Black Cloud-RP (rebooting) [Open/accepting sheets]


New member
Sep 15, 2010
With the data from BETH, Theran was able to get Keal stabilized quickly. Now if he'd just wake up I'd be happier...we need the firepower. The down time treating Keal had given Theran's nanobots time to restock his ammo, allowing the Hroge to get back into the fight gun blazing.

"Fall back! Run, this way."

"[small]I COPY THAT GRASH FALLING BACK. KEAL IS FINE FOR NOW BUT IT WOULD BE BEST IF WE COULD EVACUATE HIM TO A MEDICAL FACILITY. I AM A SCIENTIST NOT A DOCTOR.[/small]" He replied, throwing the larger human over his shoulder. While the weight posed no problem, Keal's greater size meant his legs dragged on the ground making running awkward, made even more so while being shot at.

Dropping his 'load' behind another piece of wreckage, Theran turned towards to source of the noise, shaking, and gun fire. For the first time since his near-full cyberization he felt afraid.

"[small]GRASH WE HAVE A PROBLEM...[/small]"

>_< Are you kidding me!? If I'd had known we might be facing a freakin' BOLO I'd have brought more GOD or something.
*Deep breath*
Be calm, be positive.
*Another deep breath*
We are so fucked. :)


New member
Feb 27, 2009
The threat is proportional to the power of the players; you don't want to know what would have happened if you'd brought proper ordnance...

At least it's not going for you yet...


New member
Oct 17, 2010
BETH saw the huge metal monstrosity rolling toward them and ran out of the way, her coat billowing impressibly behind her.

"I advise we not engage the large vehicle."

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Everything was shaking violently. Pieces of metal shook themselves loose and fell down near Calia. Knowing better than to stay inside she took swift action and jumped to the ground below. Before her was some huge metal monstrosity. it distracted her and she misjudged her landing, making her tumble forwards in the black dirt. "What, what the hell is that"!

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Kabreeg stared dumbfounded at the collosal machine thing. He'd never seen anything like it, and he certainly didn't want to again.
"Agreed, running is a good idea! "He called out to BETH
Turning, he sprinted after Grash, pausing once to sweep up his machine gun, and again to grab Calia by the scruff of the neck, hoisting her onto her feet and shoving her ahead of him
"Move it or lose it!" he barked

I probably won't be able to update frequently for the next week or so, as I won't have constant access to a computer. With any luck I'll be able to post daily however!

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Grash stopped as his attempt to flee the machine was met by an unwavering line of kraxex then stepping back he realised something, not once had the thing fired at any of them, only the brutes, as the line approached crazy as it seemed to him he turned and ran back through the team, lifting the unconscious Keal off the ground onto his shoulder, "This way! onto it." he yelled back at them, not caring if they didn't know why, they needed to get away from the swarm, they were wounded and he needed to find out what the hell that thing was.

The thing was stationary and as he got closer he saw a small hatch on the underside near the back, he slid underneath the thing and standing tried to wrench open the hatch, it wouldn't budge, then just as he was going to stop and look for another way in there was a buzzer and the hatch opened, he jumped and caught hold of the first wrung of the ladder with one hand, Keal in the other then pulling himself up he began to climb, Keal on his shoulder, the team followed. Just as Beth's foot passed the lip of the entrance the hatch slid shut plunging them into gloom, only a faint light above, he climbed.

After what seemed like an hour his head popped free of the tunnel, hurling Keal onto the floor he pulled himself up and then proceeded to help the rest of the team up. It was eerie, the shooting had stopped, the kraxex presumably dead, the place seemed way too clean for something on the surface, and the whole thing was made up of a variety of materials, patched together. It was a huge machine, the large tracks below, on top resting what looked like many progressively smaller tiers, 4 in total, with a largish tower at the pinnacle. Standing in awe the thing lurched into movement nearly sending him tumbling, he didn't know where they were, what it was or where on this hell they were going now, he tried not to think about it.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
BETH ignited one of her laser-blades to use as a lamp down the tunnel, more for the sake of her allies than for herself, since she could see in the dark just fine.

When they finally exited the tunnel, she started running scans like a madwoman, trying to figure out who it belonged to and what he/she/it/they might want.

"I advise caution," she said calmly. "I also advise against wantonly shooting at things. If only for first impressions."


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Like BETH, Theran was running every type of scan he could. "[small]I HAVE NO DATA ON ANY VEHICAL EVEN REMOTLY RESEMBLING THIS DESIGN. BETHANY DOES YOUR DATABASE SHOW ANYTHING? [/small]" It was frustrating, there were no terminals or data posts he could access, no way of knowing who had built such a war machine. It was far too complex for the surface Kraxex to have constructed, but it did have the pieced together look of a surface built construct.

His scan revealed a small access hatch nearby. Using his 'blade to carefully cut the hatch away, he exposed reams of wiring. Well at least one of these must link to a computer. He thought. Releasing some more nanobots, they began trying to tap into whatever lines there where. While individually the 'bots couldn't transmit any data streams they found, they could tell Theran which line where important so he could tap in manually.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
-Perimeter breach; non hostile behaviour:

... observing...

-Structure damage; informational attack detected:
/Retaliate (proportional)/
/Prepare up-scale retaliation, (pending)/

The nanites reported quickly; there were signals here, but in no code they knew. Just as rapidly, their signals became jargon, incomprehensible rubbish, then one went silent.

Then they started pouring back out of the hole that Theran had made, heedless of any commands, and began fabricating a cover. Something had completely subverted their tiny minds.

