Could Nintendo go third-party?


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Could they? I mean, with how poorly the Wii U is selling, and how many third parties are abandoning it (including possibly Ubisoft), I don't see any point in Nintendo making another console. I think the next console will be a handheld/console hybrid.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Nope. The 3DS alone is keeping them afloat, not to mention all the money they made from Previous Generations (They've only lost money Once, in 2011) that equates to roughly 32 Billion Dollars. Plus, the WiiU might look grim now, but come Christmas it's going to sell, thanks to combination of many appealing First Party Exclusives (From Pikmin 3 to Super Mario 3D World, and everything in between).

Nintendo ain't going 3rd Party any time soon.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
the amount of money they would need to lose would have to be astronomical. Furthermore, let's face it, Nintendo have sent their critics packing THREE times in a row. They lambasted the DS and now it's the highest-selling system of all time. They said motion control was a gimmick and the Wii completely decimated its competition. They said the 3DS would be DOA within six months and then Nintendo embarrassed them again. You'd think after ALL that that journalists and gamers would learn that things are never predictable.

They're not going third party this gen or next gen and I very much doubt they're going handheld only.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Nope, I'm one of those gamers who would like that though, but my Logic is selfish really.

Looking at my trophy list 90% of the games I've played this gen have been multiplatform releases (PS360) and not on wii, and I simply don't want to buy 2 consoles for the 2-3 Nintendo exclusives that interest me.

But, Am I the only one who thinks Nintendo would make a fortune releasing Pokemon gens 1,2 and 3 on Iphone and Android? maybe enable trading between them?


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
To be quite frank it is an absolute mystery that Microsoft is still in the video game race.
Seriously, they have been in a deficit for nearly a decade only now just getting out of it.

Sony is seeing hard times too.
They just had to sell their headquarters in the United States. (they have two from what I heard so I don't know if it was both or one.)
Lucky for them they have managed to finally turn a profit and it seems the PS4 will be good to them.

Nintendo is very fine. In fact they are luxurious.
The amount of money they made on the Wii will keep them comfy for decades to come.
They are also a company that don't waste frivolously on ridiculous expenses.
For a company with so much money in the bank they still make the cheapest of consoles and make the most out of it with often "A" grade results.
This is also ignoring the fact that the third party support they DO have are also widely acclaimed in the game industry. Platnium Games have become pretty buddy buddy with Nintendo recently. I can understand Bayonetta 2, but perhaps Nintendo funding the game meant a whole lot more to Platnium than we know about. Especially if their next game is YET AGAIN a console exclusive.

Could they go third party?
Would it make them more money than it is now?

And honestly third party support is starting to become more and more irrelevant than anything. Of all the third party support they get, how many of them are actually a breath of fresh air? How many of them are new genres?
Not that many.
Nintendo on the other hand has now started to see the importance of indie games and have searched and recruited many of the most creative indie games I've seen this gen.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
If other platforms played Nintendo games, there would literally be no reason to buy Nintendo consoles. So long as they keep their games, people will keep buying their consoles.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
The only reason the WiiU is struggling is due to lack of games, and even as someone who's constantly berated Nintendo for its lack of games on the WiiU, even I have made plans of picking the console up sometime within the next year due to the numerous and probably strong upcoming releases. The 3DS was in a similar situation at its release, and look where it is now. Really, the only reason game journalists keep beating on the "Nintendo is doomed" drum is because it makes for sensationalist, provocative headlines that bring in the views and money that goes along with it.

As for third-party support, it won't go there. Nintendo has made it very, very clear that they intend to remain first-party with all their games. Not only does it help sell their consoles, but it also gives them greater control over the experience of those games. Until they are forced out of the console market, which they're the most financially secure of everyone currently in the market right now, then it seems unlikely they'd even consider it.

Anthony Corrigan

New member
Jul 28, 2011
Dragonbums said:
To be quite frank it is an absolute mystery that Microsoft is still in the video game race.
Seriously, they have been in a deficit for nearly a decade only now just getting out of it.

