Blizzard Trashing Diablo III Skill Tree System

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Blizzard Trashing Diablo III Skill Tree System

Blizzard's skill tree system that we've come to know and love may be taking a hike when Diablo III is released sometime before the 22nd century.

It's been confirmed that interview with Diablo III lead designer Jay Wilson on DiabloFans [] have revealed that the game's skill system is still being nailed down, and the skill trees often used by Blizzard may not make the cut.

Two tweets hinted last week that the skill system could be changing: "The skill system revision is in full force. Trees begone! I think it might be a winner. Jay says hi," followed by "We're implementing and will be testing a new system that changes how skills are acquired. That's all I'll say." In the DiabloFans interview, Jay Wilson divulges:

About that, we've decided to remove the tree-type architecture and we are moving into a purely skill-based system. This new system is still in the development stages and if it does not work, we still have plenty of options to fall back on. Right now, we're just trying different things and getting a feel for the few ideas in regards to the skill system that we have going on right now. It differs from the World of Warcraft/Diablo II type hierarchical styles and is more of a skill pool/path than a tree per se.

For those unaware, the skill tree is a system through which a videogame character's capabilities are improved by advancing through singular or multiple branches of certain types of abilities. Unlocking an ability often provides access to another more powerful one. Skill trees were arguably popularized by Blizzard, and have become a mainstay of videogame design.

If Blizzard is trashing skill trees to use something different for Diablo III, it can only speak volumes for what this new concept may be. It could be something similar to the skill system used in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, where a skill improves as it is used. However, knowing Blizzard, I doubt the company's new idea would be something so simple. All we can do is wait and see.

(Via: Blue's News [])



New member
Nov 19, 2008
Avykins said:
Hell yes. The whole tech tree thing got on my nerves. Why not allow us to say dump exp points into whatever skill we want but it just starts off really weak so you have to dump way more points to level it up. Then not only does it get stronger but has additional side effects. And each skill costs different amount of points so you can get something right now or save up for a far more useful one later.
Kind of like in Fable?


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Well, it's the first time I've seen a screenshot of the soon-to-be-trashed skill tree, and I'm sure I'm not the first to say the style and presentation looks directly imported from WOW.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
probably was too hard for some people so now you will get suggestions instead of skills

no I dont know what that means I just feel like being snotty to them

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Zerbye said:
Well, it's the first time I've seen a screenshot of the soon-to-be-trashed skill tree, and I'm sure I'm not the first to say the style and presentation looks directly imported from WOW.
In all fairness, that screen seemed to be pretty old. It was actually a very nice setup at BlizzCon, with the style very gothic; it had an awesome stained-glass-window interface, and the icon art was DEFINITELY not WoW - a lot more brutal and bloody for one.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
I can't really bother to care anymore about this game. I'm sure Blizzard will deliver a spectacular game, but I don't know if I'll be able to enjoy it by the time it comes out.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Let's hope that the new system will be innovating enough to replace the skill tree system which so many people loathe in future games.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I'm all for them replacing it with something that will be easy enough for someone with a PhD in math to use (cursed optimization!). Nothing worse then making a few early choices then realizing you've wasted points in something that is pretty much useless.

I'm curious what they are cooking up, though.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Tron-tonian said:
I'm all for them replacing it with something that will be easy enough for someone with a PhD in math to use (cursed optimization!). Nothing worse then making a few early choices then realizing you've wasted points in something that is pretty much useless.
Pretty sure they said they were adding respeccing into D3 as well, so that was no longer the biggest issue in the world. No more rerolling due to missclicks or planning all 99 levels in advance from the very start :p


New member
Dec 11, 2008
I actually really hated the skill tree system introduced in Diablo II. It just frustrated me more compared to the spell system in Diablo I. The thing I hated was that it felt like your character build had a variety of options, but the only way to get good in the game was to follow pre-defined "good" builds down the skill tree to make a successful character. I had to pretty much go on GameFaqs to figure out what skills to actually take or try out for my Necromancer and I just got this creeping feeling that if they just stuck to a linear skill tree system, it would be no different than a "You level up! You get this skill" Final Fantasy 4 did.

Of course some way of resetting the points in the skills so the player could optimize the build would make the game easier to play--though it just frustrated me to no end to realize why my characters kept dying so much was because of an improper build that I would have to start all the way back to level one.

Though I got "Torchlight" here so I'm in no hurry to be hyped up on "Diablo III".


New member
Nov 20, 2009
The proposed skill tree system for D3 was already different from WoW in that tier prerequisites counted across any tree. That small change looked as if it could bring all kinds of variety into the mix. (example: take Tier1 skills from one tree, Tier2 skills from a second tree, Tier3 skills from the third tree, etc...)

I was actually a bit excited about it, but now I'm a little nervous.
Surely they won't go to something dumbed down like KotoR's feat system.


Resident Mario sprite
Jun 18, 2008
Wow, I'm surprised by hearing this.
Good to hear that they're thinking new. I like it!

It's a bit soon to start looking forward to it though. That I don't like.


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
Amnestic said:
Tron-tonian said:
I'm all for them replacing it with something that will be easy enough for someone with a PhD in math to use (cursed optimization!). Nothing worse then making a few early choices then realizing you've wasted points in something that is pretty much useless.
Pretty sure they said they were adding respeccing into D3 as well, so that was no longer the biggest issue in the world. No more rerolling due to missclicks or planning all 99 levels in advance from the very start :p
Yeah, it always seemed a bit harsh to punish the player for not having the clairvoyance to know how different skills would develop in later stages and difficulties.

So this change may be a good thing, all the better if it doesn't require a clunky forgetfulness machine.

"Sure I can make it like you were never a Sorceror at all! Just 10,000 gold. Ok turn around and gimme a moment to fill this sack with bricks. Now you may feel a sharp sensation at the back of the head..."


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Haha, I brought this up yesterday in another article's comment section.

First, blizzard says it will take longer than most people expected. Then, the skill tree is done away with. I hope they know what they are doing. But, they have a good track record of great and completely polished games... so, I am still expecting a game that will kick the dungeon crawler genre up a notch.