Chinese Gamer Gives New Meaning to "Big Screen"

Don't taze me bro

New member
Feb 26, 2009
@ The Rockerfly. How do you know this guy doesn't support a charity already? You're making gross judgements based on very limited information in this article. Do you also berate people who drive luxury cars like Porches? Do you boycott companies like Nestle to protect infant deaths, or Coke due to how they rip water from local aquifers. Are you going to forgo your next game purchase and donate that to someone homeless or hungry? It's easy to take the moral highground and denounce what you consider largess or greed. Be realistic though, or you just make yourself look like a twat.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
dogstile said:
He earned the money, he can do what he wants with it.

*turns on 80s mode*

Take a chill pill dude
Yeah you are right, he can but it sickens me that he used the money in this way. He can do whatever he likes with his money but to me personally I find it offensive

You are right but the way people spend their money pisses me off.

Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
im2fools on the kotaku page for this said:
For all the people who are complaining about how this much money could feed x number of people. It did. The money wasn't fed into a shredder. It payed salaries for the mall. It payed salaries for the factory workers who built the electronics. It payed salaries for the electric company employees. It payed for groceries for all their families. It payed for trucks transporting the groceries. It payed for farmers growing the vegetables. It payed for the cattle turned into steak. It payed the taxes on all of the above. If we're not going to limit what people can make, then we should expect them to spend it frivolously. Money must circulate, or it kills an economy.

They are on wages already
They aren't finding it difficult to feed their families
They aren't in the streets begging for scraps

The workers are on fixed salaries and will get paid a set amount, maybe a performance bonus but that won't get any extra money for this.
You know who will get more money though? The executives, the ones who get the most out of the profit. Nearly all companies work like this, the average worker is unlikely to get paid more especially in a country where human rights are so bad
The executives will get the money and they will be sitting on a bed of this guys money.

Now you're just trolling.
You're comparing a TV in size to Jesus Christ's popularity. Jesus was popular, the TV is big. Comparing the two makes very little sense in my head

Don said:
@ The Rockerfly. How do you know this guy doesn't support a charity already? You're making gross judgements based on very limited information in this article. Do you also berate people who drive luxury cars like Porches? Do you boycott companies like Nestle to protect infant deaths, or Coke due to how they rip water from local aquifers. Are you going to forgo your next game purchase and donate that to someone homeless or hungry? It's easy to take the moral highground and denounce what you consider largess or greed. Be realistic though, or you just make yourself look like a twat.
If you are going to insult me at least quote me otherwise I have no way to respond

That argument works both ways, how do you know he's not? Consider the average human being, how many donates money, works down at charity shops or soup kitchens? How many people do you know do that? Not many I am sure
On average, most human beings will do fuck all for charity, statistically speaking. We are a greedy race, especially in a country obsessed with money like China. Therefore I am going to bold assume that he doesn't give money to charity

No I do not protest infant deaths, infants are easy to recreate (9 months plus a few extra to grow and boom, infant is less than a year. A grown human being dying is much sadder to me especially when we live in a world with so much disposable income

I am realistic, if you gave me $15,000 to spend on a big TV for the night or giving it to a hospital or cancer research (or any other charity of my choice) I would choose the charity every time


New member
Feb 5, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
Mordwyl said:
A recent example:

When you have that wealth, you decide what to do with it. Money alone does not solve problems.
Granted, but how about the people who starve to death? Or people who can't have clean water? The money would be such a massive benefit to so many people. How about a hospital, that money could pay for new life saving equipment
Again, I stand corrected. Money is a commodity that equates a general value to something. What most people seem to neglect is donations are just fixed sums of money and for these troubled people to get out of their rut requires a constant flow into the economy... An upkeep, so to speak.

People that need help in this manner are put in that situation by someone in power or something out of anyone's control. If that $15,000 was donated to charity they wouldn't see a cent from it. Not even from benefits.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
There's a lot of hatred for the guy that seems misplaced. Don't hate him for doing something pretty awesome and totally self indulgent, hate mankind for creating a society in which that is freely accepted. Ala Capitalism vs Communism.