Sony is seeing hard times too.
They just had to sell their headquarters in the United States. (they have two from what I heard so I don't know if it was both or one.)
Lucky for them they have managed to finally turn a profit and it seems the PS4 will be good to them.

Nintendo is very fine. In fact they are luxurious.
The amount of money they made on the Wii will keep them comfy for decades to come.
They are also a company that don't waste frivolously on ridiculous expenses.
For a company with so much money in the bank they still make the cheapest of consoles and make the most out of it with often "A" grade results.
This is also ignoring the fact that the third party support they DO have are also widely acclaimed in the game industry. Platnium Games have become pretty buddy buddy with Nintendo recently. I can understand Bayonetta 2, but perhaps Nintendo funding the game meant a whole lot more to Platnium than we know about. Especially if their next game is YET AGAIN a console exclusive.

Could they go third party?
Would it make them more money than it is now?

And honestly third party support is starting to become more and more irrelevant than anything. Of all the third party support they get, how many of them are actually a breath of fresh air? How many of them are new genres?
Not that many.
Nintendo on the other hand has now started to see the importance of indie games and have searched and recruited many of the most creative indie games I've seen this gen.
Microsoft don't need to make money from the retail market, the fact that windows 8 was a flop and the xbone looked like flopping aparently makes no difference to them in the slightest because they still make massive profits from the business side

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I wouldn't worry about Nintendo third party anytime soon. I think I said this in other threads on the subject, but there's a much higher chance of Microsoft leaving the console race sooner rather than Nintendo. Even Sony as a whole is doing fairly poorly, although the video game division is one of their more profitable ventures, so I don't see them dropping out anytime soon.

Nintendo could last for at least two or three more mediocre selling consoles before bowing out of the console race. Plus despite all the previous doom saying, the 3DS bounced back, and is really successful at the moment.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I could maybe see them going entirely handheld and ditching home consoles, but Nintendo has never failed to be insanely profitable with a handheld. (Virtual Boy isn't a handheld, or a home console. It's its own unique category)
I would love an entirely handheld Nintendo, as I love my 3DS and am ambivalent on the WiiU.


New member
May 7, 2009
Could Nintendo go third -party? Yes.

Could it rain bananas tomorrow? Yes.

I wouldn't hold my breath for either.


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
VG_Addict said:
Could they? I think the next console will be a handheld/console hybrid.
I think you're confused. "Could" is an ill replacement for the appropriate "will", which is irrelevant because Nintendo is standing firm without presenting any worthwhile games on gaming-capable systems that the company does not provide. Now, "should" Nintendo go third party, at least partly for games like Pokemon?
I sure wish it would, but we don't live in a perfect world where absolutely everything one could want in a portable device is in one small contraption, now do we?

And Nintendo's newest console IS a console/handheld hybrid, and it will most likely have some connections with Nintendo's newest actual portable system.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
They COULD because they have all the cash cow games that would sell on any system.

They WON'T because they have all the cash cow games that would sell on any system.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Yes they easily could and as much as I'd love to see them do so. I doubt they will any time soon.

I haven't bought a new Nintendo product since Super Mario Galaxy.
And my reasoning is pretty much the same song and dance as a lot of folks. I simply don't want to pay to buy a brand new console just to play the 4 or 5 games that would be worth my time.

However, the Wii did teach me one thing. If Nintendo were to launch a cheap box that was essentially nothing but a virtual console machine with an expanded library I would gladly pay for it. The only good thing I can say about the Wii is that it saved me a bunch of time when it came to plugging in my old NES and SNES consoles and fidgeting with the connectors and adapters whenever I felt like playing some of my old games.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
While I'd love to see Nintendo go third-party and start shopping out all their legendary IPs (seriously, I'd really enjoy playing me some Mario, Zelda, and/or Metroid but I have no desire to buy a Wii to do that), I highly doubt it'll ever come to that.

