I laugh at everyone saying that singularity will put end to mankind, since every conscious action requires a motivation. And what motivates violence? Emotion, not lack of emotion.
Our lives not being a top priority, isn't enough for an AI to kill us. It doesn't make sense at all, since the AI can pretty much not sustain itself without us. Seeing mankind as an obstacle, is a strong sign that its source code is fatally flawed.
What we basically fear is that a post-singularity computer will not understand the nature of the human consciousness, a.k.a. the 'soul'. I, however, have a hard time believing that fear. Post-singularity computers will most likely form a synergy with our brains, taking over them cell by cell, without us noticing it. I'm 99% certain we won't lose our consciousnesses after this paradigm shift.
The soul will not die, only move to circuits. I'm looking forward to it.