Black Cloud-RP (rebooting) [Open/accepting sheets]

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Lil_Rimmy said:
Ultraman950 said:
Sir Strange Of The House Lycan said:
...So am I too late or should I just go ahead and find my character?
Go ahead, Lycan. We needed one more player.
Yes please, Clown said he would start with one more!
You are correct, that is if all those who have submitted still want to do it.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
From lycan:
Name: William Arnup

Age: 64

Race: Techno-organic, human based.

Build: Tall and muscular, increased by vareity of augmentations and physiology implants.

Appearance: Custodis is incredibly tall, standing somewhere shortly below seven foot, and imposing. This

is increased by the vareity of wires wrapped around and threaded in and out of his body, and the various

limbs replaced with hulking mechanical replacements. His skin is incredibly pale, due to a lack of blood

(None is needed for sustained life) and fat (Power source replaces need for respiration and biological

energy). His hair, or what remains, is burnt and greasy, due to lack of hygiene and regular accidents

with implants. The better part of his face, including the entire lower part and the top left, have been

replaced with a voice sythesizer, occular enhancer, proccessors and one of the power sources need to

remain alive, remaining organic parts of head are also pale, and mostly covered in shaggy and burnt

black hair.

Both legs have been been replaced by a tripod with hover disks at the bottom of each stand. Right arm

has been replaced by a cylinder, within which is multiple thin extendably robotic arms with multiple

uses (More on this in Equipment and weapons). The left arm is mostly intact, minus a chunk here or there

that have been replaced with multiple crude parts, hand and wrist completely replaced gravitational

field manipulator. Heart is replaced with central power core, the port of which is located to the right

of his chest.

Equipment and weapons: Within arm cylinder, multiple devices are contained. This includes small arms (Of

both ballistic and laser varieties), a miniturised missile launcher, laser cutters, scanning and

manipulation tendrils and a plasma field generator (being inside of which is to say the least, not very

good for your mortal state). His tripod can hover (As previously mentioned) as well as glide over short

distances. Each leg also has a fold out SMG built in, the ammunition to which has a built in storage

space within the leg.

Bio: The A.I that now makes up Williams personality is rather unstable, as it has been dmaged multiple

times and cannot repair itself easily, if at all. Most of the time it is cold and relentless in it's

task, and tries to keep and objective and analytical view of things. However sometimes it's hosts

orignial personality surfaces and more human emotions return. This is not uncommon, as Williams brain

seems to be fighting for life again, despite being dead for quite a while.

History: William was killed during the Great war, one of the first casualities in the war. He had not

intended to become a soldier but was drafted in when the first sign of Hroge agression was reported. He

became a footsoldier, and was sent into multiple skirmishes with Hroges on the areas he was stationed.

He died on his third mission, where his troop was sent to recover hroge technology for comparison, and

if nescecarry/able, reverse engineering. His body was recovered along with the technology. The

scientists working on the reverse engineering thought that using Hroge technology, they could make a

cybernetic soldier. Eventually they succeeded, at least, they beleived they had. When William was

ressurected, as it were, he did not respond to any stimulus, but definitely showed signs of mental


After a while, he started speaking, talking to the scientists. It had seemed that the trauma of dying

and being brought back had sent him into intense shock, which resulted in the AI they had implanted into

his system and his brain having a battle for dominance. Eventually William had one out. Many of the

scientists who he was under the care of reccomended heavily that he be given therapy and stay away from

the war. The Millitary funders were desperate and so sent him onto the battlefield as soon as possible.

The implants assisted heavily in combat and William became an excellent soldier. However, his mental

state became more and more unstable, to point where he would just lose his mind on the field and fire at

whatever he saw. He was eventually court marshalled for the death of a fellow squad member. He was

sentenced to death via lethal injection, and was killed for second time.

He was resurrected years later, after the great war, when his AI reawoke and took complete control of

his body. It adopted it's hosts name and started hiring itself out as a mercenary. It now seeks out

replacements for outdated and faulty parts that it is made up of.


Really Lycan? the name?
Aug 12, 2009
The Clown said:
From lycan:
Name: William Arnup

Age: 64

Race: Techno-organic, human based.

Build: Tall and muscular, increased by vareity of augmentations and physiology implants.

