Angriest you've ever been at a game.


New member
Mar 25, 2008
CyberAkuma said:
Mega Man Zero

That game is not hard. It is NINTENDO HARD [].

* Boss having 4x longer healthbar than your .... alright, I can deal with that.

* Boss having 4x longer healtbar than you, and after you drain it, it just switches colours to Blue, then yellow, then WHITE making the boss healthbar pretty much TEN TIMES LONGER than yours..... oh now you're shitting me...

* Boss having 10x longer healthbar than you + You die if you get hit more than 4 times...
FUC"¤#"¤?¤! THIS

* Boss having 10x longer healthbar than you + kills you in 4 hits + NO ENERGY TANKS

* Boss having 10x longer healthbar than you + kills you in 4 hits + NO ENERGY TANKS + NO weakesses to specific weapon.

Fuck this game.
This game is bullshit.
On top of that, in Megaman Zero you have NO LIFES. You only have continues making the game more frustrating than ever.
Seriously. Fuck that game.
It made my break my GBA
Not to mention that to obtain the boss's Z-Skills or whatever they're called you have to beat them without taking damage. My god did that drive me crazy. Each boss fight would turn into a 20-minute failurefest. Not only that, but when you did unlock it you discovered that the uber-boss that just repeatedly kicked your ass gives you a lame skill like bigger ice shots.


New member
Feb 21, 2008

On a funnier note, I've gotten some shit for absolutely destroying using nothing but an RPG on COD4.


New member
May 7, 2008
Super Mario 3.
It makes me so sad, too, because I love it. I just seriously can't play it for shit.


New member
Jun 3, 2008
The lava level on Aladdin on the Megadrive/Genesis.

It involved being chased by a big rock and jumping over lava pits.

I threw the pad across the room in anger after the 50,000th time I died and my dad banned me from playing it for a week.

Probably for the best actually.

The flying-through-rings section in GTA:San Andreas was horrendous too. It made me re-enact my Aladdin episode. My PS2 pad rattles like fuck now.


The Psychotic Psyker
Mar 18, 2008
The maddest I have ever been at a game was when i was going for the "Mile High Club" achievement for COD4. I just stuck with it though and despite my frustration I was eventually successful. (One shot, one kill's finale on veteran is a close second though)


New member
Dec 28, 2007
nilpferdkoenig said:
GTA IV has been pissing me off lately, I have to do some missions over a dozen time before even getting a hang of what the hell is happening.
Agreed. The Snow Storm mission has been making me scream up my lungs in rage. It doesn't matter how meticulously or carefully I pick off the cops, or if I run through guns blazing, I'm always betrayed by the cover system sticking me to the wall and ignoring the fact that there are two shotgun toting cops blasting my face off. Trying it without using cover, though, is a joke - I just get blasted to pieces in the first place.

I know the thread title only calls for one game, but I enjoy hearing your guys other stories and perhaps you'll like mine:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Anything on Intense and most stuff on Very Hard. It's a joke; one hit and you're cooked, and in some levels (in SSE mode) where the screen is almost completely filled by enemies, it's not a game any more, it's inhuman (see also Boss Battles, Classic, All-star/Survival/whatever it's called). These things, along with the event matches (well, some of them), have reduced me to a sputtering, curse-slinging idiot a few times too many.

GTA's in general piss me off when you fail them, I hate the in-mission (read: unskippable) cross-town driving that's 10 minutes of... well, I wouldn't even call it foreplay, just piss-wasting time. I understand it's a huge and massive city and they want us to see all of it - and rightly so - but there has to be a better way.

COD4: I haven't finished it yet (my poor PC can't handle it, so I had to stop playing), but the Broadcast mission near the start of the game where the baddies just keep streaming in - I thought there might be a Doom 3 style terrorist closet or something and probably died over 25 times between bullshit grenades and the nearly endless stream of bad guys.

Super Mario Galaxy pissed me off with the Dreadnaught purple coins mission and a few others. For the most part, wasn't too hard but there were some stars that were absolute nut-kickers.

That's all from recent memory, but I'm sure Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Tooie (especially the wretched button-mashing race goals), Counter Strike Source or 1.6 (I just get raped), and various other games throughout the years have pissed me off plenty.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
There was this one level in "The Warriors" that was so glitchy and annoying that it took me hours upon hours to complete because the glitches made it so hard.

