You know what, Bioware? I used to look up to you guys. You're one of my favorite game developers of all time, and you pull a dick move like this. So tell me, how many people who own PS3s do you guys think have actually played the game before? Unless they own a 360 or a good PC, they most likely haven't. These people havent been waiting for this. Heck, I'm sure plenty of them have no idea what Mass Effect even is. This is nothing but a straight up dick-slap to all the true fans of the game. You know, the people who actually played both of them when they first came out? Congratu f-ing lations for making a new and improved version of a great game, but at the very freaking least you could release it on all platforms as a GotY edition. Instead, you completly blow of the fans in favor of the noobs who might not even buy the game because THEY DON'T F-ING CARE!