Twilight_guy said:
First off, it would be nice if you keep personal attacks out of this, and stop being so easily offended (both by by the article and forum peoples).
As for DRM, even if it could be developed to be perfectelly unpiratable, and of no hindrance at all to the customer, it adds nothing to the main product.
It would only allow publishers to continue driving up prices, continue with the rediculous DLC practices, etc etc. Not to mention that any 'perfect' DLC will automatically kil off any ability to mod the game.
This would basically make the PC a console with a mouse and keyboard. Utter dystopia in my opinion.
Hearing a company steer away from this (unlikely) future is good, I dont care whether or not its a PR stunt, or whether or not it has anything to do with 'repect'. I judge companies based on how they treat me and got nothing to hate CDR for.