Microsoft don't need to make money from the retail market, the fact that windows 8 was a flop and the xbone looked like flopping aparently makes no difference to them in the slightest because they still make massive profits from the business sideDragonbums said:To be quite frank it is an absolute mystery that Microsoft is still in the video game race.
Seriously, they have been in a deficit for nearly a decade only now just getting out of it.
Sony is seeing hard times too.
They just had to sell their headquarters in the United States. (they have two from what I heard so I don't know if it was both or one.)
Lucky for them they have managed to finally turn a profit and it seems the PS4 will be good to them.
Nintendo is very fine. In fact they are luxurious.
The amount of money they made on the Wii will keep them comfy for decades to come.
They are also a company that don't waste frivolously on ridiculous expenses.
For a company with so much money in the bank they still make the cheapest of consoles and make the most out of it with often "A" grade results.
This is also ignoring the fact that the third party support they DO have are also widely acclaimed in the game industry. Platnium Games have become pretty buddy buddy with Nintendo recently. I can understand Bayonetta 2, but perhaps Nintendo funding the game meant a whole lot more to Platnium than we know about. Especially if their next game is YET AGAIN a console exclusive.
Could they go third party?
Would it make them more money than it is now?
And honestly third party support is starting to become more and more irrelevant than anything. Of all the third party support they get, how many of them are actually a breath of fresh air? How many of them are new genres?
Not that many.
Nintendo on the other hand has now started to see the importance of indie games and have searched and recruited many of the most creative indie games I've seen this gen.
I think you're confused. "Could" is an ill replacement for the appropriate "will", which is irrelevant because Nintendo is standing firm without presenting any worthwhile games on gaming-capable systems that the company does not provide. Now, "should" Nintendo go third party, at least partly for games like Pokemon?VG_Addict said:Could they? I think the next console will be a handheld/console hybrid.