I would suggest going to thier forums to ***** but you probably wouldn't have anything to say that hasn't been said a billion times before. I know I was pissed when it got delayed til Jan. but this is almost 3 months after the fact and you still haven't got it. if it were me the game would have been sold somewhere and I would have moved on. Especially for a piece of DLC that is so important to the actual storyline.BehattedWanderer said:The rest of the damn DLC packages came out, but RTO is still "Coming Soon" for the PS3. I'm still looking for a number to call or someone to contact so that I can complain and moan about how they won't let me give them my money. That the frickin' expansion came out before the DLC which was slated two months prior is pissing me off.squid5580 said:Wait??? What???? I thought RTO came out for the PS3 already. Are you guys really still waiting for it? Jesus it was supposed to have come out in Jan.BehattedWanderer said:My bet is on newly unveiled Dragon Age and Mass Effect DLC. Or the TOR beta going live. Though, if it is the DLC--Where the hell is PS3 support for Return to Ostagar??