So we have two Disney princess threads at the moment. Some comments have centered around them being cynical cash grabs. Which I think is true.
How is THIS cynical cash grab any different from Disney's normal MO? They really like copying things. The new Aladdin feels like a cash grab. So does the old one. The 90s Little Mermaid feels as much of a cash grab as this new one coming.
Even a story that iterates, like Hamlet/Lion King or Snow Queen/ Frozen, are probably more reliant on catchy songs than actual story telling. Which seems pretty cynical to me.
Cynical cash grabs is the standard for movies based on design of Capitalism. So why are these current movirs being decried so much? When does a cash grab transform into a classic?
How is THIS cynical cash grab any different from Disney's normal MO? They really like copying things. The new Aladdin feels like a cash grab. So does the old one. The 90s Little Mermaid feels as much of a cash grab as this new one coming.
Even a story that iterates, like Hamlet/Lion King or Snow Queen/ Frozen, are probably more reliant on catchy songs than actual story telling. Which seems pretty cynical to me.
Cynical cash grabs is the standard for movies based on design of Capitalism. So why are these current movirs being decried so much? When does a cash grab transform into a classic?