Personally, I think it looks like a waste - it's not one giant screen it's loads of fairly big ones by the look of it - I'd rather do the IMAX. And trust me, if I could drop that kind of cash, I would.

Anyone, Rockerfly I'm looking at you, who says they wouldn't are lying to themselves. How much do you spend on chocolate, pizza, games, computers, holidays, new clothes? All these little indulgences add up, why not limit your own accumulation of possessions/experiences and instead donate your expendable income to those more needy? I'm guessing here, you may well live in a shack and work 70hours a week to fund a local cat orphanage, I don't really know.

It's all relative. He may well donate $100,000 a year to charities and $15,000 is just loose change. You don't really know.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Mordwyl said:
Again, I stand corrected. Money is a commodity that equates a general value to something. What most people seem to neglect is donations are just fixed sums of money and for these troubled people to get out of their rut requires a constant flow into the economy... An upkeep, so to speak.

People that need help in this manner are put in that situation by someone in power or something out of anyone's control. If that $15,000 was donated to charity they wouldn't see a cent from it. Not even from benefits.
It depends what charity you donate to
If it was badly donated like the live 8 money the all you will see is a place where the guards have new guns
If you donate to something like cancer research or RSPCC (who have to produce financial records and show the ration of money to their cause by law). Any none profit organisation is a good thing to give it to

Still, humans are greedy and selfish. If the populous can get a burger for a few pennies less but cost someone's life, they would sacrifice the persons life without a second thought


New member
Jan 27, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
Mordwyl said:
Again, I stand corrected. Money is a commodity that equates a general value to something. What most people seem to neglect is donations are just fixed sums of money and for these troubled people to get out of their rut requires a constant flow into the economy... An upkeep, so to speak.

People that need help in this manner are put in that situation by someone in power or something out of anyone's control. If that $15,000 was donated to charity they wouldn't see a cent from it. Not even from benefits.
It depends what charity you donate to
If it was badly donated like the live 8 money the all you will see is a place where the guards have new guns
If you donate to something like cancer research or RSPCC (who have to produce financial records and show the ration of money to their cause by law). Any none profit organisation is a good thing to give it to

Still, humans are greedy and selfish. If the populous can get a burger for a few pennies less but cost someone's life, they would sacrifice the persons life without a second thought
So we should up and just donate everything to charity? I mean, but your standards, we are all greedy bastards. This computer you're typing on, money could have gone to charity. The tv? Screw it, use the money for charity. Paying for the internet tv etc? Well now you're just a prick, and should use that money for charity. You know those games you love so much? You should start beating yourself with them because you could have used that money for charity. I could go on, but I can feel the guilt inside of you, so go donate to a charity.

(To be clear, this is not directed at you, just a general statement)

OT: I would have played starcraft II :p


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I don't really care if its a waste of money, it's his and he spent it how he wanted to. But oh my god that is pretty big right?!

My neck would hurt. Still, I'd like to just lay down and get absorbed in a few games with that thing!

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
awsome117 said:
The Rockerfly said:
Mordwyl said:
Again, I stand corrected. Money is a commodity that equates a general value to something. What most people seem to neglect is donations are just fixed sums of money and for these troubled people to get out of their rut requires a constant flow into the economy... An upkeep, so to speak.

People that need help in this manner are put in that situation by someone in power or something out of anyone's control. If that $15,000 was donated to charity they wouldn't see a cent from it. Not even from benefits.
It depends what charity you donate to
If it was badly donated like the live 8 money the all you will see is a place where the guards have new guns
If you donate to something like cancer research or RSPCC (who have to produce financial records and show the ration of money to their cause by law). Any none profit organisation is a good thing to give it to

Still, humans are greedy and selfish. If the populous can get a burger for a few pennies less but cost someone's life, they would sacrifice the persons life without a second thought
So we should up and just donate everything to charity? I mean, but your standards, we are all greedy bastards. This computer you're typing on, money could have gone to charity. The tv? Screw it, use the money for charity. Paying for the internet tv etc? Well now you're just a prick, and should use that money for charity. You know those games you love so much? You should start beating yourself with them because you could have used that money for charity. I could go on, but I can feel the guilt inside of you, so go donate to a charity.