Appearance: William is incredibly tall, standing somewhere shortly below seven foot, and imposing. This is increased by the vareity of wires wrapped around and threaded in and out of his body, and the various limbs replaced with hulking mechanical replacements. His skin is incredibly pale, due to a lack of blood (None is needed for sustained life) and fat (Power source replaces need for respiration and biological energy). His hair, or what remains, is burnt and greasy, due to lack of hygiene and regular accidents with implants. The better part of his face, including the entire lower part and the top left, have been replaced with a voice sythesizer, occular enhancer, proccessors and one of the power sources need to remain alive, remaining organic parts of head are also pale, and mostly covered in shaggy and burnt black hair.

Both legs have been been replaced by a tripod with hover disks at the bottom of each stand. Right arm has been replaced by a cylinder, within which is multiple thin extendably robotic arms with multiple uses (More on this in Equipment and weapons). The left arm is mostly intact, minus a chunk here or there that have been replaced with multiple crude parts, hand and wrist completely replaced gravitational field manipulator. Heart is replaced with central power core, the port of which is located to the right of his chest.

Equipment and weapons: Within arm cylinder, multiple devices are contained. This includes small arms (Of both ballistic and laser varieties), a miniturised missile launcher, laser cutters, scanning and manipulation tendrils and a plasma field generator (being inside of which is to say the least, not very good for your mortal state). His tripod can hover (As previously mentioned) as well as glide over short distances. Each leg also has a fold out SMG built in, the ammunition to which has a built in storage space within the leg.

Bio: The A.I that now makes up Williams personality is rather unstable, as it has been dmaged multiple times and cannot repair itself easily, if at all. Most of the time it is cold and relentless in it's task, and tries to keep and objective and analytical view of things. However sometimes it's hosts orignial personality surfaces and more human emotions return. This is not uncommon, as Williams brain seems to be fighting for life again, despite being dead for quite a while.

History: William was killed during the Great war, one of the first casualties in the war. He had not intended to become a soldier but was drafted in when the first sign of Hroge aggression was reported. He became a foot-soldier, and was sent into multiple skirmishes with Hroges on the areas he was stationed.He died on his third mission, where his troop was sent to recover hroge technology for comparison, and if necessary/able, reverse engineering. His body was recovered along with the technology. The scientists working on the reverse engineering thought that using Hroge technology, they could make a cybernetic soldier.

Eventually they succeeded, at least, they believed they had. When William resurrected, as it were, he did not respond to any stimulus, but definitely showed signs of mental activity.After a while, he started speaking, talking to the scientists. It had seemed that the trauma of dying and being brought back had sent him into intense shock, which resulted in the AI they had implanted into his system and his brain having a battle for dominance. Eventually William had won out. Many of the scientists who he was under the care of recommended heavily that he be given therapy and stay away from the war. The Military funders were desperate and so sent him onto the battlefield as soon as possible.

The implants assisted heavily in combat and William became an excellent soldier. However, his mental state became more and more unstable, to point where he would just lose his mind on the field and fire at whatever he saw. He was eventually court marshaled for the death of a fellow squad member. He was sentenced to death via lethal injection, and was killed for second time.He was resurrected years later, after the great war, when his AI reawoke and took complete control of his body. It adopted it's hosts name and started hiring itself out as a mercenary. It now seeks out replacements for outdated and faulty parts that it is made up of.


Really Lycan? the name?
Gladwin told me to do it. And it seems that it's not reacted very well to be copy pasted from Notepad. It can change, but he was a William to begin with.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Sir Strange Of The House Lycan said:
The Clown said:
From lycan:
Name: William Arnup

Age: 64

Race: Techno-organic, human based.

Build: Tall and muscular, increased by vareity of augmentations and physiology implants.

Appearance: William is incredibly tall, standing somewhere shortly below seven foot, and imposing. This is increased by the vareity of wires wrapped around and threaded in and out of his body, and the various limbs replaced with hulking mechanical replacements. His skin is incredibly pale, due to a lack of blood (None is needed for sustained life) and fat (Power source replaces need for respiration and biological energy). His hair, or what remains, is burnt and greasy, due to lack of hygiene and regular accidents with implants. The better part of his face, including the entire lower part and the top left, have been replaced with a voice sythesizer, occular enhancer, proccessors and one of the power sources need to remain alive, remaining organic parts of head are also pale, and mostly covered in shaggy and burnt black hair.

Both legs have been been replaced by a tripod with hover disks at the bottom of each stand. Right arm has been replaced by a cylinder, within which is multiple thin extendably robotic arms with multiple uses (More on this in Equipment and weapons). The left arm is mostly intact, minus a chunk here or there that have been replaced with multiple crude parts, hand and wrist completely replaced gravitational field manipulator. Heart is replaced with central power core, the port of which is located to the right of his chest.

