Dark Souls was plenty accessible. It was challenging, yes, but enemies showed a pattern and it could be learned. But, whatever, hold it up as the beacon of hardcore gamership, lads, I'm sure that'll impress the ladies and/or handsome young men.
Stupid thing to apologise for. Stupid thing to get upset over. But here's what I would appreciate - let's have a hard game that makes me WANT to win. Sticking me in a world that I know fuck all about and telling me I have to ring two bells in places I've not only never heard of, I don't know where they are, is not going to immerse me in a game. I get a little further, I discover some things. Still nothing to make me think this character has any motivation or drive.
I get it. I'm undead and that's criminal or some shit. Why does that matter when EVERYBODY. IS. FUCKING. DEAD.
Stupid thing to apologise for. Stupid thing to get upset over. But here's what I would appreciate - let's have a hard game that makes me WANT to win. Sticking me in a world that I know fuck all about and telling me I have to ring two bells in places I've not only never heard of, I don't know where they are, is not going to immerse me in a game. I get a little further, I discover some things. Still nothing to make me think this character has any motivation or drive.
I get it. I'm undead and that's criminal or some shit. Why does that matter when EVERYBODY. IS. FUCKING. DEAD.