Okay I'm going to act like a bastard here, I feel sorry for the family, but honestly as a rare duck, a gun owner from childhood, and a gamer, I'm going to be blunt.
Fucking Idiots. That's it. They Are FUCKING IDIOTS. The Parents are FUCKING MORONS! Here is the rules of gun safety I learnt as a 5 year old.
1) Treat Every Firearm as if loaded, even when proven otherwise (that means don't point it at shit you moron)
2) Only aim at something you intend to shoot
3) When not using the firearm secure it safely in a locked gun cabinet of some kind, separate from the ammunition. YOU NEVER LEAVE THEM LOADED.
It's fucking simple, those are the core rules of gun safety, anyone who doesn't follow them in their own home is a fucking moron, I'm not blaming the kid, I'm blaming the stupid parents, you don't leave guns laying around you moronic twits, ever, you don't leave them loaded, ever, you don't let little kids touch them EVER.
The man should be locked away for life. fucking twit.