Chinese Gamer Gives New Meaning to "Big Screen"


New member
Oct 23, 2010
infernovolver said:
Sauvastika said:
infernovolver said:
That is ridiculous. That looks both uncomfortable and grossly over indulgent. But 15,000$? Is china's currency not grossly inflated like ours? I thought a giant LED screen would cost more than just 15,000$. o.o
The screen didn't cost $15,000. It cost that much for the guy to play an MMO on the screen.
Ah. I wonder for how long.
Actually, China's currency is grossly undervalued in relation to the USD (which the Chinese government deliberately does to make it attractive to other nations with grossly inflated currencies to purchase their plastic trinkets). So $15,000USD would probably getcha a lotta bang for your buck in China.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
This is so sad, and yet at the same time so awesome. It boggles the mind that someone would actually do this with $15K, but at the same time It's the ultimate form of "I'm just more awesome than you"-ness.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
SaturdayS said:
I bet the audio sucked, unless he just bluetoothed it through some headphones or something... Don't rich people ever waste their money for the good of mankind? When was the last time a city had cargo plane of gumballs dropped on it? ... soft gumballs...
In my opinion that might be a worse idea. Just imagine it a plane flyiing over the city as it unleashes the soft gumballs. they fall from a high altitude reaching their terminal velocity as stare up at what is happening. People start dropping like flies as hundreds accidently swallow this colourful disaster, several fall on to traffic blinding cars as they spin out of control. The gumballs are getting stuck everywhere in people's hair, eyes(remember terminal velocity) and in some butt for some unexplainable reason the guy doesn't want to talk about because its incredibly embarressing and funny at the same time OH THE HUMANITY! Yet there will be people filming this and posting it on youtube with the song Sunshine and lollipops to this disaster. Its terrible but incredibly amusing and something i would actually want to see. But not to my Asain Bretheren perferably


New member
Nov 8, 2010
inkblood said:
SaturdayS said:
In my opinion that might be a worse idea. Just imagine it a plane flyiing over the city as it unleashes the soft gumballs. they fall from a high altitude reaching their terminal velocity as stare up at what is happening. People start dropping like flies as hundreds accidently swallow this colourful disaster, several fall on to traffic blinding cars as they spin out of control. The gumballs are getting stuck everywhere in people's hair, eyes(remember terminal velocity) and in some butt for some unexplainable reason the guy doesn't want to talk about because its incredibly embarressing and funny at the same time OH THE HUMANITY! Yet there will be people filming this and posting it on youtube with the song Sunshine and lollipops to this disaster. Its terrible but incredibly amusing and something i would actually want to see. But not to my Asain Bretheren perferably
See, it's the greatest gift one could give humanity!


New member
Feb 5, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
Fucking disgusting if you ask me.

People are starving to death, lack of clean water and being murdered because they don't have enough money to keep gangs away and this guy spends $15,000 on a TV?

Makes me sick
Not to play the Devil's advocate, but it's his money. He's not really harming anyone but his wallet here, when you compare to others who spend millions to directly ruin other people's lives.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Mordwyl said:
The Rockerfly said:
Fucking disgusting if you ask me.

People are starving to death, lack of clean water and being murdered because they don't have enough money to keep gangs away and this guy spends $15,000 on a TV?

Makes me sick
Not to play the Devil's advocate, but it's his money. He's not really harming anyone but his wallet here, when you compare to others who spend millions to directly ruin other people's lives.
He's a greedy bastard. If he has enough money to buy a TV for a night he obviously lives a comfortable life so why not give his money instead of wasting his money on this garbage

It is a disgusting waste of money both for him financially and for people who clearly need the money more than him.

What do you mean, "spend millions to directly ruin other people's lives"?


New member
Feb 5, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
Mordwyl said:
The Rockerfly said:
Fucking disgusting if you ask me.

People are starving to death, lack of clean water and being murdered because they don't have enough money to keep gangs away and this guy spends $15,000 on a TV?

Makes me sick
Not to play the Devil's advocate, but it's his money. He's not really harming anyone but his wallet here, when you compare to others who spend millions to directly ruin other people's lives.
He's a greedy bastard. If he has enough money to buy a TV for a night he obviously lives a comfortable life so why not give his money instead of wasting his money on this garbage

It is a disgusting waste of money both for him financially and for people who clearly need the money more than him.

