Bridesmaids Director "In Talks" For Female-Led Reboot of Ghostbusters

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Alek_the_Great said:
Fucking this. I don't think I can recall a single reboot of a decades old franchise that has ever been as good or better than the original and even if I could I'd probably end up counting them with a single hand. All a reboot does is attempt to resurrect a cash cow and take advantage of fans and their nostalgia while at the same time trying to "update" them and make them more "modern" to the point it loses the spirit of the original.
It's 80's franchises in particular, because the 80's were very uncompromising. Even when it came to kids films. You bring anything from the 80's to this time and it's going to be watered down by the gallons.

Can you imagine them remaking The Neverending Story for audiences today? *shudder*


New member
Nov 5, 2009
GabeZhul said:
You know, this pretty much exemplifies the problem with the effects of the whole modern "feminism"/"political correctness" movement.

Just look at it this way: People are clamoring for female protagonist. So what does Hollywood do? Instead of looking out for a good screenplay with a female protagonist they just take a franchise, gender-flip the characters, use it as an excuse for a reboot and then parade around saying "Look! We have not only one but FOUR female protagonists! We are so progressive!", which practically just means "We are pandering to your feminist sensibilities without putting in any effort! If you are part of the movement, give us all your money or you are a hypocrite!"

Seriously, this is exactly that I and others have been dreading this whole new "female representation" hubbub would lead to (though I was more worried about video games personally because of She Who Should Not Be Named, The Derailer of Thread and The Feeder of Trolls and her videos): Studios being bullied into inserting female characters into stories they originally had nothing to do with just so that they would fill an arbitrary "quota" to avoid being called sexist, or worse, producers/publishers forcing them to do the same so they could use the whole "progressive" idea as a marketing label to pander to this particular audience (which is pretty much in full effect here).

I am not going to judge the quality of the movie (yet), but I just feel that it is made for the wrong reasons, and that is a misstep right out of the starting gate that will be hard to overcome...
fucking nail on the head also said better then me. I dont have an issue with this idea BUT dont call it Ghostbusters do somthing else.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
This topic is weird, these posts are very weird. So many things that tick me off.

Why does a sequel not being as good or better than the original make the sequel a bad movie? I do not understand that for anything. Original movie = great, sequel = not as good = FAIL! WHY!? It's okay for a movie to not be as good as a great movie. I say this in general. I don't get it.

Reboots. Why more reboots? Why can't they stop, please. Sequels I'm okay with. Endless sequels, bring them on. But reboots, remakes, wear thin. It's just like that thing you like, only not that thing you like, at all. And Ghostbusters, which is a story that tries to keep in mind what year it is, is open to new 'talent' coming in on the simple ground that it's been a few decades since the last movie took place. Reboots are just annoying to me. I understand a change of medium, I understand new takes and ideas, I just don't get why these stories cannot find something new or different to do, other than tell the same story again, in the same medium, but with different faces attached to the characters.

I want more female leads, but I want them to be able to stand with males, not alone in their own universe. I've seen a small selection of all female lead movies. I've enjoyed one or two, a decent amount, I have nothing against a few good movies that happen to star women. But then there's the other three or four I've seen, watched for about twenty minutes and then turn off, filled with air heads, and ditzy, mindless, annoying, useless characters. I don't think if a Ghostbusters movie came out in the next 5 years with an all female cast it'd be anything I'd want to see, at all. I doubt the characters would be presented smart enough for me to give a single shit.

