Blood Donations, your views and a plea


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I like bleeding, it is a strange quirk from my depression era. I've even donated blood in the past though sadly I can not do so any more. Too much international travel, not aids or something like that. Even was tapped for bone marrow once, but there wasn't a match so they didn't get to the really painful part. I'm in the organ donate program, because face it the act of giving the only thing you truly own in this world is one of the best acts you can undertake.

Interestingly, I used to freak some of the people out till I learned your not meant to look as if your enjoying it. I started meditating on how it felt, feeling my life blood draining away and contemplating life/death and the usual deep thoughts I have had in those few moments of clarity that strangely come with blood letting. They saw me doing this and panicked as if I was dying or something....

So yeah, don't act as if your enjoying it.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
When somebody gives me their blood, then I'll give mine. It's a two way street, and until that point, I'm hordeing what I gots.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I think more people would donate if the Iron test wasn't so painful, yes I know that sounds a bit whiney but the spring loaded needle in the finger really hurts. I do donate a little infrequently due to sickness and such and most of my friends donate as well. There are plenty of good reasons to donate, but the two best reasons would have to be that A) your helping to assure that some of your own blood type is on hand, B) your helping out others in your community. Also the Red Cross blood bank where I donate gives out milk shakes and cordial :)


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Can't in Australia, was in the UK for x amount of time during y date. I forget the actual dates, but I'm a Mad Cow risk.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
I give blood all the time, but it is always for tests. Here I am, a walking, squishy, everyday skin-sack full of blood and I am not "allowed" to give it due to the fact that I'm sick and take certain medications. I've always wanted to give blood as well for all those sick and/or dieing people out there. Oh well. I'll send my friend in next time he visits.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
The one time I was planning to give blood, I ran into a friend who had already done it and had a HUGE purple bruise on her arm. Apparently the person taking the blood was a bit...rough with the needle. So that kind of killed my enthusiasm. But I'm not scared of needles (I actually like watching my blood get taken. It's fascinating for some reason). Next time I hear about a blood drive near by, I think I'll go. But I'd like the people running it to know what they're doing.