Dangerous High School Girls Pulled For "Rape" Scene

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Dangerous High School Girls Pulled For "Rape" Scene

Indie game Dangerous High School Girls In Trouble has been pulled from Big Fish Games, a casual games portal, for an implied rape scene deemed inappropriate according to the site's standards.

wrote [http://www.mousechief.com/dhsg/index.html].

The "graphic detail" described by Big Fish, however, seems to be fairly minor. Keith Nemitz, the lead designer of the game, responded by quoting the scene in question: "(person's name) overlooks her unconscious form, trousers dropped to his ankles. Nail marks and bites on his arms seep red." Maintaining that "no rape actually occurs in the game," Nemitz explained that in the scene the protagonist end up shooting the attacker before he can do anything and ultimately save their friend. "Yes, it is emotionally intense, but no more so than a similar event in the movie The Journey of Natty Gann [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089385/] from Walt Disney pictures," Nemitz said.

Thelan maintained that the removal of the game is not an act of "censoring content" but a "judgment call" that had nothing to do with whether or not the scene was family-friendly but simply because it wasn't the kind of thing Big Fish Games represents as a brand. He also admitted that the scene was "not spotted by our testers prior to release," though, according to Nemitz, "everyone who plays will eventually encounter it, as it is a plot element critical for the ending of the game."

User reaction to the removal of the game has been split. "Games, movies, and tv always get ruined with gutter type stuff in my opinion," user Rose247 wrote. "I did not notice any women in the credits of who worked on this game, so maybe that's why the game went dark." What's "gutter type stuff" for one gamer might contain a valuable life lesson for another, though. "[The scene] is a striking event that reminds one that women (and men) are not safe, unless they are prepared to defend themselves and others," Ewonka wrote. "It's a message I would want to teach my older children, to respect the real troubles in the world, to prepare for but not fear them."

Dangerous High School Girls In Trouble is still available directly from its official site.

[Via Rock, Paper, Shotgun [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2009/02/18/dangerous-high-school-girls-in-trouble-in-trouble/]]



New member
Feb 19, 2009
Didn't the Silent Hill series have some kind of rape scene in it too?
Actually, why stop at rape: let's ban Street Fighter IV, it has violence against women.

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
ark123 said:
Didn't the Silent Hill series have some kind of rape scene in it too?
Uh yeah, but that was a dude with a giant steel pyramid on his head who was dressed like a butcher raping a barely animate thing that was made of two sets of mannequin legs stuck together, so I don't know if it really counts.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Wow... 'implied violent rape of a woman in graphic detail' is it even sure at what it's trying to say? I think this is a "moral stampede" rather than looking at whether it's appropriate or not. To be honest I think the culture here is a little too conservative, and you're not exposed to anything that could ever possibly and remotely be looked upon as a negative influence. Whatever happened to the freedom of an art form or speech?

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
ark123 said:
Didn't the Silent Hill series have some kind of rape scene in it too?
Actually, why stop at rape: let's ban Street Fighter IV, it has violence against women.
Between the walking vaginas and zombie nurses who spread their legs at you whenever you walk by, yeah I'd say their rip off from Blue Velvet deserves special mention too.
Feb 13, 2008
That's total bull.

Alter Ego, published in 1986, was a life simulator where you made certain choices.

One scene is where a man pulls over and asks you to get in the car with him.
Choose wrong and you end the game, and your life. And there's a reasonably graphic insinuation of what's just happened to the young you.

DHSG is as "nice" as a game can be without being realistic.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
Is it even possible to imply something in graphic detail? A minor point but I'm being picky today.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
The "graphic detail" described by Big Fish, however, seems to be fairly minor. Keith Nemitz, the lead designer of the game, responded by quoting the scene in question: "(person's name) overlooks her unconscious form, trousers dropped to his ankles. Nail marks and bites on his arms seep red." Maintaining that "no rape actually occurs in the game," Nemitz explained that in the scene the protagonist end up shooting the attacker before he can do anything and ultimately save their friend. "Yes, it is emotionally intense, but no more so than a similar event in the movie The Journey of Natty Gann from Walt Disney pictures," Nemitz said.

Thelan maintained that the removal e okul [http://www.e-okulbilgilendirme.com] of the game is not an act of "censoring content" but a "judgment call" that had nothing to do with whether or not the scene was family-friendly but simply because it wasn't the kind of thing Big Fish Games represents as a brand. He also admitted that the scene was "not spotted by our testers prior to release," though, according to Nemitz, "everyone who plays will eventually encounter it, as it is a plot element critical for the ending of the game."


New member
Sep 3, 2008
ark123 said:
Didn't the Silent Hill series have some kind of rape scene in it too?
Actually, why stop at rape: let's ban Street Fighter IV, it has violence against women.
Mutual brawling doesn't count


New member
Feb 25, 2008
ark123 said:
Didn't the Silent Hill series have some kind of rape scene in it too?
Yeah, but I don't think anyone's marketed Silent Hill as family friendly... yet.

This seems somewhat of an over reaction though.