My brother and I were allowed to open one present, each, on Christmas Eve, a little while before going to our Grandparents? house for family festivities. At first, we were just excited to open a package, any package. As a result, I often went for the biggest one with my name on it and my brother usually went for the one with the paper that said, ?Open Me? printed all over it in green.
But this was in our young, and naïve years. We hadn?t yet learned that the big packages usually contain clothes, which are not exciting Christmas presents until the teen years, if even then. Also, we hadn?t yet realized the ?Open Me? paper was a not-so-subliminal message to open the new scarf and gloves set because it?s rapidly becoming cold outside and we don?t want the fingers to freeze, now do we?
But this was in our young, and naïve years. We hadn?t yet learned that the big packages usually contain clothes, which are not exciting Christmas presents until the teen years, if even then. Also, we hadn?t yet realized the ?Open Me? paper was a not-so-subliminal message to open the new scarf and gloves set because it?s rapidly becoming cold outside and we don?t want the fingers to freeze, now do we?