Anyone ever received a package from USPS wet and damaged?


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2016
United States
The other day i received a package from USPS that was wet and damaged and had comics that i ordered all wet and ruined.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
I'm going to go on a limb and guess that's not how you ordered them nor how were they packaged.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Did you receive them wet, or did you come home to them, and they had been left out in an area where they could get wet?

In either case, it may be time to lodge a complaint.

To answer the question, no, I haven't. The USPS office that services us is pretty damn good. A lot better then the Fedex driver who usually comes up here, who leaves hundreds of dollars of packages sitting at the edge of our quarter mile long drive way instead of delivering it to our porch like the USPS and UPS.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I've received a video game case that was heavily cracked and a book that was somehow bent from my USPS. But never something wet. Even when I lived in a place with a small mailbox, they put a package between the screen door and main door to keep it dry.

I'd echo Accursed and give a call up to your local office to ask them what happened.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
What was the method of payment for these comics?

Don't say credit card if it was a debit card. Doesn't matter if you somehow selected 'credit'. If it was a debit card, it's a debit card.

Keep your packaging, everything associated with this order. Then follow these steps [].

It may be faster to ask the shipper for a replacement since they didn't account for possible water damage. It'd be easy if this was an eBay purchase because it's all about protecting the customer. Same goes for Amazon.

The reason I asked if you paid by credit card is it's fairly easy to get reimbursed for bad merchandise. Normally you have to request a refund from the seller, then wait 30 days in order to claim with your credit card provider.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
In all cases it is the shipper's responsibility to ensure the package is delivered to you in good condition. The carrier is beholden to person or company who directly paid them to ship the item. Demand a replacement or refund from the company you bought the item from. They will chase up USPS on your behalf.

I am a manager for one of the 3 major international couriers DHL, UPS, or FedEX.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Speaking as someone who had a brief stint loading delivery trucks for UPS, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.

Maybe USPS does it differently, but where I worked they sent freight down so fast and furious that you didn't have time to stack things carefully. They didn't give a shit how swamped you got, the belt must move on in the name of the almighty dollar. It's like the famous chocolate scene from I Love Lucy, but with 50-90 lb. boxes instead.

It was common for me to work through my breaks in an attempt to keep my head above water, and I STILL couldn't keep up. On top of that, they expected complete and total accuracy in stacking boxes, or they'd pull you aside at the end of your shift and read you the riot act. All that for just fifty cents more than minimum wage.

Suffice it to say, it didn't take long for me to go "fuck this shit." To this day it's the only job that I decided to just up and quit one morning without giving two weeks' notice.


I'm just a Smeg Head
Jun 30, 2010
Abomination said:
In all cases it is the shipper's responsibility to ensure the package is delivered to you in good condition. The carrier is beholden to person or company who directly paid them to ship the item. Demand a replacement or refund from the company you bought the item from. They will chase up USPS on your behalf.

I am a manager for one of the 3 major international couriers DHL, UPS, or FedEX.
Pretty much the same advice I was going to give. I work in a UPS store and that is the exact advice we give to people come in with damaged packages


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
Neverhoodian said:
Speaking as someone who had a brief stint loading delivery trucks for UPS, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.
Speaking as someone who used to sort packages inside a mail center... ditto.

Chances are your package was left outside in the rain while loading the trucks. Or could've been dropped into a puddle. Or water spilled somewhere along the line.

Mail sorting is a lot about speed instead of care. If you ever need something with fragile or "Do not bend" stickers on, I'd use a lot of cardboard or bubblewrap. Enough so that it could probably survive being dropped or put under something relatively heavy.

Anyway, OP. I'd definitely follow Frezzato's link and do that.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
As a person who has had years of issues with the USPS, unless the place you got it from has some kind of policy, you just kind of have to bite the bullet.
I cringe whenever I see a package sent via USPS or tendered to USPS. Half the time they don't even deliver it to me, I end up looking up the tracking info and it will say some nonsense like "address doesn't exit, returning to sender" and I have to angrily call them up and be like wtf everyone has a phone nowadays, pull it the fuck out and google the address. They tell me I have to come to the local office, which is like a 20 minute drive, to pick it up. I go to pick it up, whoops we already bounced it back.

Or I check the status and it says delivered, no package in sight. I call and they're like yep the driver delivered it you should go look around. And the damn thing shows up like 2 weeks later.

It got so bad with items bouncing back that Ebay closed down my account, I'm at a point where if I want anything from Ebay I have to have my mom order it. Even amazon has been a bit meh, I had 3 packages last year get comped by amazon because the packages disappearing into the nether. I've reached out on social media, talked to managers, filed complaints, etc. They flat out don't care.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
I've had damaged from USPS, but never *wet*.

Actually, the last damaged package I had from USPS was when I ordered some fancy wooden FATE dice. One end of the oversized envelope had a hole torn open, and at least some of the extra d6 (tossed in as a bonus since the order was so late) that were in the package had fallen out.

Currently, my worry is that UPS will be overly rough with a shipment of Axum Tej (a take on a sort of African honey wine made by a company in NJ -- fantastic stuff) I've ordered or that USPS will be mean to my copy of Lone Wolf 21 collector's edition hardback, which I had to order off eBay because I missed Mantikore-Verlag having it available direct.

That series is cursed -- for a series of books that already exist and had already been through multiple editing passes over the course of literally decades (including the gaze of a few hundred internet folks running through them with a fine toothed comb) you'd think a print run wouldn't be this damned hard or have this many problems. Hell, the collector's edition hardback of book 2 has a massive logical issue, in exactly the same place but for the opposite reason as the original paperbacks. Some of them in some printings are just missing parts of the books. It's now been in the hands of three publishers -- first Mongoose Publishing, then Mantikore-Verlag, now Holmgard Press (a vanity label the author created so he could finish printing the damn things). The upside of this is that Joe Dever is signing preorder copies of his remaining books since he's basically producing them himself at this point.