What do you mean, "spend millions to directly ruin other people's lives"?
A recent example:

When you have that wealth, you decide what to do with it. Money alone does not solve problems.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Mordwyl said:
A recent example:

When you have that wealth, you decide what to do with it. Money alone does not solve problems.
Granted, but how about the people who starve to death? Or people who can't have clean water? The money would be such a massive benefit to so many people. How about a hospital, that money could pay for new life saving equipment

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
So you're really just a selfish prick who wants people to owe him a bunch of favors, and you're going after this guy for being indulgent for a night? Seriously, lay off. Sometimes people need to release some stress. If the guy has a job that pays well enough for him to be able to do this, then he's probably doing something that involves a lot of time and hard work, and this was his way of unwinding on his day off.
How on earth is that selfish, am I asking anything of him? No
Am I ever going to met them? No
How is it selfish? It's just a good feeling knowing I've actually effected someone's life in a decent way

You want to release stress? Go get in a fight with someone, go get laid or go do some exercise. Don't spend a stupid amount of money on shit you don't need

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
Sorry for not being clear. I wasn't referring to the guy who RENTED (capitalised for emphasis) the TV, but the person, whoever it may be, you gave the money to owing you their life.

Fights relieve stress, but can get you arrested, causing MORE stress.
Getting laid may be easy for you, but for some of us, we can't just go out anywhere and pick up a random slut (whether they be male or female).
Exercise is good for you, relieves stress, etc., but not everyone has a gym membership, equipment in their home, or weather conditions that allow them to go for a quick jog or something.

If someone wants to spend $15,000 on playing a game they enjoy on a HUGE screen, that's their choice, it's their way of relieving stress. It won't get them arrested, they don't have to go and pick up someone in a bar or something, and it doesn't rely on any of the things I mentioned for exercising above. Granted, with that kind of money, he could have bought himself some clothes, a duffel, and a gym membership or something, but he chose not to.
Granted it can get you arrested but so what, at least you will feel alive
Getting laid, not easy for me either but get a girlfriend and you can very easily
Exercise, what about going for a run? Completely free. Plus weather conditions? I run in the rain and snow. Unless it's dangerous weather, you should still go. He had $15,000 to spend on a night, he has enough to buy a gym membership

He is a pathetic cesspool of a man. Luckily I know he won't pass his genes on because all he seems to care about is playing video games


New member
May 17, 2009
It seems that with that size, being able to see everything that is going on may become difficult. It'd also feel weird to play a game lying down and looking at the ceiling.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
Now how the fuck do you know that? Just because he spent $15,000 to play a game on a screen bigger than Jesus doesn't mean that all he cares about is video games. You're insulting someone based on what you have read in a news post. Saying that he's a cesspool of a man for spending money, that he'll never pass his genes on since all he cares about is video games? You realise you aren't making yourself sound very good here, don't you?
$15,000 would buy you a membership for over 150 years...

That fact that he is in a massive guild,
He spent $15,000 on video games (obviously very devoted) You don't see casual gamers randomly spending $15,000 for a first time playing.

Sound good? What does that mean? I could just as easily say you don't sound very good because you are defending this person

Also Jesus was a regular size human being, it's not hard being bigger than him. At least not mathematically


New member
Jan 17, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
Mordwyl said:
The Rockerfly said:
Fucking disgusting if you ask me.

People are starving to death, lack of clean water and being murdered because they don't have enough money to keep gangs away and this guy spends $15,000 on a TV?

Makes me sick
Not to play the Devil's advocate, but it's his money. He's not really harming anyone but his wallet here, when you compare to others who spend millions to directly ruin other people's lives.
He's a greedy bastard. If he has enough money to buy a TV for a night he obviously lives a comfortable life so why not give his money instead of wasting his money on this garbage

It is a disgusting waste of money both for him financially and for people who clearly need the money more than him.

What do you mean, "spend millions to directly ruin other people's lives"?
He earned the money, he can do what he wants with it.

*turns on 80s mode*

Take a chill pill dude