If there's a new Ghostbusters movie, they wouldn't quite be bringing the brand back from the dead. Last I checked there's an ongoing Ghostbusters comic book, going for the last few years now, since 2011. Ghostbusters the Videogame came out in 2009, and Sanctum of Slime came out in 2011, while there hasn't been anything in the movies or television the brand hasn't been dormant of recent.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Sounds terrible idea, mostly because it sounds like a spare of the moment decision. Why not just make them all black? Or all dogs? Why cant we just have a new mixed group of male/female/black/white Ghostbusters all under the control of Dan Aykroyd.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
... okay... I'm so not going to see that.
This seems just like a gimmicky idea, horrible. The original staff is incomplete now and they were too old before that already.
You were late, let it rest. Do something original, gender swapping is not.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Rainbow_Dashtruction said:
Since when is it a myth? Very few major female actors can act and be funny, or act and be sexy, or doing anything but act at the same time as acting. Every major male comedy actor is usually also a comedian on the side, and therefore has been doing it for a while already.

...Funnyness aside (cause I've been on that carusel too many effing times) most female actors are attractive, so being sexy and acting well at the same time is not a stretch

like does being attractive suck up your talent or something?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
ChristopherT said:
I want more female leads, but I want them to be able to stand with males, not alone in their own universe. I've seen a small selection of all female lead movies. I've enjoyed one or two, a decent amount, I have nothing against a few good movies that happen to star women. But then there's the other three or four I've seen, watched for about twenty minutes and then turn off, filled with air heads, and ditzy, mindless, annoying, useless characters. I don't think if a Ghostbusters movie came out in the next 5 years with an all female cast it'd be anything I'd want to see, at all. I doubt the characters would be presented smart enough for me to give a single shit. without the presence of men female (characters) are by default ditzy mindless and annoying? I don't know if thats what you're saying but thats what it sounds like


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Bonecrusher said:
I partially support 1337mokro.
It is really really hard to make a "Full female comedy". It can easily turn to a boring feminist romance movie and not a "Ghostbusters movie".
feminist romance movie?

romance movies tend not be very "feminist" a lot of the time (depending on ones belvies)

[quote/]Hell, even marketing the new reboot as "FULL FEMALE LEDS!" just a ploy to appeal Feminist and White Knight groups.

because actually being represented is quite literally the worst thing ever...



Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
Look, just putting a pretty face on the cover won't change the fact that it's going to be dumb.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I'll probably give it a miss.

Who is this even for exactly? I don't think Ghostbusters has enough mainstream female appeal, and I don't think many guys will see a film with an all female cast unless they're all busty lesbians or something.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Fuck the gender of the characters. All that matters to me is whether or not it'll actually be any good.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Vault101 said:
because actually being represented is quite literally the worst thing ever...

Why we are such obsessed about getting "represented" in games and movies?

I always prefer a good story than being represented.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Vault101 said: without the presence of men female (characters) are by default ditzy mindless and annoying? I don't know if thats what you're saying but thats what it sounds like
No, sorry, those were two thoughts crammed into one paragraph.

1) I think female characters can, and should be able to stand toe to toe with male characters. And they usually do, as most characters may lack in one way or another they make up for it in other ways.

2) And that from what few movies I've seen with all female leads it's at least split in half between charming characters, and airheads. That's if the numbers are not tilted in the airhead direction.

How to beat the high cost of living (1980) and the Sweetest Thing (2002) are two movies I really enjoyed. Both starring a trio of women, I found both funny, the Sweetest Thing has a few cartoonish moments some for the better some for the worse, but overall, I'm pleased with those two movies. In How to Beat the High Cost of Living the characters are engaging, balanced, there's a scene where one flashes a crowd, it's presented as a panicked reaction, a last ditch effort to help with their heist, she's using her body to distract a group of people, and she's embarrassed - compare that to I don't even know how many movies where a female character uses her body because it's easier at the time. Not to say women should be embarrassed of their bodies, it's okay to use a bit of sex appeal to help things along, but when all it is is a tit flash it tends to dumb down the character. And, in a simple comparison I think the over all reaction is if THE woman character shows her tits to get what she wants = it's male pandering. BUT, if it's a movie starring women, and ONE of them shows her bits it equals female empowerment. And I don't think that should be the case, I find I want both to be be judge the same.