"If I were you," came a voice, sudden, crisp and slightly sarcastic, "I'd listen to the white one who sees with radar; manners matter, especially if that crude nanoscale insult was the best you've got."


New member
Sep 15, 2010
He was stunned when is nanites became unresponsive. I use a 2100 byte encryption, with a randomizing authentication protocol. It should be nearly impregnable, I also should have been alerted to any counter hacking...

"If I weres you, I'd listen to the white one who sees with radar; manners matter, especially if that crude nanoscale insult was the best you've got."

The sudden voice snapped Theran out of his thoughts. "[small]CREW MEMBER? NO, SEEMED TO TAKE MY NANOBOT INFILITRATION AS A PERSONAL INSULT. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? POSSIBLY...NO DEFINATLY. ADVANCED AI WOULD BE NESSECARY FOR THE SPEED AT WHICH MY INTURSION WAS COUNTERED[/small]" He muttered, speaking up he went on. "[small]I APOLOGIZE...I WAS MEARLY ATTEMPTING TO ASCERTAIN INFORMATION IN REGARDS TO OUR SURROUNDINGS.[/small]" Theran had met AIs who had spent extended periods below the smog. The isolation and lack of maintenance had a tendency to make them...unstable in his opinion.

"[small]WHO ARE YOU?[/small]"

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Grash looked around as he heard the voice, loud speakers, why, what kind of abandoned city needs those, old ones too. This must be a pre-sky machine, some old mad-man sitting up there in the tower. "No, can't be an AI Theran, they need people to keep them going, give them power, they are made to obey, not to do things like this, that is a human voice." Grash said, beginning to walk along the tier,
"And I am going to find him."


New member
Feb 27, 2009
A movement in the shadows, which turned out to be a camera extruding from the wall.

"My word," exclaimed the voice, "Visitors! It has been an awful long time since I've had any company..."

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
"Company, visitors"? Calia put her weapons away. "So mister no where man does that mean we get tea and biscuits". She gasped. "Ohh and cakes, scones, tarts and muffins..."! Calia had began running around arms outstretched like she was flying as a five year old would act. Naming off every type of baked good and confection she could think off.
It was incredibly cute and innocent, and anyone who knew her well enough would know her intelligence level seems to toss around from child to near super genius like how the winds change. It could also make people easily infuriated, because they don't know that, so they think she mocks them.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
BETH began scanning every which way and how she could when she heard the voice. All she found were speakers and the camera, which didn't have anything unsual about them. Her hyper-advanced brain made hundreds of calculations and came up with a simple response.

"Our deepest apologies for infiltrating your home, but we were outnumbered and out of our element. Might we ask who we have the pleasure of speaking to?" She even managed a little smile. It was almost cute.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
"Tea and biscuits?" the voice chuckled, "Cakes, trifles and tarts? Well, I'll have to see what I can persuade the synthesisers to cook up... Where are my manners? Please, make your way to the officers' suites; I shall send a lift to fetch you"

Sure enough, within a second a section of wall opened to show a generously spaced room with what appeared to be an architectural abstract shown on a screen.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Kabreeg glanced around him. This was not what he had expected. In the back of his mind, he was still furious that they'd withdrawn from the conflict. He didn't care how many there were, he was barely wounded, and far from tired. Then again, he scolded himself, thoughts like that got you killed very quickly. He just hadn't had a good fight in too long. Those pathetic Horges he back in the city hardly offered a challenge to him when they even TRIED to fight back...
And now they were stuck inside some kind of massive fortress vehicle thing with an invisble host, a KO'd lump of tin and flesh and another human who seemed to be having a fit. He sighed. Sign up for a simple task...
Kabreeg followed Grash towards the elevator. This thing, whatever it was, didn't seem to be hostile towards them yet. No point in provoking it.
But no point in being extra nice either. Kabreeg lumbered into the elevator in silence, keeping a firm grip on the handle of his sword. He wouldn't be letting go of it any time soon either.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal walked up to the edge, leaning over once more. "Well Angel, it seems like I won't go broke after all!" He chuckled as Angel looked up, puzzled. Then Keal felt a weird tugging on his back. He pulled back but was flung over the edge. He fell, and fell. He spun around, buffeted by the winds. Angel was leaning over the side, even more puzzled.

Then she turned and headed back home and Keal was flipped again. He was coming up to the smog clouds. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out. His eyes were as wide as they could be. He was about to hit the ground. He managed to scream this time.

And sat up.

Keal stopped screaming and looked around. He was in... some kind of building. "... the fuck is going on?!"

Just got back, I may be on and off as I am tired as shit. Sorry for being away. Glad i'm back!

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Grash was about to step into the lift when he heard a sudden shuffling noise and he turned to see Keal sit up, his eyes were wide and his pupils dilated, now adjusting to the light. "Keal, are you alright? Can you hear me? can you walk?" he said worried as he walked back to Keal and knelt beside him. "Everyone onto the lift, I'll bring Keal in a second."He said to the group as he pulled the still dazed Keal to his feet.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal shook his head, trying to not fall over. "Where the hell are we?!" Keal looked around at the weird... thing. "Are we inside of the ship? No, the ship isn't functioning, it couldn't be on..."

Keal looked up, "Is that an elevator?!"

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
"yes yes, no time to explain, everybody on." He slung one of Keal's arms over his shoulder and helped him onto the elevator, there were no buttons, or control panels, before he was about to ask there was a ding and the doors shut at the same time sending the elevator shooting upwards, clinging to a handrail on the side he released Keal who seemed to be able to stand now. "We got overrun on the surface... then this thing showed up, it's some massive ground vehicle, pre-war I think." he said, explaining the situation to the bedazzled Keal.