Counter-Strike Cheater Stabbed in Brain


New member
Apr 10, 2009
I'll tell you what the lasting repercussions are... he wont cheat ever again.

But in all seriousness, that is too far... but whats done is done and maybe some of the many cheaters will think twice about cheating now.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
The moral of the story is Don't Cheat. It would have been funnier if it was a backstab.

De Ronneman

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Isn't this an urban myth?
What kid walks around with a 30 cm long blade? How the hell is he skilled enough to drive it in the brain through a skull, all the way to the handle? How did we get access to the X-ray?

Probably just some "ooh, see, games are violent!" thingy, by a photoshopping dimwit...


New member
Aug 1, 2008
antigodoflife said:
Guessing where the knife is, it didn't touch his frontal lobe, so his personality is fine, i'd be worried about his sensories.
Although guessing based on a single X-ray image is sketchy at best, have one more look at the scan. All I can tell is that it's in his frontal and/or parietal lobe, so I disagree with your assessment that his personality is fine (he's a cheater, after all...ha!). Personality is a tough thing to judge from just an X-ray.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
John Funk said:
Counter-Strike Cheater Stabbed in Brain

A 17-year-old Chinese boy was stabbed in the head with a knife during a fight that erupted over cheating in a match of Counter-Strike.

Counter-Strike is apparently very serious business. A game of the classic Half-Life mod turned near-deadly when a group of youths playing at an internet cafe in the province of Jilin in northern China noticed that the 17-year-old boy who was their opponent was using wall-hacks. A scuffle broke out between the accused hacker and his victims, and it turned violent - and at the end of it all, the hacker had a 30cm (~11.8in) knife through his head. The assailants fled the scene shortly after.

The boy was rushed to a hospital, where doctors decided to operate immediately. Miraculously, he survived through the operation: According to medical staff, the knife avoided major arteries that could have resulted in a fatal hemorrhage, and it also missed damaging any of the parts of the brain that deal with the body's motor control. On the other hand, it's still a foot-long blade going through the kid's brain, so while he may be alive it's impossible to think that there won't be any lasting repercussions.

However, after extracting the knife after a grueling 10-hour surgery, the doctors noticed that the blade was rusty, and so are keeping the youth under close watch in case the rust causes complications.

The internet cafe in question was reportedly popular amongst youth for not requiring ID, something that is common as China's internet laws grow increasingly draconian. With this incident drawing international attention, though, it's almost a sure bet that the owners and operators of this particular wang ba will probably find themselves in hot water.

I think we can all agree that cheaters should be punished, and knifing people in Counter-Strike is nothing new in itself, but this is taking it a bit too far.

(GamePolitics [])

oh snap! srs bssness right there.

but really? couldn't they just tea-bag him and call it even?


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I think this makes me a bad person, but I laughed. A H4x0r got stabbed in the brain and he lives? Well, that is very very very very very very very very very very very very lucky. I mean LUCKY. Another thing, why the hell did he bring,let alone how he hide, a footlong knife!? Although quite over-board, a lesson to all you haxxers out there. Quite dicking around, find some skills or get a homemade labotomy. [sub]So long the "lesson" part of his brain still works. What if the culprit was a labotomist and was trying to remove the cheating part of his brain?... Why is this sub so long? [/sub]

Tank207 said:
It could have been worse... someone could have thrown a computer monitor or two at his head while yelling "Haaaaax!"
I'm pretty sure a knife is worse. Although it really depends on the computer. But yeah a knife is worse.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
What the FUCKING HELL?! Go China! Fuckin' psycho's. This is what happens when you play Counter Strike. You stab a ************ in the head.

When I get to work I'm pulling every copy we have and use our networked xbox's into one giant multi-player and watching my customers stab each-other in the heads.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
PoisonUnagi said:
ma55ter_fett said:
This is painfully ironic

"Games don't cause violence!"

case and point^
Gotta realise that this happens about once every two months. Michael Atkinsons is exaggerating, don't take the side of propaganda.
I really should edit my post with [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] tags, seeing as so many people can't detect sarcasm otherwise.

thegreatmilenko said:
ma55ter_fett said:
This is painfully ironic

"Games don't cause violence!"

case and point^
Well sombodys a queer
And he quoted my post, really I'm flattered that you chose my quoted post to come out of the closet in.

Not sure if this means your coming on to me, but if it does then you should know that I don't roll that way.

Sorry for breaking your heart buddy.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
I was cringing while reading this, the kid was stabbed in the HEAD through his entire skull into his BRAIN. The X-Ray photos didn't help either and I was further disgusted upon learning that the knife that went through HIS HEAD was a RUSTY KNIFE!!!!

This is going to make a bad name for all the kids in China just trying to play video games without being persecuted and being sent off to concentration style "Internet Addiction Camps". It's too bad a story like this is only going to re-affirm the Chinese governments position that the Internet and video games are bad news.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
Jesus fuckmothering Christ! I know I have heard people say "I'm gonna stab you in the head." But that might be taking it just a little bit too far.....


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Jesus Christ, this was at an Internet Cafe? Where did they get a knife that huge? Why would the asshole get so angry that he would even pick up the knife? Why was the knife rusty? It's as if the guy who stabbed him brought it with him just in case!

Why would the kid who got stabbed allow the fight to go that far anyway? Is the assaulter on meds or something? Well, obviously he didnt take them that morning if he was. Jeez...


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Y'know, its shit like this that gives gamers a bad name. Stabbing someone in a game is one thing, but actually doing it in real life is another....LET ALONE IN THE BRAIN! I hope this kide makes a full recovery and that the assholes who did this are found and severely punished for this. I'm not talking about years in prison, I'm talking about life with no parol what-so-ever, maybe stab the one responsible so he knows how it feels.


New member
May 15, 2008
That's got to be some serious force to drive a knife through the skull and into the brain.

Although I am loath to use the word, it's almost a "miracle" that the kid survived that. He is very, very lucky he is alive, even if he won't be the same anymore.

Tell you what, he won't cheat ever again, will he?

[sup]Okay, that was probably bad of me...[/sup]


New member
Nov 6, 2008
TheNamlessGuy said:
I can just see the media somehow making this games fault.

Oh well...
Turned my channel to "Fox News" I shall wait and tell when it comes.
Yeah, though that's horrible.