So where I'm cool with the scene in How to Beat the High Cost of Living, not so cool with (let's say) the Whole 9 Yards - as dumb as I am that Amanda Peet in the buff gives me a big smile, she plays a fairly ditzy character that's supposed to be capable of becoming a hitman. And I think because that is a movie with Male and Female characters, it's easier to stack her against the guys, and see that that character is a bit of an airhead. And when the majority, or whole leading cast are women, and this happens, or things like it, and the characters on screen do not care, it kinda brings them all down a bit. Again, I think it is okay to use sex appeal, but then compare it to when I see men doing it in movies or tv, the handsome man approaches the woman, sweet talks her, flashes the pearly whites, and gets his way, then that's usually commented on, or he's surprised it worked, or he's smug with him self. As opposed to when female characters do it, I find it's usually results in her smiling, pleased with herself. An example of a female character I think is handled well when it comes to sex appeal is the leading character in the show Lost Girl. She's a succubus, she feeds off sexual energy, and she can, and does, use that to her advantage, and uses her body to help matters along, but we are talking about her using her words, or charm, hardly ever her body to get those things done, and she uses her brain to do so when needed. I do not think this happens with female characters enough, as opposed to the boob and metaphorical high-five.

Then with the Sweetest Thing, there's plenty of sexual humor in it, however I don't find much of any of it is at the women's expense. Christina Applegate's character uses her body and situational happenstance to play with a biker, for fun, but again, she's not flashing him, she's not trying to manipulate, she's having fun and without dumbing herself down. There are scenes where the ladies are having fun, laughing, smiling, singing about stroking men's egos, but I don't think they fall into a trap where in more movies I find women characters in groups start to dumb down. Most of the time they're laughing, not giggling. They're reactions are "oh shit!" and not "OMG, LOL!". I have some issues with all male casts as well. I don't see the point in the Expendables, I like action hero movies, I like '80s action hero movies, why take a group of action hero dudes and just toss them into a movie where they do action hero guy things? Why do so many male centered movies have to have at least one horn dog asshole? I could make more paragraphs on that.

But anyways, I find, overall that more female centric movies dumb the characters down, or makes things into a cartoon. And that having a decent mixed sex leading cast can lead to further thought or at least easier to spot the bullshit. Same with a majority of all male casts.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
tzimize said:
Queen Michael said:
Seems like a fun idea. The all-male team was enjoyable, why not give the women a shot at it?
Because women usually arent funny. I'm sorry but they are not.

Women comedians are usually fucking awful either talking about their vaginas all the time (and expecting shock factor to be the funny thing) or simply have more or less only self depreciating humor. Which really isnt either very funny nor very clever.
Then it's a good thing that Paul Feig is not a woman.

We aren't talking about female comedians here, but about fictional characters being famale. I mean, Buffy (the vampire slayer) was often quite funny. So were Tina from Bob's Burgers, Pennsatucky from Orange Is the New Black, Erin from Critical Miss, and Osaka from Azumanga Daioh.

If you literally can't laugh at gags because of the presence of a woman delivering them, then the problem is not with "women comedians".


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Nazulu said:
*sigh* I hate Hollywood. They are so shit now. They used to amaze me with the original idea's and concepts and just general high quality films I saw every month. Now it just seems they only rely on remaking everything.
When exactly do you think was that mythical Golden Age?

Looking back at history, it would seem to me that developing pre-existing narratives further, has been the most common form of creativity.

Frostbyte666 said:
Ok so they want to reboot it...why? others have said why not have different branches. Another question though why must it be an all female cast, what's wrong with having the group as mixed genders.
You want a spinoff instead of a reboots... why? You want a mixed cast instead of a female one... what's so wrong with a female one?

There are an infinite number of "why nots" regarding a show's decided premise, we could keeep questioning them forever. But do we?The original Ghostbusters itself had a single gender main cast. Did you ever question why that one can't be more mixed?

Are you sure that you aren't motivated by the same belief as an alarming but not shocking number of other posters around here, according to whom, quite simply, "women aren't funny"?