I can see this failing quite quickly. TES games are known for being really open and allowing players to do bloody everything [sub]"whats that? you want to be a mage who doubles as an assassin and turns into a werewolf for kicks whilst riding and murdering dragons? Well fuck yes here you go." -Skyrim on Skyrim-[/sub] As soon as you slap the mmo moniker onto a game balance comes into play to make it fair. Also someone raised a good point on this forum not long ago when a discussion about co-op possibly being in TES games came up. You Die. When that little health bar of yours hits Zilch then you have to load up a save. No ghostly angels of get-back-up-you-lazy-dead-guy or futuristic med-vacs to save your life. You die, cold case. Include the 'you die' feature in the mmo to keep TES true and you'll be getting a new character appearing every 10 minutes. Especially if PVP is enabled. Though as soon as some phastasmal resurrect systems comes into play TES online will immediately become World of Scroll-craft with improved graphics and more bugs than a dinky hotel room.#
So no, just cause no.
So no, just cause no.