Beta Testers Extract PlayStation All-Stars Roster

Jeremy Wilkinson

Behatted Physicist
Jun 14, 2012
Beta Testers Extract PlayStation All-Stars Roster

Data miners have delved deep into the PlayStation All-Stars beta, unearthing new characters, stages and game modes.

Over the weekend, a closed beta for the upcoming PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale ran for PlayStation Plus subscribers in Singapore and Hong Kong. While others were playing the game, though, a couple of NeoGAF members took the chance to delve into the data files and see if they could unearth any extra details. The result is a host of leaked characters and stages that, if the source is reliable, should make an appearance in the final game.


From character portraits and filenames, the NeoGAF users have determined that the new characters include Spike from Ape Escape, Sackboy from LittleBigPlanet, Sir Daniel Fortesque from MediEvil, Raiden from Metal Gear Solid and Dante from Devil May Cry, among others. It's also rumored that Sackboy will have a role similar to that of either Mokujin in the Tekken series or Kirby in Super Smash Bros., being able to use skills from other characters.

Some of the data relates to pre-existing characters such as Tekken's Heihachi and Jak & Daxter's titular characters. Interestingly, though, there is no mention of the already-confirmed Big Daddy of Bioshock fame, so Sony must still have something up its sleeve to reveal soon. David Hayter, who provided the voice of Solid Snake throughout the Metal Gear Solid series, has already mentioned that he is providing voice work for the game, and there are also rumors floating around that an "RPG character" will make an appearance.

The leak also revealed snippets of text from within the game, unearthing modes such as King of the Hill and Capture the Flag, as well as the more mysterious "Grabinator" (potentially an item or ability for Sackboy), "Great Mighty Scythe" (seemingly a reference to Patapon 3) and "You gotta do what? I gotta receive!" (presumably a super ability for PaRappa).

As usual, Sony has refused to confirm or deny the leak, telling IGN that it "[doesn't] comment on rumors or speculation." We won't know for sure whether the new additions are accurate until the company's GamesCom presentation on August 14, but for now here's the list of new characters and stages from the leak:

New Characters:
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Evil Cole (Infamous)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)
Raiden (Metal Gear Solid)
Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank)
Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil)
Spike (Ape Escape)

Stages (in gallery order):

Time Station (Ape Escape)
Columbia (Bioshock: Infinite)
Alden's Tower (Infamous)
Invasion (Killzone)
Franzea (LocoRoco)
San Francisco (Resistance)
Paris (Sly Cooper)
Black Rock Stadium (Twisted Metal)
Stowaways (Uncharted 3)

Source: Destructoid []



Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?

Oh, and the new Dante? Eh, this isn't going well.


Enlightened Dispenser Of Truth!
Feb 4, 2010
JezWilkinson said:
New Characters:
Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil)
Spike (Ape Escape)
And just like that, I'm purchasing this game.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Well its an interesting roster, but time will tell if the game ends up being just a clone or not.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Is this really what represents the Sony brand? When I see most of these characters "Playstation" is hardly the first thing that comes to mind.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Spike Vs Sir Dan? Suddenly it's 1997 and I'm nine years old again. Still not as good as Fox vs Samus though.

As a side note, where are Spyro, Crash and Tomba? In want to kill someone with a fruit bazooka!

hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?
Mr Nintendo already has Snake wrapped up and on Super Smash Bros. Somehow I think the contract for that includes a 'no other mash up fighting games' clause.

F said:
I'm gonna play the hell out of Sir Dan
[quote="Antitonic" post="7.383695.15189397"And just like that, I'm purchasing this game.[/quote]
As long he has a move where he pulls him arm off and uses it like a boomerang.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
fix-the-spade said:
hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?
Mr Nintendo already has Snake wrapped up and on Super Smash Bros. Somehow I think the contract for that includes a 'no other mash up fighting games' clause.

Ugh, that sucks.
Don't even have a PS3 but through watching LPs I can certainly recognise that MGS3 Snake is the best MGS character ever.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
Surely this can't be all the characters. A lot of those aren't the first that come to my mind when I think of PlayStation.

hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?
David Hayter, who provided the voice of Solid Snake throughout the Metal Gear Solid series, has already mentioned that he is providing voice work for the game
Although nobody said Solid Snake is in the game, the fact that David Hayter has confirmed he's done voice work is a pretty darn good bet Solid Snake is in the game. If Nintendo does somehow have young Solid Snake tied up, we'll probably get the older MGS4 version.


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
I didn't even consider buying this game untill just now.
But with Sir Dan and Spike I'm sold.
That reminds me, we need a new Medievil.
If you're going to use his camo at least make him a recent game.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
Ugh, I would buy this game except there's one major problem, so far all the pictures I've seen of the levels show that they are all the same size. So they're pretty much the same level but with different backgrounds and stuff happening in them (well, same layout)


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
I actually think that these are fairly Playstation-y characters, but they have to allow some 3rd party characters to have a better roster.

Also, Ratchet and Sackboy were obvious additions, but Spike...?

...I'm fuckin' syched for this game now


Regular Member
Nov 21, 2009
Worgen said:
Well its an interesting roster, but time will tell if the game ends up being just a clone or not.
I think all the consoles should bring out their own SSB clone with all their own characters. SSB was on the verge of becoming stale with less roster updates per iterations. With Sony now bringing out their own crazy roster of characters I'm suddenly realising how much I actually enjoy this style of game, and all it took was an entirely fresh roster to make me realise. I say bring it on Sony and What are you waiting for Microsoft? I want a SSB style game where Binx the Time cat can brutalise Master Chief by Christmas

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
"Say, you know that kickass devil hunter who starred in two of the best Playstation 2 games ever? Let's get his rebooted multiplatform alternate continuity redesign whose game hasn't even come out yet."

"That one who pisses off a good chunk of the fanbase?"

"Great idea, right?"

"Hell, at least it'll put him in one game that runs at sixty frames."

At least they got Raiden. Revengeance Raiden. Who, if this game turns out well, I'll use to beat that rebooted assclown all up and down Loco Roco Land. As Jak and Sly watch whilst cycling through their taunts.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Dan from Medievil? I've never played the game myself, but I have seen various ads for it when I was younger.

Either way, I'm glad people who wanted him in there got their wish.