Also, Jinpachi in Tekken 5 is the cheapest boss in the world, not even bosses in Ninja Gaiden can compete, because those bosses don't actually CHEAT.


Elite Member
Nov 27, 2007
Shadefyre said:
Not to mention that to obtain the boss's Z-Skills or whatever they're called you have to beat them without taking damage. My god did that drive me crazy. Each boss fight would turn into a 20-minute failurefest. Not only that, but when you did unlock it you discovered that the uber-boss that just repeatedly kicked your ass gives you a lame skill like bigger ice shots.
Dude, that would be the equivalent of getting 5-star on every song on Guitar Hero III. It will be absolutely a waste of time giving you nothing but pain and suffering.

Heck, I remember trying to barely stay ALIVE defeating the bosses, oh did I also mention that Zeros healthmeter stays the same THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE GAME? I remember it being a pain in the ass to find the Health Bar extender tanks in Mega Man X, but at least they're WORTH the trouble. In Mega Man Zero you just have to get used to ALL bosses can kill you in 3-4 hits no matter how far you progressed in the game. Jesus Christ.

Johnn Johnston said:
The. Freaking. Library. All I need to say.
Dude. I don't want to be a party-pooper but I beat Halo on Legendary twice and I have to say while it was infuriatingly difficult at times, the Library was the level I spent the least on. Simply because the flood has the One-gun-fits-all-variety. The Shotgun.
All floods will die of 1-2 shotgun shots. Unlike the covenants/Elites that need you to combo serveral weapons in order to even stande the slightliest chance against them.

While The Library is indeed infested with The Flood, the difficulty is nothing compared to some other parts of the game where you have to kill 4-5 invisible Elites and they will slaughter you easily with 3-4 shots from their rapid-fire plasma rifles.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
oh easy, alpha 152 made me curse a few times
i get an anoyingly high pitched voice whenever i lose a race in any racing game
and i was almost reduced to tears fighting sephiroth in kingdom hearts i ended up curb stomping my playstation2 controller, bought another one that i wasnt allowed to use. broke that one too then i haven't touched the game or system for the past 2 years. o yeah and i also got extremely frustrated in super smash bros. brawl when my brother hits me with a trip mine for a kill i almost punched him in the face


New member
Sep 18, 2007
mine was last week at Final Fantasy 12. Simply for just being a really shitty game that doesn't ever go anywhere, and is incredibly boring. I had spent over 60 hours so far, and the plot has been pathetic. i just got fed up with it, and threw the game and case in the trash compactor.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Dont know about the MADDEST but lately I've been spitting mad at MLB The Show for PS3. In the Road to the Show Mode my starting pitcher keeps getting pulled after 5.2 innings with a low pitch count and the lead.

O yea, and also Rainbow Six Vegas 2. The hit detection is so poor in that game and even on the easy levels I shoot a guy in the face 6 times only to be killed by one shot. I sold that game faster than any game I've ever owned.


New member
May 19, 2008
Besides escort quests (why do those exist?), I have three moments of note. The first was in PoP: Warrior Within. I got mad at it firstly because the prince transformed from the second-best game protagonist of all time (Raz is first) into an emo *****. And then to top that off, I got stuck in a because of a glitch, and could not load a past save because of the gay little save system. I never beat it (and I replay SoT and Two Thrones all the time). Another was KOTOR II, just for existing (KOTOR is one of the best games ever, and now I hate Obsidian with all of my heart). And the last was in CoD 2 on veteran mode where people would just keep coming out of buildings. It was like there were a hellish system of tunnels so the nazis could reinforce constantly.


New member
Jan 28, 2008
Right, not such a great game but this had me infuriated so much when I was younger.
Earthworm Jim for the N64. I could NOT get past the stage where you had to a timed training course for that bovine military type fellow. It was like trying to get an erection from a corpse (one that hadn't been struck by rigor mortis in the genitals at the point of death) and to this day I have never gone back to stay my demons...


New member
Mar 30, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
Logan9993 said:
This vid is hilarious but I think it's scripted. If any of you get angrier than this than you should be put in a psyco ward.
That video was a fake. Or to put it better, staged.
Thought so. I do wonder if anyone does get that psychotic playing games though.