(To be clear, this is not directed at you, just a general statement)

OT: I would have played starcraft II :p
First thing, stop blowing things out of proportion. There is a difference between things you need and don't

I don't have a TV
I use this computer for work (student here)
Internet is needed for work. E-mailing lectures, getting notes, assignments

Clearly if this guy is spending $15,000 on something so ridiculously trivial he has money to burn. Then again I think public health care is a good thing

I never realised how greedy so many people are


New member
Jan 27, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
First thing, stop blowing things out of proportion. There is a difference between things you need and don't

I don't have a TV
I use this computer for work (student here)
Internet is needed for work. E-mailing lectures, getting notes, assignments

Clearly if this guy is spending $15,000 on something so ridiculously trivial he has money to burn. Then again I think public health care is a good thing

I never realised how greedy so many people are
Me blowing things out of proportion? You might as well have called this guy the devil himself for what he has done.

Again, I said it wasn't direct at you. Just a general statement.

We all spend things on stuff trivial or down right useless. It's our money. We earned it. Do we not deserve to spend it how we want?

Yes, it is nice to donate to charity, it's for a good cause and all, but what about, as someone pointed out, the economy? Him spending that money goes back into the economy to fuel those who do have jobs, and possibly provide new ones. Spending on charity is nice, but only a temperary fix.

But this arguement is pointless. But just out of curisity, how often do you donate?

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
awsome117 said:
Me blowing things out of proportion? You might as well have called this guy the devil himself for what he has done.

Again, I said it wasn't direct at you. Just a general statement.

We all spend things on stuff trivial or down right useless. It's our money. We earned it. Do we not deserve to spend it how we want?

Yes, it is nice to donate to charity, it's for a good cause and all, but what about, as someone pointed out, the economy? Him spending that money goes back into the economy to fuel those who do have jobs, and possibly provide new ones. Spending on charity is nice, but only a temperary fix.

But this arguement is pointless. But just out of curisity, how often do you donate?
I don't believe in God therefore I don't believe in the devil so I an;t have called him that

I think you aren't looking at the economics of this. We all have a limited amount of income, we initially spend on necessities to keep us alive such as food and water. Now when it comes to goods that are not necessary, people spend a lot of money on products they do not need.

Now maybe if the worker were to receive a bonus from this (from say a company like John Lewis where the worker is given a percentage of the share). However in a country where human rights are as appalling as China, I do not believe that workers will be given any extra money from this man spending the money. The only person who will profit from this income is the guy already earning an obscene amount of money. What will they spend their extra money on? Trying to make the company more efficient which could potentially lead to even worse treatment on workers.

So in my eyes this man is not only not giving his money to someone who desperately needs it (which I can understand many do not want to do) but he is encouraging the poor conditions that workers are treated in China (I am also very against globalisation if you hadn't guessed)

It's a little extreme but China is an extremist country

I am a student and barely have enough money as it is. I do however work with a charity group in my uni

Look lets just agree to disagree on this, you aren't going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours. Just lately I have been the levels of greed on the Escapist and in reality to be worse than usual


New member
Jan 27, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
I don't believe in God therefore I don't believe in the devil so I an;t have called him that comment...

The Rockerfly said:
I think you aren't looking at the economics of this. We all have a limited amount of income, we initially spend on necessities to keep us alive such as food and water. Now when it comes to goods that are not necessary, people spend a lot of money on products they do not need.
Such is the reward of our labor. We do not need computers, we do not need such alaberate houses, games, toys etc. But we enjoy such things.

The Rockerfly said:
Now maybe if the worker were to receive a bonus from this (from say a company like John Lewis where the worker is given a percentage of the share). However in a country where human rights are as appalling as China, I do not believe that workers will be given any extra money from this man spending the money. The only person who will profit from this income is the guy already earning an obscene amount of money. What will they spend their extra money on? Trying to make the company more efficient which could potentially lead to even worse treatment on workers.
Or, could lead to the opening of more shops, stores etc which could lead to more workers, which could lead to more jobs and so on and so far.

