Chinese Gamer Gives New Meaning to "Big Screen"


New member
Jan 27, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
awsome117 said:
I'm sorry if I offended you, it was a joke reply (to what I thought was a joke you made).

lol tiny existence? I suppose you think you're better (or bigger) than me? Sure, think that if you want, I'll enjoy it. But news flash: Everything is miniscule in the grand scheme of things.
Yeah you have offended me, I don't like you

Oh gee really? Do tell me more about you deep and new philosophy. I've never even heard of the term miniscule, I've heard of minuscule but maybe my massive ego has just allowed me to ignore such a philiosphy

I can defiantly get a better night sleep after helping someone
That's fine, you don't have to like me. I sort of assumed you didn't when you said I had a tiny existence (which made me sad face :( )

So sorry, I'll have to move the "I" and the "U" so I don't make that typo again.

And you having a giant ego? I can't see such a thing...

Gratz I guess? That still doesn't say how your existence is better/bigger.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
awsome117 said:
Gratz I guess? That still doesn't say how your existence is better/bigger.
Okay let my explain then, maybe I didn't use the right words to be fair and made myself sound like an ass

Personally I think existence is what you make of it, that's why there is no true meaning of life. Some people say biologically reproducing is but tell that to gay people

I say fighting greed in this world is far more important. Over 40% of Americans are dangerously obese but there are people dying from a lack of food. People dying in there own homes because they can't afford health insurance and the medical treatment

All of these are problems that could be solved if people gave a little bit extra an corporations were taxed more. But people won't do that because they think having a TV the size of a building is much more important.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
pffpt, i can top that.

excuse me officer, could you tell me where the time square screen has its AV cords?

Acting like a FOOL

New member
Jun 7, 2010
The Rockerfly said:
Fucking disgusting if you ask me.

People are starving to death, lack of clean water and being murdered because they don't have enough money to keep gangs away and this guy spends $15,000 on a TV?

Makes me sick
it is his money. It still can be morally offensive to use this amount of resources to indulge in oneself.

you gotta fight the evils yourself to get anything done.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Acting like a FOOL said:
The Rockerfly said:
Fucking disgusting if you ask me.

People are starving to death, lack of clean water and being murdered because they don't have enough money to keep gangs away and this guy spends $15,000 on a TV?

Makes me sick
it is his money. It still can be morally offensive to use this amount of resources to indulge in oneself.

you gotta fight the evils yourself to get anything done.
Been over this before go see other posts in this thread

Acting like a FOOL

New member
Jun 7, 2010
The Rockerfly said:
awsome117 said:
Me blowing things out of proportion? You might as well have called this guy the devil himself for what he has done.

Again, I said it wasn't direct at you. Just a general statement.

We all spend things on stuff trivial or down right useless. It's our money. We earned it. Do we not deserve to spend it how we want?

Yes, it is nice to donate to charity, it's for a good cause and all, but what about, as someone pointed out, the economy? Him spending that money goes back into the economy to fuel those who do have jobs, and possibly provide new ones. Spending on charity is nice, but only a temperary fix.

But this arguement is pointless. But just out of curisity, how often do you donate?
I don't believe in God therefore I don't believe in the devil so I an;t have called him that

I think you aren't looking at the economics of this. We all have a limited amount of income, we initially spend on necessities to keep us alive such as food and water. Now when it comes to goods that are not necessary, people spend a lot of money on products they do not need.

Now maybe if the worker were to receive a bonus from this (from say a company like John Lewis where the worker is given a percentage of the share). However in a country where human rights are as appalling as China, I do not believe that workers will be given any extra money from this man spending the money. The only person who will profit from this income is the guy already earning an obscene amount of money. What will they spend their extra money on? Trying to make the company more efficient which could potentially lead to even worse treatment on workers.

So in my eyes this man is not only not giving his money to someone who desperately needs it (which I can understand many do not want to do) but he is encouraging the poor conditions that workers are treated in China (I am also very against globalisation if you hadn't guessed)

It's a little extreme but China is an extremist country

I am a student and barely have enough money as it is. I do however work with a charity group in my uni

Look lets just agree to disagree on this, you aren't going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours. Just lately I have been the levels of greed on the Escapist and in reality to be worse than usual
if you're against global development what is your solution to world poverty? people need goods and services to live,and they need more than just possession of them. they need the agency and the freedom to manage those resources and allow them to be allocated to the necessary areas as efficiently as possible.

to recognize an issue like this requires the moralist/intellectual character to see that poverty is a problem,but actually solving physical injustices in real time requires the Character of the ENGINEER.
Moral motivations for action are the greatest gears in the machine of history but the potency of if it all is in the results of those actions. it is good to have a moral plan of action, but one must beware of the unrequited righteousness met by those with plans of action that fail to survive the process Practical Selection a.k.a Trial-and-Error.

True Justice manifests as the conception of a just intention surviving to bear good results through effective action.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Acting like a FOOL said:
if you're against global development what is your solution to world poverty? people need goods and services to live,and they need more than just possession of them. they need the agency and the freedom to manage those resources and allow them to be allocated to the necessary areas as efficiently as possible.

to recognize an issue like this requires the moralist/intellectual character to see that poverty is a problem,but actually solving physical injustices in real time requires the Character of the ENGINEER.
Moral motivations for action are the greatest gears in the machine of history but the potency of if it all is in the results of those actions. it is good to have a moral plan of action, but one must beware of the unrequited righteousness met by those with plans of action that fail to survive the process Practical Selection a.k.a Trial-and-Error.

True Justice manifests as the conception of a just intention surviving to bear good results through effective action.
My solution is to go out there and get something done rather than poring money into useless consumer goods and wasting your personal time. You have maybe a week off from work what do you do? Laze about doing nothing
Maybe someone else would but I go down to the soup kitchen and see if they need any volunteers

If everyone did even an hour a week of community service then the world would be a better place. A considerably better place

You could also argue that a moral problem should be managed and calculations should be a consideration, not a final say.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
*sprinkles belladonna on this thread then walks away muttering something about thread necromancers*