Capcom Considering Lost Planet 2 PS3

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Capcom Considering Lost Planet 2 PS3

All hope is not lost for a PlayStation 3 version of Capcom's third-person shooter - Capcom is still "thinking about" bringing the game to the PS3.

Lost Planet 2 made its no mention [] of the PC or PS3. Since then, Capcom's been for the most part mum about a multiplatform release, leading conclusion-jumpers to assume that Lost Planet 2 is 360 exclusive.

That's not completely true, according to recent remarks made by Capcom themselves. They won't say they're working on it, they might not be presently working on it, but they sure are still considering it. "We're still thinking about it and haven't announced a PS3 version, so we can't say more about it just yet," producer Jun Takeuchi told GamesRadar [] in an interview.

So why all this fanfare solely drummed up for the 360 game? Capcom wouldn't want to cause any misconceptions, after all. For Takeuchi, releasing the debut trailer was just a "a unique and memorable way to announce the game" as well as a joint effort between Microsoft and Capcom.

On top of that, the 360 player base is a force to be reckoned with, he thinks. "360 users and fans, whether in Japan or elsewhere, are very passionate about their games," Takeuchi said. "The attach rate in Japan is very high for 360, so I don't think it's a matter of numbers in relation to Japan, I think it's about how passionate the people are."

Capcom's talked a big game [] about multiplatform franchises, and they even designed their in-house engine to support the development of games on more than one platform, so either they're just waiting on an announcement for whatever reason or Microsoft has secured an exclusive. I'm guessing we'll hear about PS3 and PC versions sooner or later.



New member
Dec 16, 2008
In other breaking news, yes the sun is scheduled to rise tommorow, I'll gladly bet a modest sum of money that this will end up on the PC,PS3 with possibly a spin-off on the Wii and DS.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Ayup, not much of a surprise here. I think that the game will release on the same systems its predecessor did, in the same timeframe and order.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I want this to come out as soon as possible so we can get an Unskippable of it. I can't wait to see what happened to Burney, maybe he got hit with a chunk of irony and got surrounded by an alien.

Maybe we'll get a bonus Unskippable of the trailer.


Proud Escaperino
Feb 9, 2009
randommaster said:
I want this to come out as soon as possible so we can get an Unskippable of it. I can't wait to see what happened to Burney, maybe he got hit with a chunk of irony and got surrounded by an alien.

Maybe we'll get a bonus Unskippable of the trailer.
I somehow doubt that they'll do Lost Planet 2. It just seems .. Meaningless.
Although a unskippable trailer for some game might actually be kinda cool ..


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Daye.04 said:
randommaster said:
I want this to come out as soon as possible so we can get an Unskippable of it. I can't wait to see what happened to Burney, maybe he got hit with a chunk of irony and got surrounded by an alien.

Maybe we'll get a bonus Unskippable of the trailer.
I somehow doubt that they'll do Lost Planet 2. It just seems .. Meaningless.
Although a unskippable trailer for some game might actually be kinda cool ..
At first I thought you meant they weren't going to make Lost Planet 2, and I was like "dumbass, you're posting in a thread talking about them making the game!"

I need sleep.


Proud Escaperino
Feb 9, 2009
randommaster said:
At first I thought you meant they weren't going to make Lost Planet 2, and I was like "dumbass, you're posting in a thread talking about them making the game!"

I need sleep.
Yeah? So? They might change their minds, and make it into. Snow Planet - Develope a planet of snow
"Much like spore, really. Anly not as thought out" - Game reviewer

Woah .. I think I too need more sleep ...


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Daye.04 said:
randommaster said:
At first I thought you meant they weren't going to make Lost Planet 2, and I was like "dumbass, you're posting in a thread talking about them making the game!"

I need sleep.
Yeah? So? They might change their minds, and make it into. Snow Planet - Develope a planet of snow
"Much like spore, really. Anly not as thought out" - Game reviewer

Woah .. I think I too need more sleep ...
Then you could make a galaxy of these planets and have an interstellar snowball fight. Each time you throw a snowball, you would bring about apocalypse for entire civilizations.

EDIT: I totaly responded to this before the system told me so, woooooooooooooooooooo!


Proud Escaperino
Feb 9, 2009
randommaster said:
Then you could make a galaxy of these planets and have an interstellar snowball fight. Each time you throw a snowball, you would bring about apocalypse for entire civilizations.

EDIT: I totaly responded to this before the system told me so, woooooooooooooooooooo!
yeah, let's both just go to bed now, eh?
By the way. Is it thursday tomorrow? My computer tells me so, but I don't trust it ..


New member
Nov 28, 2007
They had best release this for the PS3 at the same time as the xBox if they do. I honestly don't want to have to steal my xBox back from my girlfriend. Then again, this game's release won't come for a while, chances are I will have it back by then anyways.

But I am a fairness guy, don't disenfranchise our brothers in black glossy plastic.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
They are considering it's release on PS3 in the same way I'm considering to lick my elbow. I want to do it, but I believe that I can't, and that is what holds me back.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Well, its looks a ton better than the original game. I hope everyone gets to play it.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
will end up on ps3 n prob the pc at some point. But no doubt given the costs & added time delay of concurrently developing a game for 3 platforms; theyre gonna finish & release it on the one thatll sell the most copies first, which is the x360