Antichamber Arrives Later This Month

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Antichamber Arrives Later This Month

After almost four years in development, the bizarre, award-winning indie game Antichamber is almost ready for the light of Steam.

I'm not sure what to make of Antichamber. The game's website describes it as a "mind-bending psychological exploration game," which isn't particularly helpful, nor is the teaser trailer that was released in February of last year. On the other hand, it's won numerous awards during its drawn-out development process, including the Technical Excellence Award at the 2012 Independent Games Festival, so on that level it sounds at least potentially promising.

The secret will be revealed soon enough, as Antichamber, which has been in sometimes-sporadic development since 2006, will finally arrive on Steam at the end of this month. One of the reasons it took so long, creator Alex Bruce explained, is that testers often had trouble telling whether various parts of the game were features or bugs.

"I'm asking the player to throw away all knowledge of how games work and then create mental models for some pretty bizarre behaviors," he told Gamasutra. "I once had a tester think that space wrapping around seamlessly was a bug, but had no problem accepting that a buggy physics door that flew off its hinges and disappeared into space was a feature."

Bruce also has an interesting and rather unique attitude toward puzzle games: He doesn't like them, and furthermore says that they're not really puzzles at all because they teach players everything they need to know beforehand.

"That's not a puzzle. In fact, it's the opposite of a puzzle. That's homework," he said. "Like being told a maths equation, and then proving that you can do it 100 times when the variables change. Games like these want you to feel clever, and will give you all kinds of bells and whistles, achievements and sirens when you do what the designer wanted, but it's all artificial."

Which isn't to suggest that Antichamber will leave you hanging - Bruce said that it's actually "riddled with hints everywhere" - but the intent is to provide the puzzle and let you figure it out, affirming your accomplishment after the fact rather than hinting at a solution prior to it.

I'm certainly intrigued. Antichamber comes to Steam on January 31 and in the meantime, you can find out (not much) more at [].

Source: Gamasutra []



New member
Sep 16, 2009
"Order Now and get a complementary bag of shrooms with your pre-order!" =D

Yeah i have been looking forwards to this one since i heard about it this past PAX. looks interesting as hell

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Well, if I wanted my brains to turn into jelly, I would just do LSD like all the other kids on the block.

P.S. It saddens me that out of four posts, mine is only the second to make a drugs joke.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
if people don't know what to make of your game, you're doing something right.Hopefully this plays as differently as it's promoted to be.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
So I didn't know I needed this. Turns out I did. Badly. Like; really badly. Can I have it now? Please? It just looks so good.
Seriously though; exploring a world with mechanics like that sounds so good it's unreal.


New member
Oct 26, 2010
I went to uni with Alex and played the first version of this game, back when it was called Hazard. He has been working on it full time since then and if Hazard was anything to go by then Antichamber will be fucking amazing.

I get exactly what he means by the puzzle in the game, those things hurt your brain, but once you figure it out then they seem really simple and you don't know why you didn't get it earlier.

All I can say is that Alex is fucking amazingly talented, is one of the best puzzle designers i have ever come accross, and is also a pretty great guy.

i'ma be supporting him all the way with this, and this has got my money day one. i suggest you all do the same, you wont be dissapoint.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
I remember playing this many years ago when it was still just known as hazard: journey of life.
The first "puzzle" still strikes me as One of the best exames of how you can't just "learn" how to beat every puzzle like a chore. You stand in front of a big gap, where the room continues on the other side. The word "JUMP" is written. You can either jump, fall down to the bottom and continue on from there, it wont kill you. If you time it correctly, you can land on a hidden ledge during your fall and continue on through another room. Or you can just walk straight over the pit, and watch as a bridge builds itself under your steps, and continue o into the next room. Or you can just turn around and walk the other direction. It's all your choice.


New member
May 24, 2008
This looks like something straight out of the movie "Cube".

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
rhizhim said:
it is going to be a mix of the ball, portal and Q.U.B.E: Quick Understanding of Block Extrusion.

although i wish it would play more like the movie cube....
Gotta say that game looks like loads of fun. Sadly though, I still don't think a game based off the movie Cube would be a very good one, but that's a discussion for another topic.

OT: I have to admit the guy brings up a good point about puzzle games, saying that when you think about it they're not so much puzzles as they are homework. Playing through Portal (Portal 2, in particular, with all the added "gadgets" and stuff that you have to work with) you're introduced with a new concept (i.e. light bridges) and are given a number of chambers to see what all you can do with's really not that different from being told the Quadratic Formula and being told to solve 100 equations using it.

Wish my computer was up to snuff as far as being usable for gaming...this game looks like it could be very interesting. The only thing better than a puzzle game is a puzzle game that is, itself, on an acid trip. :3