Blizzard Granting Wishes For Diablo II

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Blizzard Granting Wishes For Diablo II

Yes, Blizzard's still supporting Diablo II, and they're taking fan suggestions for the game's next patch.

Though it's a pretty different scene these days from what it used to be when the words "Stone of Jordan" could elicit orgasmic spasms from any dungeon crawling loot whore, Diablo II's still got a healthy and active community of players. Blizzard's more than aware of this fact, and they're building the next patch for the game that not even death can save you from with those players in mind.

"We're in the process of working on Diablo II content patch 1.13, and we want to try to include the Diablo community's most important changes in our production schedule," Blizzard's Diablo community manager, Bashiok, said. "To achieve this we're asking for your input on what you'd like to see in this patch."

Instead of just having an open call for fan wish lists, though, Blizzard's looking for something very specific: "If you were to get an advance look at the patch notes for Diablo II 1.13, what is the one patch note you would want to see?" The objective here being to get an idea of what the most important request from each member of the community is.

Of course, Blizzard fans being Blizzard fans, within the first five replies someone had written about half a novel of requests. Otherwise, from a cursory skim, popular requests seemed to be a large shared storage option for items, the ability to respect abilities, more measures against item duping (a problem that greatly effects the game's economy but may be inevitable) as well as your typical class balance requests.

My suggestion? Finish Diablo III. I'll always love D2 and appreciate them still supporting the game, but I want to be seeing Deckard Cain rendered in modern graphics before 2015. Also, u giev SoJ?



New member
Feb 2, 2009
That nub in the screenshot needs some keybinds....ANYWAY!

Hooray for Blizzard to show some support for a almost! 10 year old game.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
Blizzard's like a diabolical crack dealer. They know even the tiniest positive change in their product will have you running back begging for more. You know after a while you'll hate it and run away, imploring them to return those lost weeks... months... years. Both of you know you'll eventually crave more.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Keane Ng said:
My suggestion? Finish Diablo III. I'll always love D2 and appreciate them still supporting the game, but I want to be seeing Deckard Cain rendered in modern graphics before 2015. Also, u giev SoJ?

Since I actually like your posts I'll be gentle with my response (I've been feeling sassy lately).

Blizzard touching DII in any way, shape, or form, has no bearing in any manner with the development or end product that will be DIII.

Albeit its fun to think so, because then we have a reason to explain the exceptionally slow production times sometimes. I think that's why people are so bitter about gaming now, its not that games aren't up to our standards, is that they take longer and longer to present less and less each time. It's like they forcefully tranquilize people every few hours to make sure they don't type more than a few lines of code a day.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008

I wish I didn't give my Diablo II discs away to someone who never returned it and lost some as well.

I'm even temped to rebuy it.


I live in eternal remorse.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
It is great that the company still supports one of it's flagship titles. Even if it is old as dirt....

I might did out my discs.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I still think they killed the multiplayer with the 1.10 patch. Magic damage became the unresistable super attack and hammerdins ruled the pve side of things. I might have to make a post asking for magic percentage resistances to be added into the game on already excisting items but I think I may be in the minority when it comes to this complaint.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
pyromcr said:
maybe game developers have finally realized that when they listen to the gammers they make better games!!!
Kind of like all of Valve's recent work. Cheap games followed by free downloadable content and frequent updates makes me a happy panda.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
oliveira8 said:
That nub in the screenshot needs some keybinds....ANYWAY!

Hooray for Blizzard to show some support for a almost! 10 year old game.
This is just like when they announced that they would continue to invoke the banhammer against cheaters in Starcraft.

It seems that every piece of news from Blizzard these days is about how they are still supporting their old IPs. To be honest, its quite refreshing. It seems like Blizzard are the only developers that do this, and it sets them a mile ahead of other companies.

[/Blizzard fanboy mode]

Its wierd, I have no idea when I became a Blizzard fanboy. I guess its just something that simmered over the years of playing SC constantly.

EDIT: Of course, I also forgot to mention Valve. Though to be honest, I don't mess with Valve much, since I'm an RTS gamer at heart and not as much into FPS games that Valve is known for., hence I don't keep up with them much, as such, I don't know if they still support their "older-than-dirt" IPs.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Interestingly enough, this is also a great tool for their developement of Diablo 3. This is a great way to mine the community for information to improve Diablo 3 with while at the same time keeping the crack flowing to the junkies.


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
Samah said:
pyromcr said:
maybe game developers have finally realized that when they listen to the gammers they make better games!!!
Kind of like all of Valve's recent work. Cheap games followed by free downloadable content and frequent updates makes me a happy panda.
Anything by Valve makes me a Happy Panda.