Equipment and weapons: Within arm cylinder, multiple devices are contained. This includes small arms (Of both ballistic and laser varieties), a miniturised missile launcher, laser cutters, scanning and manipulation tendrils and a plasma field generator (being inside of which is to say the least, not very good for your mortal state). His tripod can hover (As previously mentioned) as well as glide over short distances. Each leg also has a fold out SMG built in, the ammunition to which has a built in storage space within the leg.

Bio: The A.I that now makes up Williams personality is rather unstable, as it has been dmaged multiple times and cannot repair itself easily, if at all. Most of the time it is cold and relentless in it's task, and tries to keep and objective and analytical view of things. However sometimes it's hosts orignial personality surfaces and more human emotions return. This is not uncommon, as Williams brain seems to be fighting for life again, despite being dead for quite a while.

History: William was killed during the Great war, one of the first casualties in the war. He had not intended to become a soldier but was drafted in when the first sign of Hroge aggression was reported. He became a foot-soldier, and was sent into multiple skirmishes with Hroges on the areas he was stationed.He died on his third mission, where his troop was sent to recover hroge technology for comparison, and if necessary/able, reverse engineering. His body was recovered along with the technology. The scientists working on the reverse engineering thought that using Hroge technology, they could make a cybernetic soldier.

Eventually they succeeded, at least, they believed they had. When William resurrected, as it were, he did not respond to any stimulus, but definitely showed signs of mental activity.After a while, he started speaking, talking to the scientists. It had seemed that the trauma of dying and being brought back had sent him into intense shock, which resulted in the AI they had implanted into his system and his brain having a battle for dominance. Eventually William had won out. Many of the scientists who he was under the care of recommended heavily that he be given therapy and stay away from the war. The Military funders were desperate and so sent him onto the battlefield as soon as possible.

The implants assisted heavily in combat and William became an excellent soldier. However, his mental state became more and more unstable, to point where he would just lose his mind on the field and fire at whatever he saw. He was eventually court marshaled for the death of a fellow squad member. He was sentenced to death via lethal injection, and was killed for second time.He was resurrected years later, after the great war, when his AI reawoke and took complete control of his body. It adopted it's hosts name and started hiring itself out as a mercenary. It now seeks out replacements for outdated and faulty parts that it is made up of.


Really Lycan? the name?
Gladwin told me to do it. And it seems that it's not reacted very well to be copy pasted from Notepad. It can change, but he was a William to begin with.
Gladwin? Also that character is all wrong for that name, if you knew the names owner.
Aug 12, 2009
The Clown said:
Sir Strange Of The House Lycan said:
The Clown said:
From lycan:
Name: William Carthew

Age: 64

Race: Techno-organic, human based.

Build: Tall and muscular, increased by variety of augmentations and physiology implants.

Appearance: William is incredibly tall, standing somewhere shortly below seven foot, and imposing. This is increased by the variety of wires wrapped around and threaded in and out of his body, and the various limbs replaced with hulking mechanical replacements. His skin is incredibly pale, due to a lack of blood (None is needed for sustained life) and fat (Power source replaces need for respiration and biological energy). His hair, or what remains, is burnt and greasy, due to lack of hygiene and regular accidents with implants. The better part of his face, including the entire lower part and the top left, have been replaced with a voice synthesizer, ocular enhancer, processors and one of the power sources need to remain alive, remaining organic parts of head are also pale, and mostly covered in shaggy and burnt black hair.

Both legs have been been replaced by a tripod with hover disks at the bottom of each stand. Right arm has been replaced by a cylinder, within which is multiple thin extendable robotic arms with multiple uses (More on this in Equipment and weapons). The left arm is mostly intact, minus a chunk here or there that have been replaced with multiple crude parts, hand and wrist completely replaced gravitational field manipulator. Heart is replaced with central power core, the port of which is located to the right of his chest.

Equipment and weapons: Within arm cylinder, multiple devices are contained. This includes small arms (Of both ballistic and laser varieties), a miniturised missile launcher, laser cutters, scanning and manipulation tendrils and a plasma field generator (being inside of which is to say the least, not very good for your mortal state). His tripod can hover (As previously mentioned) as well as glide over short distances. Each leg also has a fold out SMG built in, the ammunition to which has a built in storage space within the leg.

