Australian Government Says "Silent Majority" Must Be Heard in Ratings Debate


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Makes you wonder if they would delay the proceedings after getting 99% of responses saying it was a bad idea. Obviously the silent majority would still have to be heard right?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
zidine100 said:
ahh yes the silent majority dont they get it, the fact that there silent shows that they DONT CARE enough on this matter to voice there opinion.
As much as I'd hate to defend any government, if the notion passed odds are that "silent majority" would suddenly have an opinion, and it would be of hate. Example, some parent don't care about TV age appropriation rating. Yet the second something would be done that relaxed those too, they'd be out forming action groups (instead of being home making sure their kids aren't watching these new "foul" shows). They could be dragging their asses on the issue, but at the same time they could be trying to save their asses as well.

Spencer Petersen

New member
Apr 3, 2010
OK lets see, the voter turnout for the last election was 56.8%, now those 43.2% still have to be heard, so lets just say they all voted for McCain, oh, well whaddaya know, now he won!

Counting people who don't care enough to make their voice heard is one of the stupidest ideas I've heard. Its like having people writing mail-in ballots for dead people.
Feb 13, 2008

Maybe the fact they're silent should tell you

a) They're not the majority.
b) They don't care.

I mean, let's listen to the silent majority on other cases like "Where are fishes rights?", "Why do Polo's have holes in?", "Why are our government wasting thousands of our money on meaningless investigations?"

Oh wait, that third one is the loud majority. Sorry about that. While we're here though, maybe you could answer that?

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
Logan Westbrook said:
Asking them again seems like the government wants to ignore that first result, in the hopes of finding one more to its liking.
They will lose a thousand debates and referendums until they win one, then they will claim victory. They are playing a game they cannot lose. But they can win, and given infinite time, they will. I'm not even Australian and I find this aggravating.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
This is why democratic systems fail.
"Oh, the vote didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I know, I'll just muddle the issue till it does."
It's not even muddling the issue, it's ignoring the electorate. Same thing with the Canadian copyright consultation. Make up some BS excuse about too many form letters or how the side you wanted to win just didn't bother to say anything about an issue that is important to them, or just say it's because of the phase of the moon. We can't stop them short of a revolution, so why should they care what we think?


New member
Jul 2, 2010
I think they're confusing the words 'silent' and 'nonexistent'.
And by the way, these people don't seem to realize that in a democracy, you can't keep re-doing a vote until you get the result you want.

Lastly, I thought Australians were far too busy drinking heavily, speaking indecipherably, wrestling alligators and brandishing large hunting knives to worry about video games.

captain underpants

New member
Jun 8, 2010
This doesn't surprise me one little bit. This government (and I'm talking about the Government, not the politicians and parties), has absolutely no interest in democracy beyond maintaining a thin facade. So a 98.8% approval for a R18+ rating isn't convincing enough? A sample of 60,000 not big enough? Fuck, I've seen laws bought in because ONE whiny ***** makes a complaint. The System is fucked.

Also, guaranteed, if this 'silent majority' were presented with the facts (not propaganda), they'd be for the rating too. The whole thing is faffing about under the guise of making a 'considered decision'. Here's the thing, Australian Government - it's not your job to make decisions, merely implement the decisions of the people. You've had your public consultation stage, and the people have ALREADY decided that they want the rating, so stop fucking about and just do it already.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Formica Archonis said:
canadamus_prime said:
This is why democratic systems fail.
"Oh, the vote didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I know, I'll just muddle the issue till it does."
It's not even muddling the issue, it's ignoring the electorate. Same thing with the Canadian copyright consultation. Make up some BS excuse about too many form letters or how the side you wanted to win just didn't bother to say anything about an issue that is important to them, or just say it's because of the phase of the moon. We can't stop them short of a revolution, so why should they care what we think?
Whatever you call it, it's not doing their job. Now in any other profession it would get you fired, but in politics it's par for the course apparently.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Nevyrmoore said:
Chances are they're either resorting to stall tactics, or they're looking for something that will let them say "Nope, not gonna bring in the rating."
Yes well the next scheduled meeting for the Attorneys-General is right before the Victorian election. The previous one they were going to have came right before the South Australian election where Michael Atkinson was kicked out stepped down, and guess what? They delayed it until now. It's obvious they're going to pull the same trick out of their arse again in November.

