Best Superhero Team Ever


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May 27, 2011
Best Superhero Team Ever

The guys give you a closer look into the debate as to which is the Best Superhero Team Ever.

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New member
Jul 2, 2011
Vortigar said:
And thus torrent searches for cheerleader teens in heat skyrocket.
and yet I still can't find this movies torrent :p
OT: If we are talking about teams that I rather have saveing the earth then I rather have the JL. now I like both Marvel and DC don't get me wronge, well maybe DC a little bit more. Only because I rather have superman save the earth, I know he can do it hes reliable, and this is comeing from someone that really does hate superman. Not saying most of the avengers aren't reliable just that superman is a sure bet along with most of the JL plus Phantom Stranger that is all :)

cricket chirps

New member
Apr 15, 2009
jecht35 said:
Vortigar said:
And thus torrent searches for cheerleader teens in heat skyrocket.
and yet I still can't find this movies torrent :p
OT: If we are talking about teams that I rather have saveing the earth then I rather have the JL. now I like both Marvel and DC don't get me wronge, well maybe DC a little bit more. Only because I rather have superman save the earth, I know he can do it hes reliable, and this is comeing from someone that really does hate superman. Not saying most of the avengers aren't reliable just that superman is a sure bet along with most of the JL plus Phantom Stranger that is all :)
The Avengers arn't here to save the world. They are here to avenge it. yeah JLA would probably be the better pick for saving the world. lol but i still like the avengers more ._. opinions opinions opinions


New member
Jul 2, 2011
cricket chirps said:
jecht35 said:
Vortigar said:
And thus torrent searches for cheerleader teens in heat skyrocket.
and yet I still can't find this movies torrent :p
OT: If we are talking about teams that I rather have saveing the earth then I rather have the JL. now I like both Marvel and DC don't get me wronge, well maybe DC a little bit more. Only because I rather have superman save the earth, I know he can do it hes reliable, and this is comeing from someone that really does hate superman. Not saying most of the avengers aren't reliable just that superman is a sure bet along with most of the JL plus Phantom Stranger that is all :)
The Avengers arn't here to save the world. They are here to avenge it. yeah JLA would probably be the better pick for saving the world. lol but i still like the avengers more ._. opinions opinions opinions
Hey I didn't say that the Avengers were not awesome in fact they are way more appealing then the justice league in terms of comics. Yet still I got to give this one to the JLA from an objective stand point.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I'll agree with the conclusion reached by No Right Answer. I don't really think the outcome would be any different... but would it be a closer argument if we were using the JSA as opposed to the JLA? The JSA is more like the Avengers... membership is much more fluid with specialized characters fulfilling specific needs during adventures, membership seems to be much more open (like the Avengers the JSA requirements seem to be "do you live in the DC Universe?") and (although not as much as the Avengers) there are way more personality issues challenging the group dynamic. In the Justice League it's fairly predictable. Supes and Bats don't really get along "well" for some reason, Flash and GL could sing "Guy Love," and WW brings the feminism (that's not a bad thing, someone should and there's no reason it should stay a "boy's club.") It works, but it's very predictable. I thought DC had it right the first time with the JSA. And Marvel must have too, look at the similarities. In one you have a skintight black costumed female as the love interest to a guy who shoots arrows. That sounds like I'm talking about the Avengers... but no, the JSA did it first. And that's just one example. It takes nothing away from the Avengers (which is still great) but I find the JSA a closer match for comparison. One of the worst things about the JLA, is this question "what can we throw at them that Superman couldn't handle on his own." They have some creative answers, but they have just as many lame ones. And that had to be answered every issue. With the JSA, it is easier to answer. Supes is there to assist only and usually Doc Fate is in charge. Better stories all round in a number of ways.