If Nintendo truly ever comes to such dire straights that they need to abandon the console world, they'll more than likely just focus on what's been their bread'n'butter for a long time now: handhelds.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Someone who actually sees the light and that Nintendo is not some old dog waiting to be put out of its misery. People were saying that the Wii U was gonna be the next Dreamcast in that it was a novel console with good games but flopped thanks to third parties backing out. They say that it failed because EA abandoned it which is what they have claimed to do with the Wii U so people are screaming that this is the end for the Nintendo's consoles. I on the other hand see other things.

While there is that "Dreamcast Storm" brewing there is also that "3DS Storm" brewing. In the next 2 years Nintendo will begin launching their first party titles which between just Mario and Zelda alone they make a profit. After that you got the Bayonetta franchise which was a terrific game, has from what I can tell and avid fan base, and a lot of potential to grow. Next you have the Wonderful 101 which is the first game to actually try and use the game pad in a novel way with the game. Not to mention its a new IP from Platinum Games and with Bayonetta under their belt those guys seem to know what they are doing. Lastly you have the virtual market which became a thing thanks to Steam popularizing the concept and the Big Three each making their own version of it.

In the virtual market Nintendo has the added benefit of having literally some of the greatest games ever made in their library. They can release classics which people will pay through the nose to play and being that most of their fan base has grown up and may now even have families you can bet your ass some of them are gonna buy those classics and introduce them to their kids (like I will when I have a family) and thus you have yet another set of brand spanking new fans that can grow up on your net and old stuff.

Plus they now see the benefit of indie games and are actually reaching out to them. While I don't know where to find who they are making deals with I do know this. Microsoft is the only one out of the several indie outlets that won't let you self publish and that is gonna kill them long term I think. With indie games being available on a slick and quick virtual market on THE biggest and most influential companies console a lot of indie devs are gonna get some well deserved recognition (prays I'm one of them some day lol). Also I saw a pretty insightful video made by one Bob Chipman. Yes moviebob as the internet knows him. His actual big thing for those who don't know is the Game Overthinker. While some points you may not agree with he has about 85 episodes and all of them are very insightful analysis of gaming culture, markets, behavior etc. I promise he did not pay me to plug him in here. To the point his 85th episode I believe it was are his reactions to E3 2013 and he pointed out something very odd about Nintendo. While they are clearly the "Disney" of video games in that they could swallow up whatever they want, they don't. While EA and Activision buy up dev after dev Nintendo doesn't really. Sure it has Capcom and Sega under its belt but I can't think of many others. He put it as this. While most businesses expand to the point of bursting and eventually go out of business Nintendo is in the business of never going out of business.

Also you have to give them credit. The President just refused to lay off several thousand employees because he didn't want team moral damaged despite pressure from investors. Short term losses long term profit no? Gotta give him credit enough for that :)


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Nintendo could go third-party in the sense it's possible for the company to do without dying and lots of people would really enjoy it, because they finally get to play some Mario games without paying $300 for a console that does mario games and nothing else.

But is it feasible that the company would do that? Not really. The Wii U won't flop, it will sit at Gamecube levels of failure at worst because they've still got their franchises to pull round their dedicated fanbase who are completely used to having to buy a second console if they want a wider selection of games by now. And Nintendo can more than afford to withstand a Wii U flop in the same way they withstood the relatively low sales of many of their previous consoles.

They have an awful amount of ground to catch up, but there's no reason why they can't do it. 5 years is a long time, and they can probably sell the Wii 2 to the casual crowd again when it reaches that point. I wouldn't even consider them out of the race with the Wii U yet.

And they have the 3DS as people said, and as a company, I think they're too stubborn to do something like this.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
I heard that third parties already have trouble competing with Nintendo's games. If Nintendo put their games on all platforms, I predict a lot of devs would go out of business.