I have no faith in my country's government. They'll just keep delaying it until they get the answer they want to hear.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
I do agree with adzma on this one. They are just screwing around til they get the answer they want to hear. More importantly, they're a minority government, in bed with a bunch of greens and other independents who all claim to have "Australia's families" as their main concern, for that reason alone they'll stall, let alone that the opposition is led by a guy who once was training to be a priest, can't see him turning around and saying "Yeah, let's go for it".

They'll make sure this doesn't change because they think its good. Stupid part is, if they did bring in an R18+ rating it would actually give them better mechanisms to keep those games out of the hands of the people they don't want getting them. It's not like we're not all going to be playing Fallout this weekend, but it's only rated M15+ so any teenager is going to be able to pick it up, you know, the one's that the government says are all impressionable and shouldn't be getting access to games like this....

Somewhere they got the idea that if they put in an R18+ rating, our market is going to be flooded with pornographic psychotic games. The people that make those games suck at making games, so no one buys them. If I want to watch people having sex, I can look up a million and one websites on google that will get me hotter than God of War ever would...

The stupid part is, for the majority of us as gamers, this really isn't going to ever make a huge effect, although I would love to see someone do a remake of carmaggeddon just to stir the hornet's nest.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
subject_87 said:
Lastly, I thought Australians were far too busy drinking heavily, speaking indecipherably, wrestling alligators and brandishing large hunting knives to worry about video games.
We can do all that at the same time.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
And this right here is why i still say my darling country australia needs a good revolution.
This isnt just a matter for games this is how the whole government runs. they come up with an idea they like, they ask the public, the public says no, so they ignore that and ask the same question again and again and again sometimes in different ways until they get the answer they like. freedom over here doesnt realy exist, as the population of the country just does as its fucking told.

this gameing debate is two western australian polititions and one group of old men clinging to a dieing religion ignoring the wishes of 60,000 australians, and shit like this is too fucking common.

Australia is one of the few contries in the worl that has never had any form of revolution or political upheavel. we where colinised. . we ran with that. . we said hey england, we'd like to run the show ourselves down here and thats what happened. . one day when we deside to go it on our own and compleatly sever ourselves from england all we will do is ask and we will get it. as great as this sounds this causes a few problems.

"A government should be affrade of its people, the people should never be affrade of the government" down here this isnt true. once your in power you can pretty much do what ever you like and be damned what the public thinks. just line your own pockets as much as you can. . and if you get voted out? bah doesnt matter the government will give you a $100,000 a year pention for you to live the rest of your life on. The people of australia need to give the government a reasion to listen and do what it is that the people of australia want. Im not saying we need to kill any body or burn down buildings (however i would love to toast marshmellows over the fires of the burning parlament building but thats just me) What we need is to just do somthing. the intire population of australis not paying there taxes would send a pretty strong message. . but then again they just take those. . . ohh beter. blockade all the government building in the country. it would take alot of people to do, but simply forcing the covernment to shut down based on sheer numberas is somthing the tools cant ignore.

until somthing happens this is the way the australian governemnt is going to continue to treat the australian public. with no respect.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
You seem to have gotten the idea behind this wrong Escapist. It's not relaxing the classification system. But just regulating it in a more intelligent manner. In other words, allowing games that are made for adults to be played by adults.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Fronzel said:
Ausfailia strikes again!
A long time ago I would have been offended by that, But now.... Australia, MY AUSTRALIA....Is dying, I now believe in Ausfailia, My country is ruled by ignorant bastards who wouldn't know fun from their asses, I have lost faith in my beloved country, and now the damn internet filter is just convincing me that Australia is becoming like the old man down the street who says "Whats That? Teenagers having fun? HOODLUMS!! BURN THEM I SAY!!", Granted the filter probably is gonna be removed in a few months by parents who are pissed off at the government for thinking THE GOVERNMENT can look after their kids for them, R18+ Coming has the chance of Episode 3 coming. (Duke Nukem can't be used anymore because...well Y'know)


New member
Sep 21, 2009
You mean the silent majority that has never played games and does not know anything about them except that they might just be the work of the devil?

Why on Earth would you ask them? How are those people in any way related to the issue?