The Rockerfly said:
So in my eyes this man is not only not giving his money to someone who desperately needs it (which I can understand many do not want to do) but he is encouraging the poor conditions that workers are treated in China (I am also very against globalisation if you hadn't guessed)
see point above leading to new jobs, which others desperately need.

The Rockerfly said:
It's a little extreme but China is an extremist country
Extreme is one word...

The Rockerfly said:
I am a student and barely have enough money as it is. I do however work with a charity group in my uni
Not to sound rude, but I'm sure you have some extra funds lying around.

The Rockerfly said:
Look lets just agree to disagree on this, you aren't going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours. Just lately I have been the levels of greed on the Escapist and in reality to be worse than usual
Sure why not.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
awsome117 said:
Not to sound rude, but I'm sure you have some extra funds lying around.
You've never been a student have you?
Bills £10 a week
Equipment, books etc £10 a week
Food £20 a week
Transportation back home on fridays and then back to my flat £10 a week
Plus £10 extra for anything extra which there normally always is (e.g. soap)
£60 a week easily. Which is about how much I've allowed myself out of my own savings, while I work in the holidays

It is not cheap being a student and I'm a cheap student


New member
Jan 27, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
awsome117 said:
Not to sound rude, but I'm sure you have some extra funds lying around.
You've never been a student have you?
Bills £10 a week
Equipment, books etc £10 a week
Food £20 a week
Transportation back home on fridays and then back to my flat £10 a week
Plus £10 extra for anything extra which there normally always is (e.g. soap)
£60 a week easily. Which is about how much I've allowed myself out of my own savings, while I work in the holidays

It is not cheap being a student and I'm a cheap student
Well, you don't need to spend money on trasportation. You have feet right? You don't need soap etc. And I'm sure you have extra food you don't eat.

Again, not to be rude, but these are extra, non essential things you use and such funds could be used for charity.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
awsome117 said:
Well, you don't need to spend money on trasportation. You have feet right? You don't need soap etc. And I'm sure you have extra food you don't eat.

Again, not to be rude, but these are extra, non essential things you use and such funds could be used for charity.
Train to get home
They are essentials, I need them to live

Oh I see you are taking the piss, aren't you funny


New member
Jan 27, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
awsome117 said:
Well, you don't need to spend money on trasportation. You have feet right? You don't need soap etc. And I'm sure you have extra food you don't eat.

Again, not to be rude, but these are extra, non essential things you use and such funds could be used for charity.
Train to get home
They are essentials, I need them to live

Oh I see you are taking the piss, aren't you funny
Why yes, yes I am.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
awsome117 said:
Why yes, yes I am.
Fucking beautiful, well while you take the piss out of people for believing in something I am going to get something done about it
Hope you're okay with you tiny existence


New member
Jan 27, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
awsome117 said:
Why yes, yes I am.
Fucking beautiful, well while you take the piss out of people for believing in something I am going to get something done about it
Hope you're okay with you tiny existence
lol wut.

I'm sorry if I offended you, it was a joke reply (to what I thought was a joke you made).

lol tiny existence? I suppose you think you're better (or bigger) than me? Sure, think that if you want, I'll enjoy it. But news flash: Everything is miniscule in the grand scheme of things.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I always love the comments to stories like these... So many people spouting out what this guy should do with his money. Happens EVERY time some one spends an absurd amount of money on something. *sigh*

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
awsome117 said:
I'm sorry if I offended you, it was a joke reply (to what I thought was a joke you made).

lol tiny existence? I suppose you think you're better (or bigger) than me? Sure, think that if you want, I'll enjoy it. But news flash: Everything is miniscule in the grand scheme of things.
Yeah you have offended me, I don't like you

Oh gee really? Do tell me more about you deep and new philosophy. I've never even heard of the term miniscule, I've heard of minuscule but maybe my massive ego has just allowed me to ignore such a philiosphy

I can defiantly get a better night sleep after helping someone