could change "Emily" for "Emile" and you wouldn't have to change a line of dialogue in the comic in which they interact, people were still upset...even though Tracer was already shipped with Widowmaker in more fanfiction than I care for (though they're probably not the same people).
If I remember correctly it's because Blizzard changed a victory animation/pose for Tracer in which she shows off her ass because of a fan complaint. That was pretty much it as far as I can remember.
Except even that is false. Tracer's animation pose was using a placeholder that the dev team wanted to replace and eventually did so. People claimed it was "forced down their throats" but refused to acknowledge the only people "forcing" anything was the dev team designing the game the way they wanted to.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Avnger said:
Zeraki said:
If I remember correctly it's because Blizzard changed a victory animation/pose for Tracer in which she shows off her ass because of a fan complaint. That was pretty much it as far as I can remember.
Except even that is false. Tracer's animation pose was using a placeholder that the dev team wanted to replace and eventually did so. People claimed it was "forced down their throats" but refused to acknowledge the only people "forcing" anything was the dev team designing the game the way they wanted to.
Ah, I see. Thank you for the correction. Back when that "story" broke I read a brief article about it, rolled my eyes and went about with my day.

I was so fed up with internet drama at that point I just wanted to be as far removed from it as possible.