Bio: The A.I that now makes up Williams personality is rather unstable, as it has been dmaged multiple times and cannot repair itself easily, if at all. Most of the time it is cold and relentless in it's task, and tries to keep and objective and analytical view of things. However sometimes it's hosts orignial personality surfaces and more human emotions return. This is not uncommon, as Williams brain seems to be fighting for life again, despite being dead for quite a while.

History: William was killed during the Great war, one of the first casualties in the war. He had not intended to become a soldier but was drafted in when the first sign of Hroge aggression was reported. He became a foot-soldier, and was sent into multiple skirmishes with Hroges on the areas he was stationed.He died on his third mission, where his troop was sent to recover hroge technology for comparison, and if necessary/able, reverse engineering. His body was recovered along with the technology. The scientists working on the reverse engineering thought that using Hroge technology, they could make a cybernetic soldier.

Eventually they succeeded, at least, they believed they had. When William resurrected, as it were, he did not respond to any stimulus, but definitely showed signs of mental activity.After a while, he started speaking, talking to the scientists. It had seemed that the trauma of dying and being brought back had sent him into intense shock, which resulted in the AI they had implanted into his system and his brain having a battle for dominance. Eventually William had won out. Many of the scientists who he was under the care of recommended heavily that he be given therapy and stay away from the war. The Military funders were desperate and so sent him onto the battlefield as soon as possible.

The implants assisted heavily in combat and William became an excellent soldier. However, his mental state became more and more unstable, to point where he would just lose his mind on the field and fire at whatever he saw. He was eventually court marshaled for the death of a fellow squad member. He was sentenced to death via lethal injection, and was killed for second time.He was resurrected years later, after the great war, when his AI reawoke and took complete control of his body. It adopted it's hosts name and started hiring itself out as a mercenary. It now seeks out replacements for outdated and faulty parts that it is made up of.


Really Lycan? the name?
Gladwin told me to do it. And it seems that it's not reacted very well to be copy pasted from Notepad. It can change, but he was a William to begin with.
Gladwin? Also that character is all wrong for that name, if you knew the names owner.
Samuel Gladwin, and I know who it is. They will go unnamed for the sake of the farce they persists upon perpetuating. Anyway, his original last name was Carthew so I'll change that back. The corrected sheet is in this posts quote.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Lil_Rimmy said:
So, shall we start?
yes yes, I am on holiday at the moment so I'm on my laptop, I'll make an official thread and start it once I return. Now can I have a show of hands if you're still with us? I know you're here rimmy.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Red 7 standing by....... for the past month. >.>

Fun being a snobby bastard, I don't mean what I said to well ya.

*Retake* Red 7 standing by!

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
*Dives through closing doors clutching a coffee and half eaten pasty* Greetings! Apologies for absence but I am still present!

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
The hazy orange sun was just rising over the horizon, sending wispy beams of light over the dark clouds below, with the light reflecting of the clouds below the surface looked like it was burning from within. Aetheros sat floating high above, its white curving buildings creating beautiful patterns as the light only touched their outer-most edges of each ring of the city, early morning traders were beginning to open their shops, and the Aros gliders were circling over head.
Down below the skyline in a secluded courtyard near the central ring Grash sat on a bench, awaiting the volunteers for the expedition to the surface. 
The report had been sent to Grash the week before, many of their ships had been shot down by an unknown force, and the ships had never been found, although the ship from the most recent incident had been located by a homing beacon somewhere down below, and he had been chosen to recruit an elite team to go and investigate the disappearances.
Bloody traitorous clanless fools, they think they can destroy my ships and kill my men, those barbaric smog breathing kraxex will be brought to justice he thought to himself, a frown crossing his brow, He suddenly raised his head, alert, there was a figure in the shadows, standing in the doorway to the courtyard. Grash stood to meet the arrival, "Come forward, you are early" he said to the figure, a smile crossing his thugish face.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Kabreeg lumbered out of the doorway, the barrel of his heavy machine gun clinking against the hilt of his greatsword with every step he took. Kabreeg glanced around and sighed with relief that the two Kraxex were the only ones there, for now.
"Its always good to arrive first." He said flatly, drawing nearer to Grash.
He saluted the clan leader smartly, he had nothing but respect for Grash, they all needed a leader and he fitted Kabreeg's definition of one perfectly.
Kabreeg held the salute for a moment, the relaxed into a more comfortable, but noticably alert stance. He then rather ruined the formal military atmosphere by asking bluntly:
"How many Horges and Humies are you lumbering us with for this mission Sir?"